POSTMODERNISM Started in the late 20th century Skepticism, subjectivism, or relativism General suspicion of reason “Straightforward denial of general philosophical viewpoints that were taken for granted during the Enlightenment” Debate / communication are used to “build” reality, knowledge, and value What is considered “true” in an era is controlled by / based off of those in power at the time Modern science no different than astrology or witchcraft in that there are no exact truths
VIEWPOINTS: The ideology of reality being independent of human beings is just conceptual “No such thing as Truth” Don’t believe that science and technology lead to progress, but instead to creation of dangerous technologies (Ex. WWII) Reason and logic are not universal, meaning not every thinker uses it the same or even has it All parts of human psychology are developed through society instead of some parts developed at birth
VIEWPOINTS (CONT’D): The meaning / definition of a word is not the actual meaning but instead branches off of meanings of other words, which branch off of other words To not base knowledge on facts, but instead “cogito, ergo sum” (I think, therefore I am), or to make a series of statements based off a single statement People shouldn’t develop theories because they are harmful in that they oppress other ideas / theories on the topic
VIEWS ON OBJECTIVITY Deny possibility of objective parts of reality No such thing as objectively true or false statements about reality Cannot have objective knowledge Cannot know things with certainty No moral values that are objective
POSTMODERN LITERATURE “Postmodern literature is a form of literature which is marked, both stylistically and ideologically, by a reliance on such literary conventions as fragmentation, paradox, unreliable narrators, often unrealistic and downright impossible plots, games, parody, paranoia, dark humor and authorial self-reference.” Postmodern authors do not centralize one standard meaning, instead they use multiple ideas to come up with multiple meanings to highlight their work.
TECHNIQUES IN POSTMODERN LITERATURE Pastiche - combining ideas from previous writings to make new styles Intertextuality - acknowledging previous literary works inside of a different literary work Metafiction - making readers aware of the fiction they are reading Temporal distortion - using non-linear timelines in a story Magical realism - introducing unrealistic ideas into stories that are otherwise realistic Faction - mixing historical events with fictional events without defining which one is which Minimalism – using as little and as basic words as possible Maximalism – Extremely detailed and complicated writing
POSTMODERNISM IN POETRY “All Watched Over By Machines of Loving Grace” by Richard Brautigan (1967) (it has to be!) of a cybernetic ecology I like to think (and where we are free of our labors the sooner the better!) and joined back to nature, of a cybernetic meadow returned to our mammal where mammals and computers brothers and sisters, live together in mutually and all watched over programming harmony by machines of loving grace. like pure water touching clear sky. I like to think (right now, please!) of a cybernetic forest filled with pines and electronics where deer stroll peacefully past computers as if they were flowers with spinning blossoms.
“ALL WATCHED OVER BY MACHINES OF LOVING GRACE” Sentence fragments Maximalism detailed but short Metafiction acknowledges that situation is not true yet Dark humor world run with computers Satire unrealistic world Multiple meanings open to interpretation
FUN FACTS Postmodernism is still believed in today Postmodernism was created when modernism died Postmodernism deals with not just literature, but also with philosophy, architecture, and art René Descartes is known as the founding father of postmodernism Examples of movies that are considered postmodern are Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Pulp Fiction, Inception, the Matrix, and the Star Wars films.
Works Cited "All Watched Over By Machines Of Loving Grace by Richard Brautigan." All Poetry. Web. 25 Sept. 2016. Arlandson, James. "Articles: The Origins of Postmodernism." American Thinker. 31 Mar. 2007. Web. 24 Sept. 2016. Deo, Kanishka. "20 Great Postmodernist Films That Are Worth Your Time."Taste Of Cinema Movie Reviews and Classic Movie Lists. 08 July 2014. Web. 24 Sept. 2016. Duignan, Brian. "Postmodernism." Encyclopedia Britannica Online. Encyclopedia Britannica, 31 Oct. 2014. Web. 24 Sept. 2016. OUlearn. "Postmodernism: Design in a Nutshell (6/6)." YouTube. YouTube, 08 May 2013. Web. 24 Sept. 2016. "Postmodernism in Literature: Definition & Examples." Web. 23 Sept. 2016.