LATVIA DISTRICTS GENERAL FACTS ABOUT LATVIA Latvia in Brief Location: Latvia is situated in Northern Europe, on the coast of the Baltic Sea. The Territory of Latvia: 64,589 square kilometres (24,938 square miles). National anthem: 'Dievs, sveti Latviju!' (God Bless Latvia) International code: LV Constitution: democratic parliamentary republic The parliament, called the Saeima consists of 100 elected MPs. President:Raimonds Vējonis ( from 2015) Offical language: Latvian Total population: 1,989,500 ( 2014) Capital city: Riga (with 696,593 inhabitants) Administrative organisation: 9 cities, 5 regions, 110 districts Traditionally divided into 4 regions: Vidzeme, Latgale, Kurzeme and Zemgale Largest cities apart from Riga: Daugavpils, Jelgava, Jēkabpils, Jūrmala, Liepāja, Rēzekne, Ventspils,Valmiera Major ports: Ventspils, Riga, Liepaja Ethnic composition: Latvians - 61.1%, Russians - 26.2%, Belorussians - 3.5%, Ukrainians - 2.3%, Poles- 2.2%, Lithuanians - 1.3%, Others – 3,4% Religion: Non-religious - 35%, Lutheran - 24%, Catholic - 18%, Orthodox - 15%, Others - 8% Currency: EURO
1993 8tn November
LPPA represent 53 members Enterprises from Latvia
LPPA members apportioments by aspects Passenger traffic internal passenger carried by bus - 37 enterprises Passenger traffic international passenger carried by bus - 5 enterprises Passenger traffic internal passenger carried by tram - 3 enterprises Irregular Passenger traffic by bus – 36 enterprises Taxi traffic – 9 enterprises
LPPA STRUCTURE: The members' meeting President / Chairman of the Board 8 members of the Board LPPA Administration
3 REGIONAL SECTION Rietumu section Latgales section Vidzemes section
3 SECTOR SECTION International bus lines section Taxi passenger carried section Passenger traffic urban section
LPPA in the enterprises carried passengers: Urban bus lines – 98,5% Suburban bus lines – 89,3% Interurban bus lines – 90% Urban lines by tram and by trolley-bus - 100%
LPPA in the enterprises are working 12000 employee
LPPA representing members' interests Parliament Ministries State institutions Local government institutions Associations
LATVIAN ASSOCIATION OF PASSENGER CARRIERS (LPPA) Latvia, Riga, Dzirciema street 121-301 LV-1055 Phone:+37167460255 Fax:+37167465400 E-mail: