Second Grade Classroom Overview
Teaching Philosophy Mrs. Maher, Mrs. Klassen, and Dr. Sanford work to create a classroom community of learners where each child is treated with respect and where the needs of each child is addressed. Because children learn in a variety of ways, we will work to incorporate different teaching approaches to address all learners. Individuality and creativity are nurtured in our classrooms.
Classroom Expectations The Second Grade behavior guidelines are based on the PBIS framework and Whole Brain Teaching that Lucketts Elementary students adhere to throughout the school. Our classroom behavior guidelines incorporate the following classroom rules: Follow directions quickly! Raise your hand for permission to speak!
Classroom Expectations 3. Raise your hand for permission to leave your seat! 4. Make smart choices! 5. Keep your dear teacher happy! Students will earn points towards a class reward by following class rules. The points will be tallied throughout the day using a Class Scoreboard.
Classroom Behavior Management Tier 1: If a student breaks a rule in class, the teacher will redirect and reteach the classroom rule. Tier 2: If a student continues to break a rule, the teacher will redirect and reteach the classroom rule. A student conference will be completed after the student completes a “Think Sheet”, and the student will be asked to return to appropriate classroom behavior. Tier 3: If the student fails to return to appropriate classroom behavior the following actions may occur: a parent call or conference will be scheduled. A class report will be submitted. This is for problematic, accumulative behavior over several days. Tier 4: If a behavior occurs after the first two interventions, the principal and guidance counselor will be contacted to conference with the teacher and the parents of the student. An office referral to the principal will submitted.
Classroom Behavior Management Students can earn individual and class rewards if behavior is either on track or improved within the course of a school day or accumulated over the course of the week. Some examples include: Extra recess for the class. Lunch with the teacher. Game with a friend.
Curriculum Language Arts: Language Arts includes Word Study, Writer’s Workshop, Guided Reading, Shared Reading, and Independent Reading. Math: We use a hands-on approach to teaching Mathematics. Students have an opportunity to engage in a variety of approaches utilizing technology, games, and paper/pencil methods of instruction. Science/Social Science: Units are designed around two-week intervals. Study guides will be posted on our Grade level website and sent home in a hard-copy version.
Grading Grading Guidelines for Second Grade: E = Exceeds the benchmark for Second Grade. M = Meets the benchmark for Second Grade. P = Progressing towards the benchmark for Second Grade. B = Below the benchmark for Second Grade. Students will be graded on classroom participation, quizzes, and tests. LCPS is using Phoenix Portal. Please go to to access.
Classroom Routines Students will be expected to arrive on time and rested and ready to begin a day at school. Recess will occur every day unless it is raining. Children should dress according to the weather of the day. i.e. cool weather requires a light jacket, cold weather requires a heavy jacket, mittens or gloves. Long pants if it is cold. Homework will be assigned on a daily basis and written in the homework agenda. LCPS guidelines do not allow food for birthday treats. Please send in pencils or small items instead. Please make sure to pack a daily healthy snack. Please no items that require a spoon such as yogurt or applesauce.
Communication Weekly communication- Progress Report Monthly Communication- Bi-weekly emails. Please contact your classroom teacher with any immediate questions and concerns.
Miscellaneous The Second Grade will be going on one field trip this year. (TBD) We will celebrate the cultures of China and Egypt, Canada, and Mexico. There will be 3 class parties-Winter, Friendship, and End of Year. If you do not wish for your child to participate in a school activity, written notice should be given at least one week prior to the scheduled event.
Homework Homework will be given each day and collected the following morning. Students will be assigned nightly reading, word study, and math homework. Homework time should not exceed 30 minutes per night. Homework will be written by the student in his/her agenda. If a student is unable to complete homework, the parent should write a note detailing the reason and the teacher will assist the student with completing the homework.
Reminders Before you leave tonight, please sign up for a parent-teacher conference in your child’s classroom. A list of classroom volunteer opportunities will be available. Please consider signing up. There are many different opportunities to assist in the classroom. Thank you for coming tonight. We look forward to a great year together!