Bus Interfacing Processor-Memory Bus Backplane Bus I/O Bus High speed memory bus Backplane Bus Processor-Interface bus This is what we usually mean by “the bus” ISA/PCI/VME I/O Bus Standard Interfaces SCSI, ATAPI
Continue Burst read from RAM Processor-Memory Bus This bus connects the CPU to RAM Designed for maximal bandwidth Usually wide, 32 bits or more To further increase bandwidth we use a Cache Burst access between cache and memory, early restart Cache Miss STALL, Start Burst read from RAM PA[3:2] 1 Release Pipe STALL Continue Burst read from RAM PA[3:2] 4 2 3
RAM Technology Static RAM used for Cache Fast 5-40ns (but expensive) Predictable response time (constant) Cache line n*32 bits Burst read can be made fast Exploit locality Dynamic RAM used for primary memory Needs “refresh”, (not constant access time) Bandwidth, (throughput) Bus width / Access time
Memory Bus 4*32 Each access transfers 128 bits 00xx 01xx 10xx 11xx 32 Each RAM bank is only accessed every fourth cycle on “burst read” 00xx 01xx 10xx 11xx
On Chip Cache (1st level) CP0 Using separate Instruction and Data caches, we can read a Hit simultaneously for both Instruction and Data In this model 1st level caches use virtual address, and must pass TLB on Cache miss 1st level cache must be fast Limited area on chip Usually 8-64 kb IM DE EX DM Instr Cache Data Cache
Backplane Bus Virtual Address Bus Adapter Primary Memory RAM CP0 Control 2nd level Cache IM DE EX DM Physical Addr 1st level Cache Data TLB HD Interface Serial Interface Graphics Adapter Sound Card
Synchronous Bus A single clock controls the protocol Pros Simple (one FSM) Fast Cons Clock skew limits bus length All devices work on the same speed (clock) Suitable for Processor-Memory Bus
Asynchronous Uses a handshaking to implement a transaction protocol Pros Versatile, generic protocols Dynamic data rate Cons More complex, two communication FSMs Slower, (but usually can be made quite fast)
Asynchronous Protocol ReadReq DataReady Ack Master Slave ReadReq Ack Wait for Data DataReady Ack
Increase Bus Bandwidth Timing & Protocol Faster timing, less protocol activity, (but less versatile) Data bus width More bus lines, (more expensive) Multiplexed bus, (shared lines for data/addr/control) More complexity, (does not guarantee better bandwidth) Block Transfers Latency will increase, (the time we wait for access)
Split Transaction Protocol When we don’t need the bus, release it! Improves throughput Increases latency and complexity Master Slave Master requests bus ReadReq Ack No one requests bus Wait for Data Slave requests bus DataReady Ack
Bus Arbitration Bus Master, (initiator usually the CPU) Slave, (usually the Memory) Arbitration signals BusRequest BusGrant BusPriority Higher priority served first Fairness, no request is locked out
Arbitration Protocol Daisy Chain, (VME bus) Simple (but limited speed, must pass higher priority devices) Fairness must be implemented by the devices Pri 4 Pri 3 Pri 2 Pri 1 BusRequest
Bus Arbitration Centralized Self Selection Many request/grant lines Complex controller, may be a bottleneck Self Selection Many request lines The one with highest priority self decides to take bus Collision Detection (Ethernet) One request line Try to access bus, If collision device backoff Try again in random + exponential time
Direct Memory Access (DMA) (2) RAM CP0 2nd level Cache IM DE EX DM 1st level Cache TLB We want to move data from HD interface to RAM (1) HD Interface Why go all the way to the CPU (1) and back to the memory bus (2)
Direct Memory Access DMA Processor Generates interrupt only 1) Generates BusRequest, waits for Grant 2) Put Address & Data on Bus 3) Increase Address, back to 2 until finished 4) Release Bus Generates interrupt only When finished If an error occurred
DMA and Virtual Memory If DMA uses Virtual address it needs to pass a TLB Go through the CPU’s TLB (no good) A TLB in the DMA processor (needs updating) If DMA uses Physical address Only transfer within one Page We give the DMA a set of Physical addresses (local TLB copy)
DMA and Caching INCONSISTENCY problem Routing All DMA though CPU We change the RAM contents, but not the cache We write to HD but the RAM holds “old” information Routing All DMA though CPU No good, spoils the idea! Software handling of DMA Cache: Flush selected cache lines to RAM Cache: Invalidate selected cache lines TLB/OS: Do not allow access to these pages until DMA finished Hardware Cache Coherence Protocol Complex, but very useful for multi processor systems