coaching & progressive discipline Presented by: Tali Palmrose, Birth & Beyond Project Manager
introductions Please introduce yourself to the group Name Site/Agency/County Role in AmeriCorps What do you hope to learn from this session?
Coaching/progressive discipline AmeriCorps members cannot be treated in the same way as “at will” employees. AmeriCorps members are under a contract to provide service and there is no employer/employee relationship.
Coaching/progressive discipline Under NO circumstance can a supervisor, Service Site, or Lead Agency take action to dismiss an AmeriCorps member from their contracted term of service without authorization from the CAP Center. “No Termination without Communication”
Documentation It is highly recommended & best practice to document all conversations with members (i.e., supervisions, coaching sessions, informal conversations, and progressive discipline.)
Documentation Documentation demonstrates: a pattern of behavior a timeline of interventions evidence that supervisor has made the member aware of unacceptable behavior or situations provides a record of what behavioral changes the supervisor has requested and how long the member has to make these changes
Follow Up The ultimate goal is to correct the unacceptable behavior or situation, and improve the member’s performance. It is recommended and best practice to work closely with the member to ensure a positive outcome.
Follow Up Coaching/Progressive Discipline is a process, not a single meeting or document. It requires staying involved until the situation is resolved and/or the behavior has been corrected.
coaching Coaching focuses on building upon the member’s strengths, help them improve their performance, and develop problem solving skills. Supervisor’s role is to provide an environment that supports learning, development, and continual improvement
coaching Objectives accomplished through coaching: Improvement on individual & program performance. Member capacity is developed.
Performance improvement plan Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) is a useful tool to help members move toward a desired performance outcome and correct deficiencies.
Performance improvement plan Meet with member to discuss situation. Share concerns, be objective & factual. Provide specific examples of performance deficiency. Collaborate with member to identify potential solutions. Identify resources that the member, supervisor, site, or lead agency will provide.
Performance improvement plan Set goals that are SMART Smart Measurable Accurate Relevant Time-bound
Performance Improvement plan & Follow up Once PIP is created: Email a copy to your CAP Center AmeriCorps Project Manager for review. AC Project Managers will provide approval and/or feedback for your consideration. Schedule meeting with member to review PIP and obtain signatures.
Performance Improvement plan & Follow up Original copies of completed PIP should be sent to your AC Project Manager for the member file. It is recommended that you keep a copy for your records and provide the member with a copy.
Elements of progressive discipline Gather Information Assess the Severity Determine the Correct Response Prepare to Talk to the Member Meet with the Member Documentation Follow Up “The Consequence Must Match The Behavior”
Progressive discipline measures Verbal Warning Written Warning Suspension Termination
Progressive discipline: verbal warning Verbal Warning may be appropriate for: First time, minor infraction of CAP Center AmeriCorps Program Policy or Procedure Rules of Service Site Certain Performance Deficiencies
Progressive discipline: verbal warning Procedure for Verbal Warning: Schedule meeting with AC member Provide examples of unacceptable behavior or situation Refer to CAP Center Member Handbook when possible
Progressive discipline: verbal warning Procedure for Verbal Warning: Specifically state how behavior/situation is to be corrected and time frame for improvement. State consequences if the behavior/situation is not corrected. Document date, reason for verbal warning and outcome of meeting or future reference.
Progressive discipline: written warning If unacceptable behavior persists after a verbal warning or the severity of an action or situation cannot be corrected by a verbal warning a Written Warning may be appropriate. You must notify your CAP Center AC Project Manager when a member is need of a Written Warning.
Progressive discipline: written warning Procedure for Written Warning: Complete the written warning template Use Section 5: Member Requirements in CAP Center AmeriCorps Supervisors Manual Submit written warning to your CAP Center AC Project Manager for review prior to meeting with the member Review written warning with member
Progressive discipline: written warning Procedure for Written Warning: Supervisor and member sign the written warning. If member refuses to sign, note that on the form. Provide a copy to the member, keep copy for your records. Submit original of signed written warning to your CAP Center AC Project Manager. Follow up with the member to ensure the Written Waring is being followed & undesirable behavior/situation is being corrected.
Written warning activity
Progressive discipline: Suspension Suspension may be instituted when performance, conduct, or safety incidents are so problematic or harmful that the most effective action may be the temporary removal of the member from the Service Site.
Progressive discipline: Suspension You must notify and get approval from your CAP Center AC Project Manager when considering suspending a member.
Progressive discipline: Suspension Depending on the nature of the unacceptable behavior or situation, the CAP Center’s Human Resource Specialist may become involved.
Progressive discipline: Suspension If member’s behavior warrants a suspension: Contact CAP Center Project Manager for instructions. Provide verbal and written communication (Provided by The CAP Center) directly to the member. Provide specific examples of unacceptable behavior/situation
Progressive discipline: Suspension Provide the member with information regarding the length of the suspension. Communicate any items which they are required to comply with during the suspension. Inform the member the outcome will be pending upon an investigation.
Progressive discipline: Suspension Communicate any changes in the suspension period with the member as quickly as possible. Once investigation is concluded and a decision as been made: If outcome is reinstatement, provide reinstatement letter (provided by the CAP Center) or written warning. If outcome is termination, follow procedure for termination. Submit copies of all suspension documentation to your CAP Center AC Project Manager.
Progressive discipline: Termination When AC member’s performance, conduct has not been corrected through progressive discipline or when a single breach of program standards is sufficiently serious, you may initiate the termination process.
Progressive discipline: Termination You must notify and get approval from your CAP Center AC Project Manager when considering terminating a member.
Progressive discipline: Termination CAP Center’s Human Resource Specialist will be involved in termination cases.
Progressive discipline: Termination If you have received approval from your CAP Center AC Project Manager to initiate termination, follow this procedure: Schedule a meeting with the member as soon as possible. Submit a copy of the completed Termination Notice (provided by the CAP Center) to your member.
Progressive discipline: Termination During the meeting: Discuss the Termination Notice which will include: description of unacceptable behavior or situation attempts made to provide coaching, previous progressive discipline, and state that the consequence is termination from the CAP Center AC program.
Progressive discipline: Termination During the meeting: Termination Notice must be signed by the AC member and Site Supervisor. Provide the AC member with the Termination Notice and keep a copy for their file. Submit a copy of the Termination Notice to your CAP Center AC Project Manager.
Progressive discipline: Termination AmeriCorps members released for cause will not earn any portion of the Segal AmeriCorps Education Award, and may not be eligible for future terms of service.
Apples to apples progressive discipline version
Apples to apples: progressive discipline Scenario #1 For two weeks, your AmeriCorps member has shown up for service between 15-30 minutes late.
Apples to apples: progressive discipline Scenario #2 Your AmeriCorps member has been submitting their documentation late.
Apples to apples: progressive discipline Scenario #3 Your AmeriCorps member has received several progressive discipline notices and their behavior has not changed.
Apples to apples: progressive discipline Scenario #4 Your AmeriCorps member refuses to follow supervisors directions.
Apples to apples: progressive discipline Scenario #5 Your AmeriCorps member informs you that they received a DUI over the weekend.
Apples to apples: progressive discipline Scenario #6 You overheard your AmeriCorps member say negative comments to another AC member.
Apples to apples: progressive discipline Scenario #7 You and your member have completed several completion plans and your member continues to be behind in their hours.
Apples to apples: progressive discipline Scenario #8 A staff member claims that your AC member has been sexually harassing them.
Apples to apples: progressive discipline Scenario #9 Your AmeriCorps member is not following your agencies dress code policy.
Apples to apples: progressive discipline Scenario #10 Your AmeriCorps member has been submitting fraudulent documentation.
Tali Palmrose, Birth & Beyond AC Project Manager 916-244-1932