Paragraph Writing Strategy Lesson 3 Part 1 Stage 2b PowerPoint created by Sallie Muckenfuss-Salazar from information in the book, Paragraph Writing Strategy by Jean B Schumaker and Karen D. Lyeria.
Continuation of Lesson 2 As we talk about the overall structure of paragraphs and as we discuss about Topic Sentences, you will need to take notes so you can make your own Cue Cards. You can keep your Cue Cards in a notebook or composition notebook. You’ll be able to refer back to these cards whenever you need them. For each Cue Card I show you, you will need to use a separate piece of paper.
Paragraphs Paragraphs have four basic parts. Title Introduction Body Conclusion
Cue Card 3 Parts of a Paragraph Title Introduction Body Conclusion
Title First, they have a title at the top of the page, which is separated from the paragraph.
Introduction Next, three parts make up the actual paragraphs: the introduction, the body, and the conclusion. The introduction is usually the first sentence, but it is sometimes the second sentence of the paragraph. Since its purpose is to introduce the paragraph, we will practice writing it as the first sentence. We will call this introductory paragraph the Topic Sentence. What is the introductory sentence called?
Body The middle part of the paragraph expresses your knowledge and ideas about the topic. It usually includes three or more sentences. These sentences are called ‘Detail Sentences’.
Conclusion The conclusion is usually the last sentence of the paragraph. This sentence is called the ‘Clincher Sentence’.
Sentence Types Used in Paragraphs Clue Card #4 Sentence Types Used in Paragraphs Paragraph Part Sentence Type Introduction Topic Sentence Body Detail Sentences Conclusion Clincher Sentence
Review Take a note card, and number it 1 to 4. 1. What is the introductory sentence called? 2. What are the sentences in the body paragraph called? 3. What is the concluding or last sentence of the paragraph called? 4. What technique are you learning? What is the name of it?
Summary Good! Topic Sentences, Detail Sentences, and Clincher Sentences are the three kinds of sentences you will be learning to write in the next few weeks. All three types are important to learn if you are to have an organized and meaningful paragraph. Today and for the next week, we will focus our discussions and practice on Topic Sentences.
Part of a Puzzle Think of your work on topic sentences as the first piece in a puzzle that you are putting together.
Cue Card 5 Glue Cue Card 5 in your composition notebook. Insert Cue Card 5.
Explanation of Cue Card 5 When you mastered Topic Sentences, you will have control over this puzzle piece. It’s the first piece that you need to build your paragraph writing skills. As you master other parts of the paragraph, you will gain control over other pieces, and you will eventually be able to put the pieces together with the use of the Paragraph Writing Strategy.
Topic Sentence Let us begin building the puzzle by defining Topic Sentence The Topic Sentence is usually which sentence in the paragraph? It is usually the first sentence in the paragraph. In addition, the Topic Sentence expresses the same idea that is expressed in the title; that is, it serves to introduce the main idea that will be discussed in the paragraph. Thus, the Topic Sentence tells the reader about the main point of the paragraph. Last, sometimes the Topic Sentence introduces the details.
Cue Card #6 The Topic Sentence Is usually the first sentence in the paragraph. Introduces the main idea. Sometimes introduces the details.
Summary The Topic Sentence tells the reader what the paragraph is about and sometimes gives a preview of what will be discussed in the rest of the paragraph. The Topic Sentence always covers the main idea of the paragraph and sometimes names the details of the paragraph.
Analogy The main idea is the general topic that is to be covered in the paragraph. The details are the particular facts or ideas to be covered.
CAR Let us say that the main idea is like a car.
CAR - Details If the main idea is a car, details are like the various aspects of a car that make that car different from other cars. What are some details about a car that would make it different?
CAR – main idea and details As you can see, the bigger, more general idea here is ‘Car”. It is the main idea. These other items describes the car. They are the details.
Topic Sentence – Movie Coming Attractions Let’s think for a minute about the function of the Topic Sentence. The Topic Sentence is for a paragraph what a ‘coming attraction’ is for a movie. When you see a coming attraction for a movie, what decision does it help you to make?
Coming Attraction When you see a coming attraction for a movie, what decision does it help you to make? When you see a coming attraction to a movie, it helps you decide whether or not you want to see the movie. What are some of the things you can find out about a movie in the coming attraction?
Coming Attraction What are some of the things you can find out about a movie in the coming attraction? The coming attraction gives you some basic details about a movie besides the main topic. These details help you know what to expect if you go see the movie.
Coming Attraction What do you suppose is the major goal of the person who designs the coming attraction for a movie? What does the coming attraction have to be like to make you want to see a movie? Does the coming attraction tell everything about the movie such as how the movie ends?
The coming attraction cannot tell the whole story, or people would not come to see the movie.