Student Health Force Briana Hill Carbohydrates Student Health Force Briana Hill
What foods contain Carbohydrates? Carbohydrates are found in the following pyramid groups: Grain, fruit, vegetables, and milk group. Examples: bread, cereal, pasta, rice, fruit, starchy vegetables, (corn and potatoes) , dry beans, and milk. Non starchy vegetables also contain carbohydrates, but they are not a big source of energy (calories) because the carbohydrates are in the form of fiber.
Why do Carbohydrates takes place as a main source of energy for the human body? During digestion carbohydrates are broken down into simple sugars and are absorbed from the intestine and bloodstream. Simple sugars from there travel to the liver, the most active processing center of the body. Glucose is the main sugar that is used for energy. Other simple sugars are converted to glucose in the liver. Glucose then travels to the bloodstream and is delivered to cells throughout the body to use as energy.