St. George School Dear SGS Families, The School Board has approved an important fundraiser to raise money for the upkeep and maintenance of our Accelerated Reading Program & a Digital Library for all of our students’ use. Accelerated Reader empowers our teachers to motivate and manage in-class reading practice time, monitor student performance, monitor reading comprehension, and intervene with individualized reading strategies for our students. The School Board will be selling delicious World's Finest Chocolates, $1.00 variety packs of delicious chocolate bars. Parents can help us raise funds for this important reading program for our students by selling chocolate at work, church, club meetings, or by selling it to family, friends and neighbors. Can be an excellent Halloween treat! There are 60 candy bars in each box. Parents who need PIP credits will receive one (1) credit for every 20 Candy Bars sold. 3 PIP credits per box. This is a one-time program and there is no requirement to participate but, the sales will benefit all of our students. **We need your help to raise $5,000!** We, the School Board, hope that you will take part in this important fundraising event! Please contact Wendy Medina, School Board member, at (909) 240-5911 if you have any questions regarding this fundraiser. With Much Appreciation, St. George School Board Sale Starts: 09/29/16 Sale Ends: 10/14/16 To be eligible for any prizes, all money must be turned in by 10/14/16 TOP Selling Class – Silly String Mr. Horton and Mr. Ramirez All students that sell at least one box will attend a MAGIC SHOW!! Sell 2 boxes – Eyeball Glasses and Squirt Phone Sell 3 boxes – Large Emoji Pillows Sell 4 boxes – Singing Dog Sell 5 boxes - $10 In-N-Out Gift Card Sell 6 boxes – Pizza Lunch @ Shakey’s with Mr. Horton PLEASE SIGN AND RETURN TO SCHOOL ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ _______________________________has my permission to sell World’s Finest Chocolate. I understand that I am financially responsible for returning the sale money to school. I realize that unsold chocolate bars will be my responsibility and may not be returned. My child will be supervised by an adult while selling the chocolate . All money ($60) must be turned in for each case before additional cases will be issued. ___________________________________________/___________________________________________ PARENT’S NAME (PLEASE PRINT) CELL PHONE OR DAYTIME PHONE # _______________________________________________/_______________________________________ TEACHER/GRADE # OF BOXES