How does maths help us when we are not in school? Maths in Everyday life How does maths help us when we are not in school?
What is maths? What skills do we learn in maths?
How many can we think of? Numbers Shape, Space & Measure Being able to buy the right quantities of things so everyone has enough – tickets, food, sweets. Knowing how to make fair groups when we are playing Counting how many pieces are in a game so we don’t lose any Knowing if new furniture will fit into a room Working out how long a meal will take to cook. Knowing when to start so it will be ready on time. Working out how much fuel we need for journey, how much that will cost and how long it will take us to get there.
Cooking in the kitchen We thought about all the maths skills we would use in the kitchen cooking a meal. We were surprised by how many we could think of! Working in the kitchen requires a wide range of mathematical knowledge, including but not limited to: Measuring ingredients to follow a recipe multiplying / dividing fractions to account for more or less than a single batch converting a recipe from Celsius to Fahrenheit converting a recipe from metric (mL) to US standard units (teaspoon, tablespoon, cups) calculating cooking time per each item and adjusting accordingly calculating pounds per hour of required cooking time understanding ratios and proportions, particularly in baking (ex. the recipe calls for 1 egg and 2 cups of flour, then the ratio of eggs to flour is 1:2).
How many more things can you think of when you are at home? What maths can you find in these rooms? The ideas are endless – mats is rooted in most things that we do! Working hard ta maths will makes so many things easier – work and play!