Turn Your Interests Into A Career Career/Transfer Center Graduate Interns: Peggy Bedevian Stephanie Meza
Overview Ice Breaker Story time Who Am I? What’s Out there? Statistics Video Definitions Theory/Model Activity Sheet Career websites Career/Transfer Center Services
Introduction Name and how long you have been part of the LAVC community How did you hear about this workshop and have you been to others? What are you hoping to gain from the workshop today? Anything specific?
Story Time Suggest some possible occupations to explore based on your interests
WOW YOU World of Work Who Are You? What do you like doing? What are you good at doing? What are your interests? Do you want to do these activities at work? What values are important to you? WOW World of Work YOU “Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” Howard Thurman
Caine’s Arcade https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=faIFNkdq96U
Can job interests change over time? Statistics Americans are Happier at Work Than They Have Been for Years, and Here’s Proof “The Conference Board business research association released the results of their latest employment satisfaction survey, revealing nearly 50% of U.S. employees are satisfied with their current job, an 11-year high.” (July, 2016, Forbes Magazine) Job Satisfaction Hits a 10 Year High –But It’s Still Below 50% “Just under half of U.S. workers said they felt satisfied with their jobs last year—the happiest they’ve been in a decade, according to a new report from the Conference Board, a research group that focuses on economics and business conditions.” (July 2016, Wall Street Journal article) So which 50% do you want to be a part of? America’s Job Satisfaction Falls to Record Low. One clue that may explain workers' growing dissatisfaction: Only 51% now find their jobs interesting — another low in the survey's 22 years. In 1987, nearly 70% said they were interested in their work.”(2010, USA Today article) Can job interests change over time?
Career Development Process Terminology Process – a series of actions that produce something or lead to a particular result Develop – to grow or become bigger or more advanced, to create something over a period of time Components of Career Development Ability = power to do Skill = the ability to do something that comes from training, experience or practice (a developed ability) Interest = something that a person enjoys learning about or doing; a quality that attracts your attention and makes you want to learn more about or be involved (linked to motivation, intrinsic) Personality = emotional qualities and ways of behaving that make a person different from other people (what am I like and how do I approach the world) Value = principle or quality that is intrinsically desirable; worth (function as anchors and #1 indicator of job satisfaction BTW)
Terminology Continued… Job - a “piece of work” (short term needs) Occupation - the principal business of one’s life (long term needs) Profession –a calling requiring specialized knowledge and often long and intensive academic preparation; a principal calling, vocation, or employment Professional – characterized by conforming to the technical and ethical standards of a profession; courteous, conscientious and general business-like manner in the workplace Association – an organized group of people who have the same interest Career – a field or pursuit of consecutive, progressive achievement especially in public, professional or business life; a profession for which one trains and which is undertaken as a permanent calling (Refers the roles an individual plays over their lifetime )
Career Theory/Model John Holland 1919-2008 American Psychologist, Theoretician, Scholar, Researcher, Counselor, and Friend “Holland made a career out of studying the world of work, pioneering the theory that if people were aware of their personality type or combination of types - realistic, investigative, artistic, social, enterprising or conventional - then they would be happier workers. His studies laid the foundation for the field of career counseling …”
Activity Sheet
How do your interests connect with your career? People have work personality types and Environments have work personality types. People are a combination of all six types. People search for environments where they can use their abilities and skills while expressing their values and attitudes. People who work in environments similar to their personality types are more likely to be satisfied and productive. How do we use this information? As a place to begin exploring … What lens do you see things from? (NOT LABELS) Because it’s linked to your motivation and influenced by your environment.
What are some occupations associated with your top three letters? Can you see how a particular code it is reflected in a particular occupation? What skills would you need to develop for that occupation?
Career Websites EUREKA https://www.eureka.org/ O*NET https://www.onetonline.org/ CA CAREER ZONE https://www.cacareerzone.org/ Career One Stop https://www.careeronestop.org / Occupational Outlook Handbook https://www.bls.gov/ooh/
Career/Transfer Center Career/Transfer Services Virtual Career Center Computer Lab – Career Information Programs Meet with a Career Counselor Individual assessments Undecided Workshop Job Shadow Program & Career Panels Transfer Workshops Transfer 101, TAG, UC/CSU Application University Bus Trips Meetings with University Representatives College Fairs Additional Resources Counseling 1- Introduction to College Counseling 20- Post-Secondary Education: Scope of Career Planning
So what does success look like? “The starting point to achievement is desire.” That’s YOU Encouragement/Support That’s US (counselors, faculty, campus resources)
Any Questions?