By: Maddie Crumrine, Kelsey Butka, Lena Bartoe Georgia By: Maddie Crumrine, Kelsey Butka, Lena Bartoe
Establishing a colony The colony was established in 1732 by James Oglethorpe He wanted a place for poor people to pay off debts, and he also wanted to create a defensive buffer for South America. For the government, A Board of Trustees ruled Georgia until they eventually broke off from it. There were many settlers here. They consisted of English, Scottish, Welsh, German, Italian, and Swiss settlers. To make their money they exported goods such as rice, clay, pottery, cotton, indigo, tobacco, fruit, barrel staves, and pork. The colony was definitely a success, considering now that it is a city Georgia became associated with New England
Colony Flag
Founding Leader James Oglethorpe was the founder of Georgia He was a philanthropist An english general Helped create a charter to settle a new colony
Geography and Climate Geography- The appalachian plateau, the ridge and valley, the blue ridge, the piedmont, the coastal plain Climate- Humid, subtropical, mild winters, hot summers, hilly colony
Georgia Facts Georgia was a melting pot of religious practices; Georgia supported Puritans, Quakers, and Lutherans. The people of Georgia ate lots of grain, turkey, deer, rabbit, and fish. The people had mostly private schools for the richer families until they opened up school for everyone. The colonists had contests and danced to music for fun. Georgia was the last colony to be discovered. It was named after King George II At first slavery was not allowed and then after 1749 they changed the law to be more like the South.