Intermediate/Senior Prayer Service November 11, 2016 Remembrance Day Intermediate/Senior Prayer Service November 11, 2016
Opening Prayer Loving God, you call us to be members of one body, united in peace. Forgive us for our selfishness. Help us to establish a peaceful world that is built upon justice and truth. Guide us so we can solve our conflicts with compassion and humility. Remind us to make every effort to do what leads to peace. Amen
Scripture A reading from the prophet Isaiah Isiah 2: 2-4 The word of the Lord All: Thanks be to God
Litany: Make the Choice All: Let us together make the choice for peace So that together we can decide to cease hostilities among the nations. Let us be that generation to end all wars. All: Let us together make the choice to be friends So that instead of seeing pain, strife and woe, we see hands of friendship extended to build new bridges between nations. Let us strive for love and respect.
All: Let us together make the choice to help those in need So that the poor, the sad and the lonely are not marginalized, but feel welcomed and share in the richness of our world’s bounty. Let us feed the hungry, clothe the naked and befriend the lonely. All: Let us together make the choice for love So that all will realize that there is only good to be gained. The abandoned will be welcomed with open arms. There will be no enemies, only loved ones, brothers and sisters in Christ. Let us open our heart to love one another.
All: Let us together make the choice for our Lord So that with trust in God, we can all live in joy and hope. Let us praise God, who has given us life and the freedom to choose how we live it. Let us choose peace. All: What a world it would be if we lived in friendship with all nations. It would be a wondrous world filled with joy, love and freedom.
All: What a world it would be if no one went hungry, if there was no hatred or loneliness or want or need. It would be a wondrous world, filled with shared resources and mutual respect for our neighbours. Let us, with the grace of God, make the choice to cease all hostilities and live in harmony with all nations. All: Let us make the choice for peace. Amen
Together we pray the prayer Jesus gave us Our Father…. The Lord’s Prayer Together we pray the prayer Jesus gave us Our Father….
(Last Post and Reveille) Moment of Silence Let us now stand and take this time to think about all those people who have fought and died so that we can have peace. Let us also think about our choices and what each of us can do to create a lasting peace in our homes, schools, communities and world. (Last Post and Reveille) At the conclusion of the Reveille, we will sing our National Anthem.
Closing Prayer God of hope, You have given us the wonderful power to choose. It is within our power to choose peace and not war, To choose friendship and not fighting, To choose love and not hatred. We pray for your guidance to help us choose to become a people of peace. Amen