PRESTASI Program to Extend Scholarships and Training to Achieve Sustainable Impacts
PRESTASI Overview PRESTASI: Program to Extend Scholarships and Training to Achieve Sustainable Impacts PRESTASI is part of USAID cooperation with the Government of Indonesia to strengthen the capacity of public and private institutions that advance the goals of both Indonesia and the United States. PRESTASI offers opportunities to future leaders of Indonesia to benefit from the knowledge and skills gained from the institutions of higher education in the U.S., Indonesia and other countries. PRESTASI Activities: Long Term Scholarships (Masters & PhD) in the US and Indonesia Short Term Training (in the US, Indonesia, third countries)
PRESTASI Goals Increase collaboration of programs between USAID & the Government of Indonesia Support for activities that strengthen the capacity of Indonesian public and private institutions Increase the number of scholarships for employees through PRESTASI cost share Focus on under-served areas in targeted provinces Focus on gender equity Encourage applicants with disabilities to apply
PRESTASI Features Uniqueness ITP TOEFL Requirement (minimum 450) GPA minimum 2.75 Pre-Academic Training (PAT): English for Academic Purposes, Statistics, Leadership, GRE preparation Comprehensive Pre-Departure Orientation Placement and admission to universities in the U.S. and Indonesia Monitoring the academic, social & personal progress of each scholar Post-training and follow-up activities for alumni Opportunity to join the alumni association ALPHA-I
845 PRESTASI Participants 2007-2017 PRESTASI Achievement 845 PRESTASI Participants 2007-2017 330 Beneficiaries in Degree Programs 515 Beneficiaries in Short-Term Training (Workshops, Seminars, Conferences, Research, Internships) 330 Beneficiaries in Degree Programs 515 Beneficiaries in Short-Term Training 87 Health 178 Health 85 Education 61 Education 84 Environment 106 Environment 47 DRG 86 DRG 27 Economic Growth 84 Economic Growth
Stakeholders: Government of Indonesia BAPPENAS Ministry of Education & Culture Ministry of Finance Ministry of Research, Technology & Higher Education and universities Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture Ministry of Religious Affairs Ministry of Health Ministry of Law & Human Rights Ministry of Environment & Forestry Ministry of Marine Affairs & Fisheries Ministry of Agriculture Ministry of Public Works & Housing House of Representatives Attorney General’s Office LIPI BPJS BMKG KPK Judicial Commission BNPB BKF BPK Regional Water Supply Company (PDAM) Local Governments Schools: Primary, Middle & High Schools
Stakeholders: Private Sectors Indonesian Corruption Watch Woman Crisis Center Cahaya Perempuan Bahtera Foundation Konfederasi Serikat Buruh Sejahtera Indonesia Child’s Rights Advocacy Institute INSRAT Eijkman Institute LION Save The Children/Indonesia Green Peace Green School Banyan Tree Resort, Bintan Sampoerna Foundation Radar Kediri (Newspaper) Jawa Post Institute Pattiro Gemawan PUKAT KOPEL AKA Aceh Tamiang, Kolaka, Buru Learning Farm Copenhagen Zoo WWF Indonesia Garasi Pet Clinic Kimia Farma RS Ibu & Anak Budhi Jaya East Bali Poverty Project IDAI Radio Suara Surabaya Kemitraan REDI
PRESTASI Scholars in the U.S. 2017
Scholar: Bonifasius Yosef Lody Maturbongs Chief of Rover Scout Service Council and Assistance Lecturer Universitas Papua West Papua Masters in Sustainable Forest Management Oregon State University
Scholar: Ibu Jatu Fajarika Nugrohorukmi Ministry of Marine Affairs & Fisheries Ocean Council Masters in Public Policy for Marine Affairs University of North Carolina
Scholar: Ibu Irma Adytani Mawardi Kabupaten Tabalong, South Kalimantan Dinas Sosial Masters in Food Science Purdue University, Indiana
Scholar: Bapak Pujiyanto Mathematics Lecturer Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta Masters in Mathematics Education Western Michigan University
PRESTASI Scholars’s origin map 2017
Post-Training Support Asosiasi Alumni Program Beasiswa Amerika – Indonesia The association acts as the “home” for USAID alumni to use their new knowledge and skills to design activities to develop targeted areas in their communities. The combined alumni in many academic fields makes ALPHA-I a valuable resource as a “think tank” to address the issues that are critical for Indonesia’s development.