December 05-06, 2011 Peace Palace, Phnom Penh, Cambodia


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Presentation transcript:

December 05-06, 2011 Peace Palace, Phnom Penh, Cambodia National Forum on Dissemination of National Social Protection Strategy for the Poor and Vulnerable in Cambodia The Role of Technical Vocational Education and Training in Social Protection By H.E. Dr. PICH Sophoan Secretary of State, Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training December 05-06, 2011 Peace Palace, Phnom Penh, Cambodia 1

Outline of Presentation Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Roles in Social Protection Overview of Social Protection Current Situation Challenges Response Vocational Training Program Has Been Offered So far Short-term Activities Medium and Long-term Activities 2

Overview of Social Protection – Umbrella Poor Vulnerable Group Currently Poor who can’t cope with shock Not Poor but highly exposed to shock People who can’t cope with shock Low or unskilled (daily income generation) School dropout Traditional agriculture cultivator Infant & Elderly people Minority Disability People infected by diseases Women at reproductive age Shocks could be: Agriculture or Food or Economic Crisis, Restructure of Economic structure, Health epidemic and Natural disaster. 3

Overview of Social Protection – Existing Scheme Food, Nutrition, and Health Intervention Food for work, food and meal distribution program for the food insecure area Nutrition Program for maternal, children, people with disease, orphans Raising awareness on health promotion, vaccination, and basic health protection Education, Technical and Vocational Training Intervention Scholarship for general education and technical education Various short and long training program for vulnerable group School feeding and take home rations Social Welfare, and Work Condition Intervention OSH inspection in workplace, and Work injury insurance Conflict solution and arbitration mechanism Social welfare service to special vulnerable groups Labor Market Intervention Quality assurance for TVET, and promoting lifelong learning via NQF Public Employment Services, and better LMI via National Employment Agency Research on Employment and Vocational skills required by the market NSPS page 36-39 4

Labour Force (Age15+ in million) Current Situation – Poverty and Labour Force Poverty Rate Labour Force (Age15+ in million) Rural Hosts Most of the Poor (40% in 2004, and 35% in 2007) Rural also Hosts Most of Labour Forces (78%) Source: NIS, Census 2008 5

Current Situation – Poverty and Labour Force Labour Force by Sector RURAL hosts most POOR Rural host most labour force And Agriculture is in rural >>>> ATTENTION must be paid to RURAL AREA! How to HELP the RURAL POOR (currently poor) to GENERATE or INCREASE the INCOME? How to HELP the OTHER who ARE NOT POOR but CLOSE to the POVERTY LINE or belong to VULNERABLE GROUP? Source : CSES 2004, Census 2008 and NSDP 2009-2013 6

No job or Unstable Job or Unable to Work Current Situation – Poverty Cycle Poor No education or training Not enough nutrition (mentally & physically weak) No Income or Low Income No job or Unstable Job or Unable to Work Children without sufficient nutrition will face mental and physical challenges that eventually lead to inability to study and unable to work. Any policy helping currently poor to increase agriculture productivity or get employed in local economic activity or setup own micro business will lead to positive result in income generation! With better income, the poor family will have better food regime. 7

Challenge – Entry Condition of Education and TVET General Education TVET Grade 9 + 3 Grade 12 + 2 (associated) Grade 12 + 4 (bachelor) Fix location Social science (white collar) Academician, scholar Scientist, R&D No education but age 18 + month ( simple skill, vocational) Grade 9 + 1 or 2 or 3 (skilled) Grade 12 + 2 (technician) Grade 12 + 4 (engineer) Both fix location and mobile Operator or Practitioner (blue ...) Productivity improvement Self employ General Education is likely fit for a more stable income group, and long term R&D TVET especially vocational training is more flexible and suitable for poor and vulnerable group (school drop out, women, disability, minority etc…) 8

Challenge – Enrollment Rate Source: Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sport 9

Challenge – Enrollment Rate The poor and rich enroll their children in primary school in similar rate, but: the lower-secondary (7th grade) enrollment rate of the poor (rural) is low compared to the rich (31.7% Vs.51.3%) the upper-secondary (10th grade) enrollment rate of the poor (rural) is very low compared to the rich (14.9% Vs.46.8%) So, it is hard for rural poor as well as urban poor to acquire skill or enroll in formal education which requires at least 9 years of education. Finance and Time are the other critical constraints for the currently poor. 10

Response – Options! Flash Action or Policy: Vocational Training for agriculture (productivity improvement, diversification of crop or farm) Vocational Training for the need of local economic activity (increase employability, self employment) Vocational Training as social safety net (for currently employed vulnerable group that might not be able to cope with the shock) Medium or Long Term Policy is to educate and train semi- skilled, skill workforce, technician and engineer to match economic diversification strategy: More stable job and income Better work condition 11

Response – Breaking the Cycle Education and skills which enable a more stable income and reliable employment More Intervention on Skill Acquisition Education and Training Intervention Need Less intervention Need Need Labor Market Intervention Poor and Vulnerable Group Food Nutrition Intervention Income Generation Need Social Welfare & Work Condition Intervention Less burden on Social Protection Safety and Happy Education, and Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) are keys to a more stable income and reliable employment, and eventually lead to a less burden on social protection scheme!

Vocational Training Program Has Been Offered So far! Short-term Strategies Training Need Assessment Survey before training Targeting Most Vulnerable Community and People Rice Production related knowhow Post-harvest or cultivation technology Social Safety Net Self Employment Micro Credit Vocational Training Conducted National Poverty Reduction Fund Training Program Samdech Techo Prime Minister Special Training Fund Training Program Voucher Skill Training Program under Post-Harvest Technology and Skills Bridging Project Community Based or Mobile Training by Provincial Training Institutions, and Provincial Office of MLVT Center Based Training by Provincial Training Institution Special Training Program for Indigenous and Vulnerable Group Other Vocational Training Offer by Various Ministries 13

Vocational Training Program Has Been Offered So far! Long-term Strategy Semi-skilled and Skilled Worker Training Program by Polytechnics Institutes(9th Grade upward) Technician and Engineering Program by Polytechnics Institute (12th grade upward) Introduction of National Qualification Framework Prior Learning and Competency Based Recognition Mapping the Targeting Skill that Will Support the Economic Aspiration On Demand Industrial Training Program Strengthening and Modernize TVET Institution Public Private Partnership Program Labour Market Information Availability 14

Vocational Training Program Has Been Offer So far! # Level of TVET 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 សរុប Total Female Total Student 1 Bachelor 1,330 259 1,981 458 1,583 269 4,894 986 2 Diploma 2,959 1,048 3,308 842 1,721 253 7,988 2,143 3 1 Year Training 1,214 395 746 342 860 84 2,820 821 4 Short-term Training 117,240 67,394 66,695 37,646 21,892 13,180 205,527 118,220 5 VET by NGOs 45,887 18,791 47,447 19,236 28,803 9,685 122,137 47,712 168,630 87,887 120,177 58,524 54,859 23,471 343,666 169,882 15

Thanks for your attention! Vocational Training Program Has Been Offer So far! Thanks for your attention! 16