The Principles of Flight -Drag -Lift: Bernoulli’s Principle -Lift: Wing Shape -Thrust By: Emily Gillis
Drag Drag is a force caused by air Resistance. The 2 main factors that affect drag are shape and texture. It acts against an object moving through a fluid. Drag: -Pulling back -Air Resistance -Reduce air pressure Drag also depends on speed and direction.
Lift: Bernoulli’s Principle Bernoulli’s Principle states that fast moving air, has less pressure and slow moving air, has greater pressure. An example of the Principle is if you have 2 cans hanging from strings, then you hold them up, get a straw and blow in between the 2 cans. The cans should come together.
Lift: Wing Shape Lift depends on wing shape and angle of attack. Airfoil describes the shape of a wing that allows lift. Because of wing shape the air moving above moves more quickly and the air moving below the wing moves more slowly. The slower moving air pushing up on the plane wing creating lift.
Thrust The curved front of the blade, which resembles an airplane wing, forces the high air pressure below the blade and low air pressure on top. When spinning fast enough, lift/thrust is created.