NORES Supporting Catholic Education and Formation This PowerPoint is designed to explore the theme of St Edward the Confessor Top and tail this PowerPoint with your own way of introducing / closing an assembly Eg. Sign of the Cross Song Prayer School Prayer Take as much or as little detail, from the slides and notes, appropriate to your setting MAKE IT YOUR OWN! NORES Supporting Catholic Education and Formation NORES is the Office for Religious Education, Evangelisation, Catechesis and Schools in the Diocese of Northampton. Registered Charity: 234091
In the year 1005 a baby boy was born to the Anglo Saxon King Ethelred and his wife Emma of Normandy. They named him Edward. Life would have been very different at that time. People lived in very simple wooden houses. They grew their own food. They didn’t travel far as there were no roads or railways.
Shortly after Edward was born England was invaded by the Vikings. King Ethelred was drawn into battle. Edward’s mother was anxious to keep her children safe so she sent Edward and his brother Alfred to stay with their Uncle in France.
Edward stayed in France for twenty five years. During this time he prayed every day. He treated people kindly and always helped those in any need. In 1041 he came back to England to be King. Edward was crowned King on 8th June 1042. Edward ruled over the land with gentleness and the people lived in peace. Edward had made a promise during his time in France That if he ever became King of England he would give thanks to God by making a pilgrimage to Rome.
However, not everyone was happy to have Edward as their King. There were three powerful Earls who began to stir up trouble for Edward. They tried to seize his crown. Edward then did not want to leave England.
Edward wrote a letter to the Pope (Pope Benedict IX) asking to release him from the promise he had made to go to Rome. The Pope decided to release Edward from his promise but he asked in return that Edward build a great church in England in honour of St Peter. Edward agreed and built this church – next slide
Westminster Abbey on the banks of the River Thames in London.
Edward died on 5th January, 1066. He was buried in Westminster Abbey in front of the high altar. As he died Edward said: ‘Do not cry. I am not to die but to live. I trust I shall see the Lord’s goodness in the land of the living.’
After his death Edward became even more famous than before. He had lived a life of compassion and generosity towards the poor and the needy. Thousands of people visited his grave to ask for his prayers.
Edward was declared a saint in 1161 and he became known as St Edward the Confessor because all of his life he had ‘confessed’ to his faith in Jesus Christ. He had never been afraid to tell people that he believed in God.
In 1163 St Edwards body was dug up and moved to a new tomb in the Abbey. St Edward was the Patron Saint of England until he was replaced by St George in 1348.
We ask St Edward to pray with us today.
For all those who visit Westminster Abbey For all world leaders St Edward pray for us For all those who visit Westminster Abbey For all those in need For the lonely For the homeless For all those who have died. Spend a moment in quiet reflection We join together in the prayer that Jesus taught us: Our Father......
you gave St Edward a spirit of patience, gentleness and generosity. Loving God, you gave St Edward a spirit of patience, gentleness and generosity. Just as he showed his devotion to you by acting justly, loving tenderly and walking humbly may we also dedicate our lives to the building of your Kingdom through Christ our Lord. Amen. Say the prayer together or someone lead the prayer and all join in with the ‘Amen’
gave us an example of how to follow Jesus. St Edward gave us an example of how to follow Jesus. Talk about the things St Edward did on a daily basis Eg. praying Doing good deeds Being kind to the poor and those in need. Print off this slide onto A4 card And give one to each class to place on their prayer table for the coming week. Finish your assembly with the Sign of the Cross How can I be like St Edward in what I say and do?