Leaving Cert History
Topics Covered: At senior level students study a variety of interesting historical topics: In Irish History we study in detail: The 1916 Rising The War of Independence The early Years of the Irish State The foundation of Northern Ireland
In European History we study topics like: Hitler, Mussolini and Stalin The Holocaust World War II In American History we study topics like: The 60s and the Vietnam War The Moon Landing Martin Luther King and civil rights
Two Levels There are Two History levels: Higher Level Ordinary Level The two levels study the same topics and they allow students to sit an exam suitable to their ability. Students who worry that History is too difficult can be put at ease because ordinary level is quite easy.
Extended Essay As part of the course students write a History Essay of their own. This essay is worth 20% of their Leaving Cert. Because this is done in your own time and with help from your teacher it takes pressure off students for the exam. The essay teaches students very important research, writing and editing skills that are vital in other subjects and at third level.
Skills You Will Learn: The 3 Es Exploration: In History we learn how to find information independently. We research using books, computers and artefacts. Enquiry: In History we are encouraged to ask questions. We learn to question the world around us and what people say. Evidence: we learn to evaluate and judge the facts we are given. We learn how to spot bias and prejudice in what people tell us.
Career Opportunities The skills learned in history are the skills any college or university student needs. Students learn to research independently, to write up their findings and edit their work. Possible Careers Include: Teaching Journalism Research Historian Media/Broadcasting Government