Answering the Methods Questions
Question 1 Question 2 Outline and explain… Paragraph 1 includes: outline the general characteristics of the method paragraph 2 includes: link to a theoretical perspective: what sort of sociologist is likely to use a social survey and why? paragraph 3 includes: relating knowledge to the item/context – use opportunity to discuss a relevant key/less key concept [e.g. a sampling point or operationalisation] Question 2 Outline and assess… paragraph 3 includes: relating knowledge to the item/context – use opportunity to discuss a relevant key/less key concept [e.g. operationalisation] A further paragraph of development/new point is optional dependent upon the length of the 3rd paragraph Paragraph 4 includes: evaluation – general one contrasting the theoretical link made in paragraph 2 With 5 & 6 you may need to be flexible – you may only use 5 and really develop the point, or you may use briefer versions of both Paragraph 5 includes: evaluation – a more specific one linked to the context/source and ‘key concepts’ and probably derived from theory Paragraph 6 includes: evaluation – miscellaneous points of interest [probably from ‘less key concepts’