Tita Kebele survey Result report


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Presentation transcript:

Tita Kebele survey Result report Prepared By ,Selam Yimer Mohammed Tita Keble, RSP   Feb,2017

Presentation outline Introduction Objectives procedures Result/ key findings Conclusion Recommendation

Introduction The human body needs balanced and nutritious diet in order to functioning well and to be healthy. Mean while, due to lack of awareness and attention, by being dependent on some productions and lack of diversification on daily meals majority of our community fall in malnutrition . There for, filling the gap on awareness on the benefit of diet diversification and consumption of nutritious foods for our concerned community is a must work .

What is NMA? The Nutrition in Mountain Agro-ecosystems (NMA) project, funded by the SDC and implemented by IFOAM-Organics International. Goal : Contribute to improved access to sufficient nutritious food for rural communities in mountain regions through a network of actors diversification of proven agro-ecological and other nutrition sensitive practices

Where ? Nepal- Asia Peru 23,381,000 Asia Kyrgyzstan 4,634,000 Ethiopia South America Ethiopia – Africa- < 90,000,000 National partners and implementer countries Nepal- Asia 21,602,000 Pakistan - Asia 131,432,000

Objectives of the survey In order to assess the production and consumption patterns of the surveyed community(Tita Kebele). To identify knowledge and skill gaps in relation to nutrition at the grass root level.

Background information of the kebele Tita keble has a total population of 7040 Female 3543 and Male 3497 . From cereals and Grains -Teff, Maize, Wheat, Barley, Bean, From vegetables –Potato, lettuce, kosita/Spinach/, Gomen and Carrot is highly produced in this kebele.

Survey procedure Baseline survey was conducted in 28 households . Focus Group Discussion was also conducted in the keble. By using the two tools the following result has been got.

During the survey

Result Among 28 surveyed women in House hold level 25 of them or 89.2% were consumed less than (<5) food groups which is below the standard . Only 5 out of 28 or 17.8 women were consumed 5 food groups .

In relation to consumption Starchy staple food Bean, pea   Nut seed, oil Dairy products Flesh Foods,meat , Egg Vit A green leafy vegs Vit A vegs & fruit Other vegs Other fruit 100 %(28) 25 % (7) 11% (3) 0(0) 29%(8) 25% (7) 100% (28)

In relation to production Starchy staple food Bean ,pea Nut seed and oil Dairy products Flesh Egg Vit A green leafy vegs. Vit A vegs & fruit Other vegs Other fruit 50%(14) 46%(13) 0(0) 14% (4) 0 (0) 4%(1) 4% (1)

All starch staple foods ,Bean &Peas All starch staple foods , Bean and Peas were the more produced and consumed food groups in the Surveyed households. In relation to production ,50% or(14)Starch staple foods and 46 % or (13) of peas and peas were produced the surveyed H.Holds. when we compared them to the rest food groups among 28 surveyed Households all of them or 100 % of the H.H were consumed this two food group, even if there is variation in production levels.

Egg ,flesh foods and dairy products The above food groups were the least consumed food groups in the surveyed households with consumption level of 28(0) %, 28(11% or3 H.H)& 28(25% or 7 H.H) respectively. In relation to Production Majority of the House holds have cows, poultry and sheep but did not consume any of them.

Other Vitamin A vegetables &fruits Other Vitamin A vegetables &fruits were also consumed in a least manner. Among 28 H.H (7) 25% them were consumed this food groups.

Other fruits and vegetables Food groups of other Vegetables were consumed by all of the surveyed House holds. On the contrary, other fruits food groups were found as neglected food category like egg, Diary and flesh foods

During FGD A lot of ideas raised during the conversation Key Issues In relation to behavior, production and consumption In relation to Nutrition

During FGD

Key Findings From the Surveyed House holds and from conducted FGD we can understand that, Knowledge gaps regarding food diversification Restricted meal preparation and consumption Low production of Variety of Vegetables Dependent of some of food groups and neglected others this might be the cause for the consumption of <5 food groups .

Conclusion From the results found , there is a need to have appropriate interventions regarding dietary diversity and production increment. Even if the selected cite have a lot of resources ,there is a huge gap in proper utilization these resources .

Recommendation Interventions are more likely to be effective after baseline survey and need assessment, this MI project will have a positive impact in changing the dietary patterns of the target community. There fore,  Giving trainings to create awareness about dietary diversity Helping them to increase production in relation to a variety of vegetables in collaboration with Agriculture expert

Doing Community mobilization regarding food diversification in cooperation with concerned bodies will have a power to come up with tangable results in the kebele. Collaboration and support from concerned bodies for the success of the MI projects of each selected cities .

Acknowledgment I would like to thank Institute for Sustainable Development /ISD/ for giving this Golden chance ,which will help me to contribute something in relation to Nutrition for my community. Special thanks goes to Ato Alemayehu Ayalew NMA project Coordinator who supported me in every moment of the project Activities . Tita keble community and administration

THANK YOU!! The end

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