START Spring Leadership Day 2016-17
Find START on Social Media Twitter: @STARTProjectMI Instagram: startpeertopeer Hashtag: #STARTProject Facebook “Like” our page (Statewide Autism Resources and Training (START)) Closed RCN Group (START Project – RCN Group)
Sign up for the bi-monthly START Newsletter Scroll down on the main page right-hand side!! Click:
Today’s Agenda START Updates Harnessing Social Media: The pros and cons of social media in schools Sexual Health for Individuals with ASD and other Complex Disabilities Innovative Ideas in Peer to Peer Support * Team activity time interspersed
Just a Reminder How Important Education Is to Kids and Families
START Updates
Self-Management: June 21st in Lansing 2017 Fall RCN Leadership: November 13th in Grand Rapids 2018 START Conference and Spring RCN Leadership Day: April 30th and May 1st
Passports Order form
The RCN Leadership Traveling Plate Awards Each RCN Member nominates a person who has gone above and beyond Nominations at the September and January RCN Meetings Consider using a nomination form Process: Nominated person keeps plate until next nomination Take pictures of person with plate & send to START Have nominated person sign and date back of plate
2017-2018 RCN Application DUE June 26th What’s Coming Up 2017-2018 RCN Application DUE June 26th
RCN Application 2017-2018 Changes Goal 1: PD with Impact - None Goal 2: Coaching - New Options Goal 3: Transition - New Options Goal 4: Peer to Peer - New Options Goal 5: Family Engagement - None *START Representative meeting participation Available on the START website RCN Applications and Report Forms
Goal 2: Coaching for Implementation of Evidence-Based Practices Change to the IEP Implementation Coaching Checklist – USAPT is no longer on the form For the purposes of reporting for the RCN contract, the RCN will continue to focus coaching efforts on target students, but may select to focus at a building level for some data reporting
Coaching for Implementation of Evidence-Based Practices Multi-ISD RCN: a. Student level: Use the START IEP Implementation Coaching Checklist with a target student and submit a K-12 Target Student Reporting Form for at least ONE student per ISD. The deadline for baseline data entry is October 30, 2017. Collect end of the year data after April 1, 2018 and submit data by June 1, 2018. AND (choose one) b. Submit ONE additional K-12 Target Student Reporting Form per ISD (per the same process described in “a”) OR c. Building level: Work with ONE building per ISD to complete the Universal Supports Assessment and Planning Tool (USAPT) and submit online For a total of two data sets per ISD
Multi-County RCN Per ISD Data Reporting
Coaching for Implementation of Evidence-Based Practices Single ISD RCN: a. Student level: Use the START IEP Implementation Coaching Checklist with target students and submit a K-12 Target Student Reporting Form for at least TWO students. The deadline for baseline data entry is October 30, 2017. Collect end of the year data after April 1, 2018 and submit data by June 1, 2018. AND A COMBINATION OF b. Submit ONE to TWO additional K-12 Target Student Reporting Form (per the same process described in “a”) OR c. Building level: Work with ONE to TWO buildings per ISD to complete the Universal Supports Assessment and Planning Tool (USAPT) and submit online For a total of four data sets per ISD
Single ISD RCN Per ISD Data Reporting
START Building Your Future (BYF) – Secondary Transition Student-level: Identify at least TWO transition-age target students for employment or post-secondary education focus. Use the START V3 discovery process checklist. Use the BYF Target Student Reporting Form. The deadline for baseline data entry is October 30, 2017. Collect end of the year data after April 1, 2018 and submit data by June 1, 2018. AND (choose one) Submit ONE additional BYF Target Student Reporting Form (per the same process described in “a”) OR Program-level: Utilize the Michigan Autism Council Transition & Adult Services Committee Recommendations and the Secondary Transition Recommendations Implementation Checklist with ONE program to set goals for program improvement and report progress. For a total of three data sets per RCN
Transition Data Reporting
Community Conversations Plan and complete TWO new Community Conversations through your RCN. OR Plan and complete ONE new Community Conversation AND demonstrate substantial follow-up from ONE or more previous Community Conversations (e.g., online sharing forum such as Google site, Wiki, website).
Peer to Peer Support Establish a comprehensive peer to peer support program in at least THREE new buildings in the RCN region. Use the START Peer to Peer Fidelity tool to strengthen and expand existing peer to peer support programs in at least ONE building. (e.g. additional grade levels, students with other disabilities, or extracurricular/community activities). Optional: Establish a regional/county Peer to Peer coach position (Up to $5,000 in START contract resources plus district match). Submit the Proposal for Regional Peer to Peer Coach Position.
START RCN Representatives The START representative for your RCN will attend three business meetings (typically to be held in September, January and May), one Implementation meeting (e.g. coaching, transition), and one additional meeting via teleconference, as needed. The remaining meetings are to be conducted by your RCN leadership independently.
What’s Coming Up Due July 15th
End-Year Reporting All forms can be found at: RCN RCN Application and Report Forms Review and complete the end of the year RCN report forms including Financial Expenditure Report If you have questions, contact Jana Benjamin or your START RCN representative
End of Year Reporting: Submitting Target Student Data Use the survey monkey link for the END OF YEAR Target student data for RCN K-12 and BYF For the link, go to the RCN Application and Report Forms page of the START website Available now and due by June 14th
Coaching Modules Thank You Livingston and Ingham Counties
Purpose of the Coaching Modules Assist the RCN’s with their RCN Contract Goals: #1 – Professional Development with Impact #2 – Coaching for the Implementation of Evidence- Based Practice
Organization of Coaching Modules ½ Day Format A New Approach to Coach Leadership (PPT.) Modules are designed as 45-60 minute content presentations (some topics may take longer) Coach leaders to support the building coaches in the development of action plans to ensure implementation Needs Survey
How to Use the Coaching Modules The coaching modules have 3 sections: Beginning, Middle and End. The middle section (i.e. actual content) must be merged with the “START Coaching Modules Beginning” and “START Coaching Modules End” PPTs provided. “Beginning” PPT should be modified and should explain to the participants their role as a coach and the purpose of the coaching modules. Middle section can be selected from a menu of training content (see menu below) “Ending” section PPT framework is designed to assist Coach Leaders in supporting the Building Coach and their team in designing implementation and action plans prior to the end of the session
Menu of Training Content Differentiation – Elementary Differentiation – Secondary Differentiation – Support Staff Differentiation – Administration Improving Implementation Fidelity K-12 Data Collection Looking at ASD Differently – Secondary Paraprofessional Dependence/Self Advocacy/Peer to Peer Support – Secondary Peer to Peer – Elementary FBA IEP Top 10 Behaviorisms
Coaching Toolkit
The Coaching Tool Kit PURPOSE: Provide visuals to demonstrate use of strategies/tools. Provide “3-point communication” during disagreement / emotional topics Despite intent, difficult messages can come across as personal attacks due to eye contact / paraverbal skills and any negative reaction is directed at the sender. Using a “third point” (the docs in the tool kit), one can avoid the impact on the relationship during these difficult conversations.
The Coaching Tool Kit Sections START Law (FAPE / LRE) Research Outcomes Interventions CETA Visuals / Instructional Science Parapro Tool Self - Management Behavioral Science Response Script Ed Strategies Output Hierarchy Reading Profile Literacy Checklist Secondary Transition Autism Council Recommendations
Coach Toolkits – One per County Kellie F. will send a survey link to determine interest in ordering more. Cost will depend on how many are ordered (~$40-70). Complete one survey per RCN.
Community of Practice Groups: Update
Sexual Health and ASD – Kelly (lead) Meet via Technology approximately 4X this year Sexual Heath and ASD Liaison to Regions
State Trainers Maureen Ziegler (lead) Meeting Dates @ Training Venues OCAN – Lisonn Delcamp CMAC – Jennifer Jones Great Lakes Bay RCN – Jennifer VanTol Great Lakes Bay RCN – Kim Miller Lakeside – Lisa Kepler LEAN – Lindsey Harr-Smith CRAN – Mary Garrigus UPAN – Carrie Carr SMART – Carrie Rabbit
P2P Support Coordinators Margie Mayberry (lead) Conference Call 4 Times a Year to Support the RCN P2P Support Coordinators Coordinators involved Lunch Meeting
Project SEARCH and START Partnership Review updated map and indicate it can be found on the website, if needed.
Weekly Consultation w/ ASD / Behavior Specialist Wehman, et al. (2012). Project SEARCH for Youth With Autism Spectrum Disorders: Increasing Competitive Employment On Transition From High School The PLUS: Weekly Consultation w/ ASD / Behavior Specialist Use of Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports Use of Universal Supports and Evidence-based Practices Role Play and Practice Regular monitoring for adequate practice to mastery across environments The work of Paul Wehman and his colleagues has been specific to providing supports and instruction to individuals with ASD in Social, communication, teaching job skills, use of visual supports, power of routine and structure. Evidence Based Practices grounded in research NPDC. © CCHMC 1/3/06
Competitive Employment for Youth with ASD (2013) Participants: 40Ss ASD (Dx or SpEd) (24 in treatment, 16 in control) Independent in self care (e.g. dressing, hygiene, eating) Capable of providing consent Project SEARCH PLUS (ASD Supports) Onsite intensive systematic instruction (using ABA) Onsite support and consultation from ABA or ASD specialist Intensive staff training in ASD and PS model Outcomes: 21 in treatment group employed (24% above minimum wage; 78%maintained 12 and 24 mo. post participation) 1 in control group employed Reasons for Success: Collaboration (monthly meetings) Training ASD Specific Supports
Purpose: replicate previous study 2009-12, total 54 individuals with ASD, 18-21 Individuals recruited each year across 4 years creating 4 cohorts Assigned to “PS-ASD” model (treatment condition) or school as usual (control condition)
Employment OUTCOMES Treatment 74.2% 90.3% 87.1% Control .53% .60% Group Graduation 3 mo 12 mo Treatment 74.2% 90.3% 87.1% Control .53% .60% Mean of 1hr/wk long term support (for more significantly impacted)
START Project SEARCH Technical Assistance (THE PLUS) Collaborative Teaming On Site TA Access to Training
Harnessing Social Media: The Pros and Cons of Social Media in Schools Jay Gross
Harnessing Social Media: The Pros and Cons of Social Media in Schools Process and Application Activity 3-2-1 MEDIA 3 Main Ideas; 2 Ideas to Implement; 1 for Further RCN Discussion
Peer to Peer Coordinator Lunch meeting
Coach Tool Kits – One Per County Pick up during lunch
Menu of Training Content Differentiation – Elementary Differentiation – Secondary Differentiation – Support Staff Differentiation – Administration Improving Implementation Fidelity K-12 Data Collection Looking at ASD Differently – Secondary Paraprofessional Dependence/Self Advocacy/Peer to Peer Support – Secondary Peer to Peer – Elementary FBA IEP Top 10 Behaviorisms
Sexual Health for Individuals with ASD and other Complex Disabilities
Sexual Health Education Process and Application Activity GATHER AND SHARE Find THREE other RCN reps and ask them WHEN and WHY Sexual Health Education is so crucial for Students with ASD. Then return to your RCN table and share the answers from the other RCN reps. Summarize the common themes from all the answers to report out.
USAPT Spring 2017
USAPT Challenge Leader Board
USAPT Leader Board Place RCN 1 THUMB AREA Place RCN 2 NAN
Peer to Peer Support
START Peer to Peer Quilt Send us your new peer to peer t-shirts for the next quilt! To check out the quilts for your next event, go to the START website under Peer to Peer!!
Honor the integrity of both programs Follow guidelines regarding funding – UCS guidelines posted on START website T-shirt – examples Staff to attend UCS summer trainings- August 7& 8 in Bay City START and UCS looking to identify and showcase exemplary models of successful partnership. Share at START meetings and/ UCS summer trainings Leadership will be meeting on a regular basis to provide guidance and fidelity of programs
LINK Summit Summer 2017… Not happening
Innovative Ideas in Peer to Peer Support ● App for Social Outings - Stacey VanLaan ● Grandville P2P Family Night - Jill Krueze ● 0 Hour P2P - Christine Skoutelas
App for Social Outings Process and Application Activity KNOWING is DOING Move to a new table without members of YOUR RCN. Develop THREE components of the app you understand and can implement. Identify any components you need more information about. Develop at least one upcoming outing for using the app.
Peer to Peer Family Night Process and Application Activity “I” is for IDEAS Develop THREE components of the Peer to Peer Family Night you would like to implement. Develop 3-5 additional ideas you might include in a Peer to Peer Family Night.
ZERO Hour for Peer to Peer Process and Application Activity “T” is for Chart Return to YOUR RCN Table. Create a T Chart on the provided paper On the left side, use the title “what I know and understand.” On the right side, use the title “what I need clarified” Brainstorm both sides and summarize themes for report out