Technology is inevitable “Once a new technology rolls over you, if you're not part of the steamroller, you're part of the road.”
What will do for you A web and mobile phone based solution which allows the leader to inform, communicate, share and have interface with 80% of his electorate including computer-illiterate rural people. It is leaders personal information and communication platform
For the whole world your website in English
Website in local language And for your constituency your website in local language
Proof that you are doing things for them. Photos Proof that you are doing things for them.
Show people your videos or let them listen to your speeches Videos and Audios Show people your videos or let them listen to your speeches
Landmarks of your career Make paper cuttings of past achievements immortal.
Exhibit documents justifying your stand and acknowledging your work.
Improve image Tell people about yourself, your work & listen to their problems and suggestions.
Build stronger relation with your constituency Tell all development work happening in the constituency. Ask for support. Make Fans. Show your concern for the constituency.
Take credit for all development work in your constituency You represent people. They chose you to oversee all development happening in their constituency. Inform every development work happening in your constituency Let people know about it. It is your responsibility. Fulfill it.
Put all you are doing for the constituency on the website As people’s representative you are always doing things for your constituency. Health camps, tree-plantation, small industrial units, non farm sector, child education, drinking water, immunization, everything. Whatever you do, let people know. Keep putting new matter on the website.
Send Letters through email This is the age of instant mail. Send it across the world, in a flash and get a reply in a minute. Get a mail address on the internet through
Call Centre for Incoming calls Your get a unique website based virtual phone and a call centre When someone calls on that number he can hear, in your voice, about you and your achievements. People may also give suggestions, complaints , opinions and support A direct connect with your vote bank.
Use website to reach all mobile users in your constituency Use your website to send text and voice SMS to your people. Let them download your speeches, ringtones & photos for their mobile phones.
Call Centre for Out Bound Calls Reach out to people like these of your constituency and win their hearts. Send them best wishes, share their festivals, ask them for their advise in your own voice and be in touch with them.
Your Office on If you are very busy or technology is too new for you we can provide a person at who will provide all assistance to you. Take your call, receive your email and take complaints, suggestions from your constituency, Make the technology your slave.
Deewane Khas - Kabhi bhi, Kahin bhi One call to your call centre AND get connected to your chosen groups of people immediately. Be it the group of your constituency’s government officials, staunch supporters advisors or your party colleagues - all are available to you at the push of a single button.
Live Web Cast The most unique feature of your website enables you to address your people live through your website. Announce your program or make it a routine. Ask people to log on your website to see and hear you. Reach out to your youth support.
Live Web Streaming Be at one event and be seen at 100 . Best suited for elections. When time is short and you have to address every one of the constituency. Giant screens, Great Audios system and live video streaming by the global best.
Awards for Good work done in Constituency Now your good work will not go unrewarded. Several awards for the best Janpratinidhi has been instituted. It acknowledges the good work of the Janpratinidhi. Imagine yourself winning an award from the people for your good work.
Have your supporters with you on the websites With you can let the whole world know that from every religion, caste and class people are with you. Let them proclaim their allegiance and immense loyalty to you. Acknowledge their contribution to your success .
Your own Media Centre gives you, your own media centre. Put all Press releases and video news clips which you wish to send to the media in the media centre and it is e-mailed to all Media Houses. Your developmental activities, your photographs, events, speeches, press releases, travel calendar and video for both newspaper and TV channels. Let your news travel all over the world.
CD of your website Your every effort for nation building and developing your constituency is all on your website will make an audio-visual CD of your entire website with all the documents, pictures, videos and events etc. We will add music and voice narration to the CD to be displayed at any public or private gathering or meeting.
Instant survey in constituency Know the mind of your people. Instant public opinion, mid-term performance survey, public stand on crucial issues all may be done in a few days by the best and most respected survey agency of the country. With an exclusive tie-up with you get the most reliable report at fraction of the cost
Find Indians from your constituency who have settled abroad They are the people who wish well for your constituency. puts you in touch with them. Reach out to them, seek their contribution in developing the constituency. Assure them about the safety and security of their people and property in the constituency. Make your presence global without leaving your constituency.
Use during Election Campaigns Reach out to your supporters especially the rural and urban youth. Make online supporters and fans. Put all your publicity material , jingles, video clips on the net for your supporters and fans to download and print Talk to them through the social network Send bulk SMS and emails and phone calls to your people. Reach out to them through live webcast and live web streaming. Publicly display your Audio Video CD and showcase your good work
Preserve your past, share your present and ensure your future Let change the way world looks at you. And let change you for the modern times of today’s politics Contact immediately at 9910235810 Or email at
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