ELPA21 Test Administration Overview For District Test Coordinators Welcome to today’s webinar on ELPA21 Test Administration for District Test Coordinators. This training module will cover the major online systems used in administration of the ELPA21 assessments. This training is intended for people who are not familiar with AIR’s systems, but anyone is welcome to sit in on the training. We are going to mute everyone‘s phone so that background noise from participants does not interfere with the webinar. If you have any questions, please submit them using the question box on the webinar screen. We will compile all questions and will provide a response within one week of this webinar. If you think of additional questions after the webinar is over, you can send them to the WCAP Help Desk and we will respond through the Help Desk. We will tell you how to access the Help Desk in a few minutes. We will post the slides from this webinar on the Washington Comprehensive Assessment Program (WCAP) portal within the next couple of days. Let’s get started by looking at the WCAP portal and seeing how you can find information on the portal. Copyright © 2016 American Institutes for Research. All rights reserved.
ELPA21 Resources on the WCAP Portal The WCAP portal is a centralized location for all information about administering the ELPA21 test: http://wa.portal.airast.org/ The WCAP portal is a centralized location for all information about administering the ELPA21 test. The URL for the WCAP portal is http://wa.portal.airast.org/. The portal is open to the public and does not require a username or password for access. We recommend that you create a bookmark for the portal in your web browser because you will probably be returning to it frequently.
Navigating the Portal The Portal can be navigated by clicking on the links at the top or the cards along either side: The portal can be navigated by using the links at the top or the cards along the side.
Help Desk Click on the “Contact Us” link on the portal homepage for information about contacting the Washington Help Desk: Washington Help Desk American Institutes for Research Tel 1.844.560.7366 wahelpdesk@air.org The “Contact Us” card on the portal links to a portal page with information about accessing the Washington Help Desk. The Help Desk can answer questions about technology and AIR online testing systems. The Washington Help Desk is open Monday through Friday from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. Pacific Time. The Help Desk is closed on weekends and federal holidays. You can contact the Help Desk by phone or email.
Secure Browser The AIR Secure Browser must be installed on any computers used for secure student testing (operational ELPA21 test and ELPA21 pilot screener). Click on the Secure Browsers link on the Portal to access the Secure Browser download page. There is a table on that page listing the operating systems and devices supported for secure student testing. All students taking the ELPA21 operational tests and the ELPA21 screener pilot test must use a Secure Browser. The Secure Browser should be installed on student computers in advance of testing. Click on the Secure Browsers link on the Portal to access the Secure Browsers download page.
Downloading the Secure Browser Scroll down the Secure Browser page and choose the appropriate tab for information about downloading the Secure Browser for your operating system. To download the Secure Browser, scroll down the Secure Browser page on the portal and choose the appropriate tab for the operating system you will be using. All operating systems that are supported for ELPA21 testing are listed on these tabs.
Installing the Secure Browser Each tab on the Secure Browsers page of the portal includes a link to download the Secure Browser and an overview of the process for installing that Secure Browser. The link for Important Information includes additional resources: Technical Specifications Manual for Online Testing: Additional information about hardware and software configuration for online testing. Secure Browser Installation Manual: detailed information about Secure Browser installation including instructions for installing the Secure Browser on multiple computers from a central network location. Braille Requirements Document for Online Systems: provides information about supported hardware and software requirements for Braille testing and instructions for configuring JAWS. Each tab on the Secure Browsers page of the portal includes a link to download the Secure Browser and an overview of the process for installing that Secure Browser. The Important Information tab on the page has links to other resources that your district and school technical staff will find useful. These resources include a Technical Specifications Manual for Online Testing is also posted here and it includes information about hardware and software configuration for online testing. The Secure Browser Installation Manual that includes supplemental detailed information about installing the Secure Browser, including instructions for installing the Secure Browser on multiple computers from a central network location. They also include the Braille Requirements Document for Online Systems which provides information about supported hardware and software requirements for Braille testing and instructions for configuring JAWS. If you have questions about installing the Secure Browser or configuring the computers in your district for online testing that are not answered in these publications, please call the WCAP Help Desk. Help Desk agents can also help you if you have concerns about whether or not the computers you plan to use for ELPA21 testing meet the minimum specifications needed.
Accessing Resources Each manual can also be accessed by clicking on the Resources link on the Portal home page and then choosing Technology Coordinators: Most information on the portal can be accessed in multiple ways. You can also access this technical documentation by clicking on the Resources link on the Portal home page and then choosing technology coordinators.
Network Diagnostic Tool The main page of the Secure Browser includes a link to a network diagnostic tool: After you install, you will see various links when you open it up. The network diagnostic tool is available now and we recommend that you click on the link for this tool and run through the network diagnostics prior to the start of student testing.
Network Diagnostic Tool The network diagnostic tool allows you to run two checks: Network Diagnostics Test checks for bandwidth Recording and Playback check confirms that your computer’s recording system is working correctly for testing ELPA21 speaking. The network diagnostic tool allows you to check that you have sufficient bandwidth in your school for the number of students who will be simultaneously taking the ELPA21 tests. We recommend that you run the bandwidth checker at approximately the same time of day that you will be administering the tests, since other user’s demands on your network bandwidth may vary at different times of the day. The recording and playback check can be used to confirm that your computer’s recording systems and headsets are working correctly with the ELPA21 test. We recommend checking the recording and playback on all computers that will be used for ELPA21 student testing prior to the start of the testing window. Network Diagnostics will return the same result for all computers on your network, so it is not necessary to run that test on every computer.
Overview of AIR Systems Test Information Distribution Engine (TIDE) Stores student demographic information and test settings Used to manage user accounts for all systems Test Delivery System (TDS) Used by TAs to administer tests and monitor students Includes interface used by students to navigate through test We will now discuss two AIR systems that will be used for administering the ELPA21 tests: TIDE and TDS. TIDE stores information about students and student test settings. TIDE also stores information about users, including test administrators who will be administering the ELPA21 tests. The Test Delivery System, or TDS, is the system that is actually used to administer tests. We will schedule a separate webinar this spring to go over how to use the Online Reporting System when that system opens up with student test results.
TIDE Objectives Preparing for Testing Activating your new TIDE account and logging in to TIDE Navigating the TIDE interface Understanding account permissions Managing user accounts Managing student information and test settings Viewing and editing orders for paper/pencil test materials Administering Tests Managing appeals Monitoring test progress The first system we will discuss is TIDE. TIDE includes tasks that typically take place when preparing for testing and those that take place during test administration. The TIDE User Guide, which is posted in the ELPA21 Resources section of the portal, includes all the information we will cover here. We recommend that all TIDE users download the TIDE User Guide and refer to it the first time they navigate through the TIDE system.
Activating a TIDE Account When you are initially added to TIDE, you’ll receive an e-mail with instructions to activate your TIDE account. This email contains a temporary password, and an activation link. The email will come from the address AIRAST-DoNotReply@air.org. If you think you have been added to TIDE but you do not receive an email, please check your Spam folder. You can also use the “Forgot your password” link on the TIDE landing page to request a new temporary password if you cannot find the email with the password. To activate your account, click the link in the activation e-mail. A page will appear with fields to re-enter your e-mail and temporary password. Click Secure Login, and a new page will appear prompting you to reset your password. In the Password and Confirm Password fields, type a new password for your account. Passwords have a length requirement and must include different character types; see your TIDE User Guide for details. After entering your new password, click Submit. Return to the Login Page and log in using your e-mail and new password. When you log in, a form for adding a security question will appear. Select a security question and enter an answer. You will be required to add three security questions in order to proceed. You’ll need this information in order to reset a forgotten password. Please note that if an account is created for an incorrect e-mail address, it will need to be deleted, and a new account created for the user.
Logging in to TIDE To log in to TIDE, go to the portal. Click the appropriate user role card. On the next page, click the TIDE system card. Enter the username and password you created when activating your account. Then click Secure Login to go to the TIDE home page. 14
TIDE Home Page The TIDE home page appears after you log in. If you are familiar with TIDE from previous school years, you will notice that TIDE has a new look for 2016-17. The home page is designed to reflect the stages of the testing process as directly and simply as possible. Each of TIDE’s three sections list menus for the tasks available in that section. For example, the Users menu contains options for adding users, viewing/editing/exporting users, and uploading users. To expand a task menu and view Its set of related tasks, click the down arrow on the end of that menu. To perform a task, click the name of that task listed in the menu. Please note the graphics throughout this presentation may appear slightly different in the systems.
Overview of TIDE Tasks Tasks in the Preparing for Testing section are typically performed before testing begins. This category includes tasks for managing records for users, students, test settings, and rosters. This category will also include tasks for placing additional orders for paper testing materials and for setting up test windows. TIDE can also group students into rosters. A roster is a collection of students sharing a similar characteristic who are assigned to a specific teacher. Rosters typically represent classrooms, but can also be used to group students with special needs or students participating in particular activities or programs. Once scores are calculated, users can visualize how a roster of students performed as a group. Additionally, TIDE allows users to place and manage orders for paper test materials and manage test windows. The ability to set test windows is a new feature in TIDE for 2016-2017.
Overview of TIDE Tasks Tasks in the Administering Tests section are typically performed during the administration window. In this section users can create and review appeals. New this year, TIDE can also monitor test progress and generate test participation reports. This feature was previously available in the Online Reporting System.
Overview of TIDE Tasks In the After Testing section, you can perform data cleanup operations, such as entering participation codes to applicable students for reason not tested. Participation codes are not required for ELPA21 in Washington. Users can also use TIDE to track return packages containing student test booklets.
Banner A banner appears at the top of each TIDE page showing the current test administration and your current user role. On the upper-left corner of the screen there is a drop-down list for accessing other AIR applications. On the upper-right side of the screen you will also find a Help button that displays the TIDE User Guide, a Manage Account drop-down list where you may set up your account details, and a Logout button.
Navigation Toolbars When you enter any task page, a navigation toolbar appears at the top of the page. This toolbar allows you to access each task and action that was available on the dashboard. To view the task menus for a particular TIDE category, click the icon for that category above the toolbar. Some pages in TIDE are divided into multiple panels. Each panel contains a group of related settings and fields that you can edit. You can click the minus sign in the upper-left corner of a panel to collapse it, or click the plus sign in a collapsed panel to expand it. Additionally, a floating Go To Section toolbar appears on the left side of pages with multiple panels. This toolbar includes a numbered button for each panel in the form. You can hover over a button to display the label of the associated panel and click the button to jump to that panel.
Help Text Most pages in TIDE have help text that describes the page and how to use it. To show or hide detailed help text on a page, click the gray more info link under the page title.
District Administrator School Test Coordinator Information Specialist Roles and Permissions Task District Coordinator District Administrator School Test Coordinator Test Administrator Information Specialist Viewing Students Details Adding User Accounts Viewing and Editing User Details Working with Rosters of Students Generate Plan and Manage Testing Reports Your TIDE account is assigned a role, and that role has certain permissions. This table gives an example of the permissions associated with roles in your state. For example, a district-level user may be able to perform tasks that are not available to a school-level user. Permissions also limit the scope of data access by a user. A district-level user can work with data pertaining to that district, and a school-level user can work with data pertaining to that school. For a detailed list of user roles and associated permissions, see your TIDE User Guide.
Users Before testing begins, and throughout the school year, TIDE is used to manage user accounts for TIDE itself, the TA Interface, the Online Reporting System (referred to as ORS), and other AIR systems. The Users task menu allows you to add users; view, edit, or export users; and upload users from an external file depending on your user role.
Add Users District Test Coordinators, District Administrators and School Test Coordinators can manually add new users from the Add User page. Fill out the information in the form, and click Save. The fields marked with an asterisk are mandatory. The new user’s e-mail address will serve as their username when logging in to any AIR system.
Upload Users A second way to add new users in to TIDE is to use the Upload Users page to compose an upload file in Excel or CSV format and then upload that file. This method is easiest if you have many new users and you don’t want to add them one at a time from the Add User page. The easiest way to compose an upload file is to download an available template by clicking Download Templates. Open the template, enter information for the users you wish to add using Excel or another program, and save the file in Excel or CSV format. Detailed instructions for composing an upload file can be found in the TIDE User Guide. Once you return to TIDE, click Browse, and select the file you just saved. To see a list of the files you have previously uploaded, first click the blue plus sign to expand the Upload History panel. Click Next to upload the file. A file preview page will appear, allowing you to verify you uploaded the correct file. If the preview is correct, click Next to continue.
Upload Users Error Warning Next, TIDE will validate the file and display any errors or warnings according to the legend on the page. Click the orange error icons and blue warning icons in the validation results screen to view the reason a field is invalid. If a record contains an error, that record will not be included in the upload. If a record contains a warning, that record will be uploaded, but the field with the warning will be invalid. To complete the upload, click Continue with Upload. To upload a different file, click Upload Revised File. To cancel the upload, click Cancel. If your file contains a large number of records, TIDE will process it offline and send you a confirmation e-mail when complete. While TIDE is validating the file, do not press Cancel, as TIDE may have already started processing some of the records. To view a PDF file listing the validation results for the upload file, click Download Validation Report in the upper-right corner. When the upload is complete, a confirmation page will appear with a message that summarizes how many records were committed and how many were excluded.
View/Edit/Export User The View/Edit/Export User page includes a form for setting selection criteria to retrieve users. In this example, the required criteria are the user’s role, district, and school. Other criteria are optional, such as the first or last name. Click Search to continue. The search panel will automatically collapse, and your search results will appear below.
View/Edit/Export Users After clicking Search, TIDE will display all the users satisfying the search criteria. If your user role permits, you can edit a user’s information by clicking the green pencil icon. Another page will appear where you can edit and save information. To export user information, mark the checkboxes next to the users you wish to export and click the green export button above the search results. To delete users from TIDE, mark the checkboxes next to the users you wish to delete and click the orange trash can button above the search results. To make the search form re-appear and search for additional users, click the plus sign in the Search Users panel, which appears as a blue bar. For more detailed information on managing users, see your TIDE User Guide.
Students TIDE manages student information and keeps track of which assessments students are eligible to take during a school year. The Students task menu allows you to view, edit, or export students and upload student settings.
View/Edit/Export Student The View/Edit/Export Student page includes a form for setting selection criteria to retrieve students. Required criteria, such as the district and school in this example, are marked with asterisks. Other criteria are optional, such as the SSID and the student’s first or last name. You can further refine your criteria by entering additional demographic information or test settings in the Additional Search panel. The students you can retrieve on this page are limited by your role’s scope. For example, if you are a district-level user, you can retrieve students enrolled within your district. If you are a school-level user, you can only retrieve students enrolled within your school. Click Search to continue. The search panel will automatically collapse, and your search results will appear below.
View/Edit/Export Students TIDE will display all the students satisfying the search criteria. You can edit a student’s information, including test settings and accommodations, by clicking the green pencil icon. Print or export student information by selecting the desired students and clicking the Print or Export button above the search results. To make the search form re-appear and search for additional students, click the plus sign in the Search Students panel, which appears as a blue bar. For more detailed information on managing students, see your TIDE User Guide.
Test Settings and Tools TIDE keeps track of student test settings, such as font size and Text-to-Speech. The Test Settings and Tools task menu allows you to view, edit, export or upload test settings and tools.
Test Settings and Tools The Test Settings and Tools page includes a form for setting selection criteria to retrieve a student’s test settings and tools. Required criteria, such as the district and school in this example, are marked with asterisks. Other criteria are optional, such as the student ID and the student’s first or last name. You can further refine your criteria by entering additional demographic information or test settings in the Additional Search panel. The students you can retrieve on this page are limited by your role’s scope. For example, if you are a district-level user, you can retrieve settings for those students enrolled within your district. If you are a school-level user, you can only retrieve settings for those students enrolled within your school. Click Search to continue. The search panel will automatically collapse, and your search results will appear below.
View/Edit/Export Test Settings and Tools TIDE will display all the students satisfying the search criteria. Because not all columns can fit on the screen at once, you may need to click the blue arrow on the right side of the screen to scroll right and display more information. You can edit a student’s test settings and accommodations, by clicking the green pencil icon. To make the search form re-appear and search for additional students, click the plus sign in the Search for Test Settings and Tools to Edit panel, which appears as a blue bar. For more detailed information on managing student test settings and tools, see your TIDE User Guide.
View/Edit/Export Test Settings and Tools Print or export student information from TIDE by selecting the desired students and clicking the Print, Export, or Delete button above the search results. The Export button feature is currently unavailable in TIDE. This feature will be available soon in spring 2017.
Upload Test Settings and Tools A second way to edit test settings and tools in TIDE is to use the Upload Test Settings and Tools page to compose an upload file in Excel or CSV format and then upload that file. This task is performed by following the same steps you would use to upload new users and students. For more detailed information on uploading test settings and tools, see your TIDE User Guide located on the WCAP portal.
Rosters The Rosters task menu allows you to add rosters; view, edit, or export rosters; and upload students from an external file. Once test scores are calculated, roster information is used to generate reports of how students in the roster performed as a group.
Add Roster You can manually create a roster on the Add Roster page. To add a new roster, select the district and school to which the roster belongs. Enter a roster name and select the name of the teacher who should be associated with the roster. In the Test Settings and Tools panel and Additional Filters panel, refine the list of available students by selecting additional criteria from the drop-down lists and checkboxes. Then click Search Students.
Add Roster In the Add/Remove Students to the Roster section, the students in the left column are available to be added to the roster, and students in the right column are currently in the roster. To add a single student to the roster, click the green plus sign next to a student in the left column. You can add multiple students to the roster by marking checkboxes next to the students you want to add, and then clicking Add Selected. Add all available students to the roster by clicking Add All. To remove a single student from the roster, click the orange X next to a student in the right column. You can remove multiple students from the roster by marking checkboxes next to the students you want to remove, and then clicking Remove Selected. Remove all students from the roster by clicking Remove All.
Upload Rosters A second way to add new rosters into TIDE is to use the Upload Rosters page to compose an upload file in Excel or CSV format and then upload that file. This task is performed by following the same steps used to upload new users and students: download a template file, enter information into the template, save, and click the Browse button to locate the file and upload it in to TIDE.
View/Edit/Export Rosters The View/Edit/Export Rosters page includes a form for setting selection criteria to retrieve rosters. In this example, the district and school criteria are required. Click Search to display a list of rosters matching your criteria. Print, export, or delete rosters from TIDE by selecting the desired rosters and clicking the Print, Export, or Delete button above the search results. Click the pencil icon next to a roster to view or edit its details. The Edit Roster form will appear. This form is similar to the form used to add rosters, and you may edit the roster name, teacher name, and students in the roster in the same way that you would for a new roster.
Test Windows The Test Windows task menu allows you to add customized test windows; view, edit, or export test windows; and upload test windows from an external file. See the TIDE User Guide for more information.
Add Test Window You can manually create a customized test window on the Add Test Window page. Begin by selecting the type of entity for which you want to add a test window: District or School. Then, from the District and School drop-down lists (as available), make selections for the district and school. Enter a name for the test window in the Test Window Label field, and enter the test window’s start and end dates. Click Add Test Window to continue.
Add Test Window Next, add tests in the Add/Remove Tests section. To add a single test to the window, click the green plus sign next to a test in the left column. You can add multiple tests to the window by marking checkboxes next to the tests you want to add, and then clicking Add Selected. Add all available tests to the window by clicking Add All. To remove a single test from the roster, click the orange X next to a test in the right column. You can remove multiple tests from the window by marking checkboxes next to the tests you want to remove, and then clicking Remove Selected. Remove all tests from the window by clicking Remove All. Click Save to save the new test window. The new test window will take effect immediately in the TA Interface.
View/Edit/Export Test Windows The View/Edit/Export Test Windows page includes a form for setting selection criteria to retrieve test windows. Select the district and/or school associated with the test window you wish to retrieve and enter additional criteria as desired. Click Search to display a list of test windows matching your criteria. The search panel will automatically collapse, and your search results will appear below. Click the pencil icon next to a test window to view or edit its details. The Edit Test Window form will appear. This form is similar to the form used to add test windows. You may edit the test window label, start and end dates, and tests in the same way that you would for a new test window. Delete test windows from TIDE by selecting the desired windows and clicking the trash can icon.
Upload Test Windows A second way to add new test windows into TIDE is to use the Upload Test Windows page to compose an upload file in Excel or CSV format and then upload that file. This task is performed by following the same steps used for uploading new users and uploading new students.
Appeals In the Administering Tests section of the TIDE dashboard, the Appeals task menu allows you to view pending appeals; create new appeals; view, or export appeals; and upload appeals. In the normal flow of a test opportunity, a student takes the test in the Test Delivery System and then submits it. Next, the Test Delivery System forwards the test for scoring, and the Online Reporting System reports the test scores once scoring is completed. Appeals are a way of interrupting this normal flow. Reasons for appeals can vary. For example, a student may need to continue with a testing opportunity due to a testing incident, like a power outage. A test may need to be invalidated. Examples include student cheating or accessing a calculator on a non-calculator portion of the test.
Create Appeals The Create Appeals page is where you create an appeal for a test. The first step is to select the type of appeal you want to create. The TIDE User Guide lists the available appeal types and explains the implications of each. Next, search for the test result for which you wish to create an appeal. From the drop-down lists and in the text field, enter your search criteria and click Search. TIDE will display the search results below. Mark the checkbox next to each test result for which you wish to create an appeal, and click Create. A window will pop up asking you to enter a reason for the appeal. To create the appeal, enter a reason and click Submit.
View/Approve/Export Appeals You can review submitted appeals from the View Appeals Requests page. Select an appeal type and status and enter additional search criteria as desired. Click Search to display appeals matching your criteria.
View/Approve/Export Appeals When you click Search, the search panel will automatically collapse, and your search results will appear below. To view the approval and processing status of an appeal, click the green comment icon in the Status column. To retract or resubmit an appeal: mark the checkbox next to it, click Process, and then select the action you wish to perform. The approval of an appeal will update the test opportunities and results accordingly. Rejecting an appeal will continue the processing of test results as if the appeal were never submitted.
Upload Appeals A second way to add/create new appeals in TIDE is to use the Upload Appeals page to compose an upload file in Excel or CSV format and then upload that file. This task is performed by following the same steps used to upload new users and students.
Monitoring Test Progress The tasks available in the Monitoring Test Progress task menu allow you to generate various reports that provide information about a test administration's progress. Several types of participation reports are available: The Plan and Manage Testing Report details all of a student’s test opportunities and the status of those test opportunities. The Test Completion Rates Report summarizes the number and percentage of students who have started or completed a test. And the Test Status Code Report displays all the non-participation codes for a test administration.
Plan and Manage Testing Plan and Manage Testing reports detail all of a student’s test opportunities and the status of each test opportunity. Because the report lists testing opportunities, a student can appear more than once on the report. To generate a report from the Plan and Manage Testing page, first go to the Step 1: Choose What panel and select a test and administration. Optionally, you may also choose a test name, enrolled grade, or test settings. Next, in the Step 2: Choose Who panel, select a district and school, if applicable. Optionally, you may also choose a teacher from the Teacher drop-down list. Finally, in the Step 3: Get Specific panel, choose one of the three available options as desired and select parameters for that option. Click Generate Report to view your Plan and Manage Testing report, or click Export Report to open the report in Excel.
Plan and Manage Testing Clicking Generate Report will display the report and collapse the Report Criteria panel. Because not all columns can fit on the screen at once, you may need to click the blue arrow on the right side of the screen to scroll right and display more information.
Plan and Manage Testing Which students have not yet tested? Which students have paused tests? Did all the students in a test session submit their tests? This slide illustrates some common questions that can be answered using the options available in the Step 3: Get Specific panel. To find students who have not yet tested, select the first radio button and search for students who have completed their first opportunity in the selected administration. To find students who have paused tests, select the second radio button and search for students on their first opportunity in the selected administration with a status of paused. To find out if all students in a test session submitted their tests, select the third radio button and search for students by test session ID between the dates when the test session took place.
Test Completion Rates The Test Completion Rates report summarizes the number and percentage of students who have started or completed a test. To generate a report from the Test Completion Rates page, choose whether to generate a District or State report from the Report drop-down list. Select a district and school from the corresponding drop-down lists, if available. If desired, select a test name. To view the report on the page, click Generate Report. The report will appear below the Report Criteria panel. To open the report in Excel, click Export Report.
Test Delivery System (TDS) Objectives Use the Test Administrator Interface to start and run a test session View student test settings and accessibility resources Monitor the testing process Pause and stop a test session Print test session information Exit and log out of the Test Administrator Interface In the next section of the webinar, we’ll discuss the Test Delivery System (TDS), which includes the Student Interface used by students to navigate through the test, and the Test Administrator Interface used by TAs to manage test sessions and monitor student testing progress. The procedures for administering operational tests, training tests and the ELPA21 Pilot Screener using a TA session are identical. However, students must use the Secure Browser to take an operational test. They can take a training test using either the Secure Browser or a supported non-Secure Browser. The Supported Browsers page of the portal lists the non-Secure Browsers that can be used for student practice tests. We strongly recommend that all test administrators administer a ELPA21 training test before they administer an operational test. Two test administrators may want to work together while doing this for the first time, with one test administrator as the teacher and one as the student. Students should also always take a training test to become familiar with the software before they take an operational test. The training test is currently available already on the WCAP portal and is the same test that was available last year.
Logging in to the TA Interface To log in to the TA Interface, go to the WCAP portal. Click the appropriate user card. On the next page, click the Test Administration system card shown on the computer screen. This is the card used for the Smarter Balanced Interim Assessments and for the Science MSP and the Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments as well as ELPA21. Enter your username and password, and then click Secure Login to continue. 58
TA Interface: Overview Once the Test Administrator has logged in according to the directions on the previous slide, he or she will see the Test Administrator Interface with the Test Selection window open by default. From the Test Administrator Interface, you can access the features you need to create and manage test sessions, look up students, and access help information. We will begin with an overview of the interface. The screen shot on this slide shows the ELPA21 operational tests. The ELPA21 Screener Pilot tests will also be available for the TA to select when the TA sets up a test session for these tests as well. Please note the ELPA21 tests will appear in orange.
TA Interface: Overview (continued) When you first log in to the TA Interface, the Test Selection window will appear automatically. This window closes when you start the session. After you start a session, the session ID will appear at the top of the TA Interface along with a Stop button. When students start signing in to the test session, an Approvals button will also appear next to the session ID. Once you approve students for testing, the Test Session table will appear in the center of the TA Interface, displaying students’ testing progress. Additional features are available in the banner at the top of the screen.
TA Interface: Banner In the banner at the top of the screen, you will see a set of buttons and your username. You can click Student Lookup to search for student login information and verify that the student’s login credentials are correct. Click Approved Requests to view a list of student print requests that you approved during the test session. Click Print Session to print a screenshot of the TA Interface. Click Alerts to view messages sent by the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction. Alerts are statewide messages from OSPI that will appear as pop-up messages when selecting the Alerts button. Click Help Guide to access additional information about the TA Interface. Click Log Out button when you want to exit the TA Interface.
Create a Test Session The first step to administering a test is to become familiar with the TA User Guide. This user guide supports teachers and Test Administrators who manage practice, training, and summative testing for students. Specific details on creating test sessions is available in the TA User Guide under Section V, Starting a Test Session. To create a test session. This should be done less than 20 minutes prior to starting the test in order to prevent the system from timing out. The list of students in the session will generate automatically when the students log in to the session. You create test sessions in the Test Selection window that appears when you log in. The Test Selection window color-codes the available tests and organizes them into categories. The Interim Smarter Balanced Assessments are yellow. The Summative Smarter Balanced Assessments will be blue, the Off-Grade Science tests will be purple, and the MSP Science tests will be green. The ELPA21 test will be orange. It is important to be sure that the correct test is being selected, as it is considered a testing impropriety to select a summative assessment when the intent is to administer an interim assessment. You can click the Plus Sign button next to a category name to view the tests in that category. To create a test session, click one or more tests to administer, or click the checkbox for a category to include all tests in that category. You may select all available tests listed, for all grade levels and all content areas. Students will only have access to the tests you select for them that they are eligible to take. Once you select your tests, the Start Session button in the lower-left corner of the window activates. Click the Start Session button. The system will automatically generate a session ID. This ID must be provided to students in order for them to log in. You may write it on the board or provide it to students using a printed card or similar method. If you do provide students with the information on paper, it is required that each paper be collected and securely destroyed, when the session is complete. You should also note the session ID for your own records. In the event that you are involuntarily logged out of the session due to an inactivity timeout or other event, entering the session ID will allow you to resume the session. If you do not have this information when you try to resume, you will be unable to do so. The session ID is also useful in helping to resolve testing incidents due to technical issues.
Approving Student Entry Once you start the test session and students log in, you must approve their test settings before they can access their tests. It is very important that you pay close attention to the test name prior to approval to be sure that students have selected the appropriate test. To approve student tests, click the Approvals button. A list of students will display, organized by test name. You should review the list to make sure that all students chose the correct content area and test. You should also ensure that all of the settings that each student should have are correct. This is done using the Eye button in the See Details column. We will talk more about that in a few moments. If no changes are needed, select Approve All Students to admit all students to the session. If a student selected an incorrect test, you must deny that student entry to the test session by clicking the X button in the Action column. To approve individual students, you can allow entry to the test session by clicking the check button in the Action column.
Student Lookup If a student is having trouble logging in, use the Student Lookup feature to verify that the student’s login credentials are correct. You can use either the Quick Search or Advanced Search option to view the information entered in TIDE for the student. With Quick Search, you simply enter the student’s SSID and click the Submit SSID button. Advanced Search allows you to narrow your search using several filters, including District/School, Grade, and First and Last Name. When using either Quick Search or Advanced Search, if the search results in matches, the information will appear in the bottom of the window. If there is no match, you will see an error message.
Student Lookup If you see the student you are looking for, click the Eye button next to the student’s name. A new window displaying the student’s information will display. On the next few slides, we will look at what students see when they log in to take a test.
Student Login and Test Selection On the “Your Tests” screen, students will see a list of their assigned tests for this test session. ELPA21 has separate tests for reading, writing, listening and speaking. TAs should only include the tests that they want students to take in the test session. If the test displayed is incorrect, or the expected test is not listed, students should click the Back to Login button to return to the login page, and consult the Test Administrator to resolve the issue. If a test has already been completed, the test selection button will be grayed out. If there are no errors, students should select the correct test and wait for Test Administrator approval to proceed. Once students select a test to take, they must wait to be approved by their TA.
Denying Student Entry Deny entry to a test session in these circumstances: The student is not supposed to enter this session. The student is not on your testing roster The student’s demographic information is incorrect. The student’s required accommodations are incorrect. Although you can approve all students at the same time, students must be individually denied entry into the test session. You should deny students entry into the session in these circumstances: • The student is not supposed to enter this session. • The student is not on your testing roster. • The student’s demographic information is incorrect. • The student’s required supports and accommodations are incorrect. Denying the student entry into the test session will not prevent other approved students from beginning their tests. After you have denied entry to any students necessary, you will be able to select Approve All Students to admit all remaining students to the session.
Login Confirmation After the Test Administrator approves students for a test session, students will see a screen titled “Is This Your Test?” This screen displays the name of the test and whether or not any accessibility resources have been selected. If the information is correct, they should click Yes. If any of the information is incorrect, they should click No and then wait to be advised by the Test Administrator. Note that the actual settings students see may vary from what is shown on this slide. Be sure to refer to the scripts located in the Test Administration Manual to guide students through the login and confirmation process.
Editing Student Details: See/Edit Details To verify a students test settings, click the Eye button in the See Details column. The Test Settings screen will appear, with the student’s information at the top. No settings can be changed in the TA Interface window, only viewed. If the student’s test settings are incorrect, the settings must be updated in TIDE by an authorized user. Contact your School or District Test Coordinator to have the settings updated. Correcting the setting prior to allowing the student to begin testing will prevent a testing irregularity that may have invalidated the students test results. Note that student settings can be changed to a paused test in TIDE while a student is actively testing. This includes all designated supports and accommodations except for the language tool. In order to change the language tool, a student's test will need to be reset. For more information please refer to the TIDE User Guide located on the WCAP Portal. If the test settings are accurate and to approve the student for testing, click the Set & Approve button. Note that the Test Settings screen may not appear exactly as it does in the screenshot shown, depending on your user role and permissions.
Editing Student Details: Turn Settings On and Off Some of the universal tools available by default may not be appropriate for some students. If you need to turn a universal tool off or on for a student, you must do so before testing begins. This may only be done by an authorized user. Contact your School or District Test Coordinator to have the settings updated in TIDE.
Audio Playback Check Be sure that all students taking ELPA21 tests have headphones. After selecting a test requiring audio, students will see a “Sound Check” screen. They will be prompted to click the sound icon and indicate whether the sound was audible by choosing either the I heard the sound or I did not hear the sound button. If students click I heard the sound, they will proceed to the test. If they click I did not hear the sound, they will receive a message advising them to tell the Test Administrator that they are having an audio problem. From there, they can click Try Again to listen to the sample audio again or click Logout to leave the test and work with the Test Administrator to adjust their audio settings.
Microphone Check Start/Stop Recording Start/Stop Playback Be sure that all students taking ELPA21 tests have headphones and microphones. Preferably, students will be equipped with headsets that have built-in microphones. After verifying the test audio is functioning, students taking ELPA21 tests will need to verify their microphones are functioning as well. First, they should click the microphone icon on this screen. Students should say their names into their microphones, and then click the same button again to stop recording. Students should then click the play button to hear their recording. If students clearly hear their names, they should click the I heard my recording button to proceed to the test. If the audio is not clear, students should click the I did not hear my recording button and receive a message advising them to tell the TA about the microphone problem. From there, they can click Try Again to record an audio sample again, click Select New Recording Device to try recording using a different attached audio device, or click Logout to leave the test and work with the Test Administrator to adjust their microphone settings. TAs are permitted to help students with test navigation, including these record and playback buttons, throughout the test. However, if students practice first with the practice test they should be able to do this on their own.
Test Instructions and Help Screen After confirming that their microphones are working, students will see the Test Instructions and Help Screen. When students click Begin Test Now, they will be presented with the first question of the test.
Tools in the Student Testing Site Navigation Buttons Test Tools Now we will review how students navigate the student interface and use test tools. The global menu appears at the top of the student interface. The left side of the menu contains navigation buttons that students use to advance through the test: All students can navigate between pages using the Back and Next arrow buttons. Students can also navigate between items using the questions drop-down menu located above the navigation buttons. The Save button ensures a response is committed. However, the Save button is not required to save an item. Other actions, such as moving forward to the next question, will also save the response. The Pause button pauses a student’s test and logs the student out of the student interface. We will discuss how pausing works in more detail later in this presentation. Test tools can be found on the right side of the menu: The Masking tool allows students to “cover” an area of the item so they can focus on certain item elements. The Notes tool brings up an online notepad that students can use to type notes while testing. Students use the Zoom Out and Zoom In buttons on the right side of the menu to decrease and increase the size of text and graphics on the page. For more information on managing test settings and accessibility resources in TIDE, refer to the TIDE User Guide. For a detailed list of all available tools, supports, and accommodations, including non-embedded, please consult the Guidelines on Tools, Supports, and Accommodations on the WCAP portal. Finally, students can access the “Test Instructions and Help” page at any time by clicking the question mark in the upper-right corner of the toolbar.
Monitoring Student Status Once students log in and are approved for testing, you can monitor their status from this screen. A table shows each student’s name, SSID, Opportunity Number, Test Name, Requests, Student Status, Test Settings, and a Pause Test option. The Requests column displays a notification when students request a printout. This will be discuss in more detail shortly. The Student Status column indicates the student’s progress through the items in the test. It shows the total number of items completed thus far and the total number of items in the test. Due to the adaptive algorithm of some of the online tests, the number of items on the test may change while the student is testing. This change in total number of items will not be reflected in the TA interface, however will be reflected within the student interface. Please be sure that a student completes their test by allowing them to answer the final test item and selecting the ‘end test’ button in the left hand corner. The Test Settings column will display either Standard or Custom. This column displays Custom when a student’s test settings are different from the default settings for that test. Click the Eye button to view a student’s test settings. The Pause Test column will display either a pause icon or an information icon. Clicking on the pause icon will pause the student's test. Clicking on the information icon will show a pop-up with a message that the student clicked on the pause button.
Test Items: Example of an Interactive Item Students will encounter several types of items during testing. To answer selected-response items, students must click the desired answer option so that the letter A, B, C, or D becomes shaded. For interactive items, students need to follow the instructions given to know how to indicate their answer. For example, students may be told to click an object to identify the appropriate answer, drag pictures or words in a table, or click on a keypad. If they wish, students may click the Save button while working on interactive items to save their work. Regardless of whether they click Save or not, their answers will save automatically when they navigate to the next part of the test. After answering all items on a page, students will click Next to go on. We strongly recommend that all students take the ELPA21 training test to become comfortable with different item types, before taking the operational test. The ELPA21 training tests are available now on the WCAP portal and are the same training tests that were available last year.
Test Items with Audio Many test items contain audio clips. Audio will automatically play once the page with the item or stimulus loads. Students can pause or replay audio by clicking the corresponding button. Only one audio clip can play at a time. Many test items contain one or more audio clips. The audio will automatically play once the page with the item or stimulus loads. Students can pause the audio or replay the audio clip by clicking the corresponding button. Note that only one audio clip can play at a time. In order to play a different clip, students must pause the clip that is currently playing.
Test Items with Multiple Elements Note that some stimuli have several elements. Students will see navigation buttons below this type of stimulus. The arrow buttons allow the student to move between stimulus elements. Note that some stimuli have several elements. Students will see navigation buttons below this type of stimulus. The arrows allow the student to move between the stimulus elements. Students can also pause and play audio, as needed.
Speaking Items The process for recording a speaking response mirrors the steps the student takes during the microphone check process. Press the microphone to start recording. Click the stop button when finished speaking. Click the green play button to listen to the response. If needed, click the microphone again to re-record the speaking response. The process for recording a speaking response mirrors the steps the student takes during the microphone check process. Press the microphone to start recording. Click the stop button when finished speaking. Click the green play button to listen to the response. If needed, click the microphone again to re-record the speaking response. If students rerecord, their previous recording will be deleted. It is not possible to add to a recording after the student stops recording. If the student wants to add additional information the student must start over and record the entire response from the beginning.
Context Menus Context menus allow students to: Mark items for review View item tutorials Send print requests to the TA (if available) Access additional features depending on test settings and item types Some test items and stimuli contain context menus. Students may use context menus to mark items for review, view item tutorials explaining how a particular item type works, send print requests to the TA (if test settings allow), and access additional test features.
Print on Demand The Print on Demand feature is available only for students who require it. Please contact your School Test Coordinator if your student needs this accommodation. It is a testing impropriety to apply this restricted resource for a student who does not have an IEP or 504 plan documenting his or her need for the accommodation. Students with this accommodation can request printouts of stimuli and/or items, depending on their settings. • When a student sends a print request, the Printer button will appear in the Requests column of the monitoring screen. Click the button to view the request. • If you click the Check button to approve the print request, a cover sheet containing the student’s name and SSID will display in a new browser window. No test content will ever display on your screen. • Click Print in the new window to complete the print request. The printer dialog box will display. Adjust the print settings as needed. • Click Approve to send the request to the printer. • If you click the X button to deny the print request, nothing will be printed. Before approving the student’s print request, ensure that it will be sent to a printer that is monitored by staff who have been trained in test security. All printed test items, stimuli, and reading passages must be processed according to your school’s approved Test Security and Building Plan.
TA Interface: Approved Requests The Approved Requests button allows you to view a list of every print request you approved during the current session. If you wish to print this list for your own records, click Print at the top of the Approved Requests window.
Printing Test Session Information If you wish to print a snapshot of the TA Interface in its current view, click the Print Session button. This can be useful for tracking which students did not complete their tests and may need to be scheduled to continue their session. It may be necessary to set the page layout to landscape or adjust the margins in the Print Preview screen in order for the list to fit on the page. Remember that any printouts containing personally identifiable student information must be securely stored and should be destroyed after use.
Mark Items for Review To flag an item for later review, students select Mark for Review in the content menu. After marking an item for review, the drop-down navigation menu will show “marked” next to the item number. Additionally, the item number at the upper-left of the item will appear with a folded corner and a small flag icon.
Item Tutorial To get more information about a particular item type, students can select Tutorial from the context menu. A pop-up message will appear that shows how that type of item works (for example: whether they should select an answer, drag-and-drop answers, or type a response in an answer space).
Pausing and Stopping Sessions You have two options within the TA Interface to pause or stop testing once it has begun. You can pause an individual student’s test, or stop the entire session. To pause an individual student’s test, click the Pause button on the monitoring screen for that student. When prompted, click OK to confirm that you want to pause the test. This option would be appropriate if a student becomes ill, for example. In the event of an emergency that requires all students to stop testing, you can pause all students’ tests by stopping the session. Additional information regarding the pause rule can be found in the Student Interface module. It is recommended students and TAs practice pausing their tests while taking the interim assessments and practice and training tests in order to become familiar with the pause rule. If you stop the session, all in-progress tests will be paused. If a session stops, it cannot be resumed. You will have to create a new session and give the new session ID to students so that they can resume testing. To stop the entire test session for all students: • Click the Stop button in the upper right corner of the screen. A pop-up will appear requesting verification to end the session and log students out. • Click OK to continue. The testing session will close automatically after 30 minutes of inactivity on both the TA and student computers. You would then need to create a new session and provide the new session ID to students in order to resume testing.
Pausing and Stopping Sessions When the system detects that a student is no longer in a test session, an information icon will appear in the Pause Test column for that student. Click the i button to view a description of the student’s status, including why the student is no longer in the test session. This is a new feature for the 2016-17 school year. This information can help you diagnose why a student has unexpectedly left a test session. The information that appears will tell you whether a student’s test has been paused due to the student clicking the Pause button, a session timeout, or some other reason. For a full list of status descriptions that can appear during a test session, please consult the TA User Guide.
Screen Savers If a screen saver is activated during testing, the security breach feature will log the student out of the test. To avoid any such interruption, schools should either: deactivate screen savers before students start testing, or ensure that screen savers are set to more than the allocated testing time. Additionally, if a screen saver is activated during testing, the security breach feature will log the student out of the test. To avoid any such interruption, schools should either deactivate screen savers before students start testing or ensure that screen savers are set to more than the allocated testing time.
Test End When students answer the final question on their test, the End Test button will appear in the upper-left section of the screen, along with a message advising them that the test has been completed and is ready to be submitted. If students click the Next button at this point, they will see a pop-up message advising them to click the End Test button when they have completed reviewing their answers. They may also click the Back button to go back and revisit previous items.
Test End When students are ready to end the test, they should click the End Test button. A pop-up message will appear allowing them to select Yes if they are ready to finish the test and No if they are not. If students select No, they will return to the last item of the test and can revisit previous items. If students click Yes, they will be taken to the review screen, where they have the choice to review their answers or submit the test. Students who are ready to submit their tests should click Submit Test to finish. They will receive a confirmation pop-up message asking if they are sure they want to submit. Clicking No will return them to the review screen. Clicking Yes will take them to the end screen, which shows a message indicating that the test was successfully submitted and advising the student to log out.
Logging Out of the TA Interface To log out of the TA Interface, click the Log Out button in the top right corner of the screen. It is preferable for you to log out only after stopping your active test session, as logging out will cause all in-progress tests to be paused. A confirmation message will appear, asking you to confirm that you want to exit the site and pause all students’ in-progress tests. This confirmation message may look different than the one shown here, depending on the browser you are using. This scenario also occurs when you navigate to another site from the TA Interface. However, regardless of when or how you log out or navigate away from the TA Interface, student data will NOT be lost. If you need to access another application, we encourage you to open it in a separate browser window. Click Yes to proceed. When all students have completed testing, refer to the Test Administration Manual for instructions on destroying any printed testing materials and reporting testing improprieties or irregularities.
Troubleshooting Description What to Do What should I do if a session ends? Log in and start a new session. Provide the students with a new session ID. What should I do if a student gets logged out of a test while a session is still active? If a student’s test session is interrupted, the student should log back in and rejoin the session. What should I do if forbidden applications are running? The secure browser will not allow the student to begin testing if forbidden applications are running. You will see messages advising you which applications must be closed before testing can begin. What should I do if a student’s test freezes? Force quit the secure browser and log back in. For instructions, refer to the Test Administration Manual. This table presents some of the common issues that you or your students may encounter during a test session. Please take a moment to review this information. For more detailed information and additional technical tips, please refer to the Test Administration Manual and the Technical Specifications Manual for Online Testing.
Thank You! Further Information Washington Help Desk American Institutes for Research Tel 1.844.560.7366 wahelpdesk@air.org For questions regarding state policy decisions and protocol, please contact OSPI at assessment@k12.wa.us Thank you for taking the time to view this training module. For detailed information, consult the WCAP portal or contact the American Institutes for Research Washington Help Desk at 1.844.560.7366 or wahelpdesk@air.org.