2- Number the starter for today 1-4. Tuesday, July 26th Day 2 AR Book Science Starters Sheet Signed Syllabus (Per. 3) 1. Please have these Items on your desk. Agenda Oct. 4 2- Number the starter for today 1-4. 3- When you are done, read a book or sit quietly.
Unscramble these words from our “Classroom Guidelines”: Science Starter Unscramble these words from our “Classroom Guidelines”: 1. TILUQAY 2. STOBONEOK 3. CEGRENYME DARC 4. SLUBGOLD Hints: 1. You need to do _____ work 2. Interactive _______ 3. Must be filled out by parent or guardian. 4. Our school mascot
Unscramble these words from our “Classroom Guidelines”: Science Starter: Unscramble these words from our “Classroom Guidelines”: 1. TILUQAY 2. STOBONEOK 3. CEGRENYME DARC 4. SLUBGOLD Answers: Quality 2. Notebooks 3. Emergency Card 4. Bulldogs
Class syllabus “8th Grade Science” Part 1 Your work and behavior in this classroom is expected to be of high quality. The definition for “Quality” in this class is work and behavior that “meets the stated requirements with a high degree of excellence”. Below are guidelines that will help you understand what the requirements are in this class. Be Prepared for Class- It is important that you are on time and have your materials with you every day. Required items include pencils, a red pen, highlighter, colored pencils, scissors, tape, flash drive your “Interactive Notebook”, “Student Agenda”, and an AR book. A calculator is not required but is recommended. GRIT Points - You will receive a Focus 50 points each quarter for how well you are prepared, behavior, etc. Points may be deducted from your grade (5 points) for gum chewing, being tardy, taking extra bathroom breaks, or for behavior that disrupts our learning environment. FOCUS slips will be given to you and you will sign and complete. Behavior- Your behavior should be considerate and not interfere with the education of other students. You will be expected to know and follow all classroom rules, procedures, and safety guidelines. Inappropriate behavior may result in a brief conference, removal from an activity or class, Loss of FOCUS points, parent contact, assignment of an after school detention, and/or administration contact. Grading Policy- All assigned work, whether done in class or at home, must be completely finished to be accepted for credit. Incomplete or illegible work will not be accepted. Copying from another student’s work or plagiarism will result in loss of credit for all parties involved and parent notification. Daily assignments turned in after the due date will lose 10% per day of the original value. Late work will only be accepted up until designated due dates. 10% per day will be taken on projects. “Extra Credit” is rarely offered, you should take advantage of it whenever it is available. Lab privileges may be revoked because of behavior or low grades (D or F by the third week of the quarter) and the lab will be completed with Mrs. Goodman or an alternative assignment given. Grading scale is as follows: Your grade is based on the percentage of points that you have earned for all class activities and assignments. A = 90-100%; B = 80-89%; C = 70-79; D = 60-69%; F = 0-59%. Grades are posted online using the “Infinite Campus: Student Information System” (or SIS) website. The website is located at: (goodman.tammy@cusd80.com).
“8th Grade Integrated Science” Part 2 Absences- If you are absent, the information and hand-outs will be put in the corresponding (by date) folder in the absent crate. The warm-up for each day will be in the binder in the front portion of the crate. You will have one day for each day absent to complete make-up work. It is your responsibility to complete and turn in make-up work within the time allotted. “Ready Desk”- At the start of class each day, students must have their agenda, warm-up sheet, and AR book on their desk. Students will add information to their agendas and begin working on the warm-up in a timely manner. Students will receive a daily stamp on their warm-up sheet for following this routine. The stamped warm-ups will be turned in for a grade every two weeks. Interactive Notebook- Your interactive notebook is the most important resource that you will have in science this year. It will contain the information you need to study and to complete assignments. At the end of each unit, your notebook will be graded. Cell Phones- While in our classroom, keep your electronics in your backpack in a zipper compartment that is not open, unless it is being used for an educational purpose. How to Get Help- If you need help, tutoring is offered for science after school on Tuesdays. Mrs. Goodman is often available on other days, too, so please talk with her to set up a time to come in for help. Bathroom Passes- You will be given a bathroom pass sheet per quarter. Once you use those up or if you do not bring them to class, then you will not be able to use the restroom for that class period (unless medically necessary). In the case of an emergency, FOCUS points will be deducted. Cheating Policy- My definition of cheating is not doing the work yourself. You should be able to rephrase what you read/wrote and explain it to me! Consequences for cheating on homework will be a grade of zero, parent contact and a referral. Test/quiz cheating will result in a retake of the assessment for the opportunity to receive a grade no higher than 59%. Mrs. Goodman also maintains a web page that has copies of worksheets and links to helpful websites. You can get to the page by going to the Bogle Junior High website (www.mychandlerschools.org/bogle) and then selecting her name from the “staff” page. Save this site to your “favorites” for easy access.
Fight Song: Go Bogle Bulldogs, Lets go RED and BLUE Proud and strong and mighty, We will always cheer for you GO! GO! GO! Standing tall with PRIDE Victory we'll claim to honor your name Go Bulldogs win this game!
The rest of the class time: We will be working on your caricature’s at the lab stations.
The bell is going to ring soon so. . . . Clean up your lab station. Make sure the supplies are returned neatly into the plastic bin and the lid is on the bin. Wait in your seat for Mrs. Goodman to dismiss you.