Universal Behavior Policies at HHS Rationale Fair, universal expectations for all Scholars. Simple, shared expectations for teachers to uphold. Positive school culture - finding the right balance. Our “House Rules”.
Universal Behavior Policies (Inside back cover and pg. 32 of Handbook) Show respect for people, property, and the learning process. Be in correct uniform. Use school-appropriate and responsible language. Remain awake, alert, and engaged in class. Come to class on time and prepared to learn. Come to class without food, candy, gum, or unauthorized beverages. Come to class without cell phones or other unauthorized electronic devices. We will review the rationale of each of these Universal Behavior Policies and the consequences of not meeting the expectations of our Universal Behavior Policies.
Universal Behavior Policies Show respect for people, property, and the learning process. Rationale: Alignment with core values Maintain safe, inclusive culture; limit distraction from learning Preservation of historic building Displays of disrespect will have immediate intervention and consequence including possibly: intervention by Assistant Head of School, family notification, detention, suspension, or expulsion.
UBPs II. Be in correct uniform. Rationale: Why do you think we have a uniform?
UBPs II. Be in correct uniform. Rationale: Positive identity / School pride Emphasis on character College prep tradition Simple / cost-effective for families Safety Training the mind and body
UBPs II. Be in correct uniform. (pg.53 of handbook) White crewneck undershirt. Solid black or white polo shirt--tucked in completely at all times. (your polo shirt does not have to have an “H” logo) Student ID: Must be worn visibly above and outside of all clothing at all times during the school day. (you will be provided an ID in the first few days of schools)
UBPs II. Be in correct uniform. Khaki Pants: Must have an “H” logo and be from SchoolBelles. No tears, rips, holes, or ink markings of any kind. Solid, plain brown or black belt with a traditional buckle. Backed shoes (no flip-flops or slides) Khaki Shorts or Plaid Skort: Must be from SchoolBelles and must be knee-length (reaching to the knee when standing)
UBPs II. Be in correct uniform. Students can also wear optional official Herron outerwear (with the “H” logo) available from Schoolbelles, including sweatshirt, sweater, cardigan, fleece. Students who are not in correct uniform will be outfitted. Refusal to be in correct uniform will have immediate intervention and consequence including possibly: intervention by Assistant Head of School, family notification, detention, suspension, or expulsion.
UBPs III. Use school-appropriate and responsible language. Rationale: Safe, inclusive school culture Prevent distraction from learning Protection from harassment Every student is a scholar. A student who uses racist, bigoted, profane, or otherwise offensive language will receive an automatic detention and immediate intervention that may include suspension or expulsion.
UBPs IV. Remain awake, alert, and engaged in class. Rationale: 100% engagement High expectations Student support / problem solving Reach out, as necessary, to teachers, Admin, Nurse, School Counselor, if lack of sleep is a problem!
UBPs V. Come to class on time and prepared to learn. Rationale: High Expectations and Safety Respect for teachers, peers, and the learning process 9:00 start-time / 6 minute passing periods < 2 Minutes: A student is not on-time (in their assigned seat) by the tardy bell = Log Entry > 2 Minutes: A student is not on-time by the secondary tardy bell. Automatic detention.
UBPs VI. Come to class without food, candy, gum, or unauthorized beverages. Rationale: Prevent distraction from learning Preservation of Historic buildings Cough drops must be distributed by the school nurse along with an accompanying note verifying their usage. Water in a translucent water bottle is allowed.
UBPs VII. Come to class without cell phones or other unauthorized electronic devices. Rationale: Prevent distraction from learning Safety Unauthorized electronics will be confiscated and given to Assistant Head of School. First offense = student return; Second offense = parent approval of return; Subsequent offenses = parent return.
UBPs and Log Entries As we interact around the UBPs, we use log entries as a record of the interactions. Log entries are not punishment in and of themselves. Consequences follow as UBP infractions (and, thus, log entries of corrections) accumulate. Log entries generate an email in PowerSchool that is sent home to parents and guardians
Log Entries: Short Term & Long Term Accountability Log Entries are used to keep students accountable for meeting the expectations of our Universal Behavior Policies. There are short term and long term accountability for students who do not meet expectations regarding Universal Behavior Policies
Log Entries: Short Term & Long Term Accountability Short Term Accountability 4 Log Entries in one week = Friday detention the following week.
Log Entries: Short Term & Long Term Accountability Log Accumulation in One Semester Accountability 8 Intervention with Assistant Head of School 16 Intervention with Assistant Head of School / guardians + automatic two-hour detention
Log Entries: Short Term & Long Term Accountability Log Accumulation in One Semester Accountability 24 Intervention with Dean of Students/ guardians + One Day Suspension, possible Saturday School 32 Intervention with Assistant Head of School, guardians, other applicable Faculty + Minimum Two Day Suspension, possible Saturday School, possible expulsion
UBP Discussion Why do we have Universal Behavior Policies? How do UBPs benefit our school? How do they benefit you? How are students held accountable for meeting the UBPs? How do UBPs support our Core Value: All Students are Scholars? Which UBP is your favorite? Which will be hardest?