Institutional support IN development of Transferable Skills Assistant Professor Ana Borovečki, MD, PhD University of Zagreb, School of Medicine
Biomedicine and Healthcare Sciences doctoral studies – duration 3 years 100 candidates per year enrolled in the first and differential year 50- 60 PhD thesis per year coming from the doctoral studies averdige length of the PhD studies- 5-6 years
Place of transferrable skills-methodological courses Structure , methodology and functioning of scientific work 1- obligatory subject for the 1st and differential year -how to write a structured abstract -how to search scientific bibliographical databases -research integrity issues -how to evaluate a scientific merit of a research -how to make a public presentation of your work- filming with camera -small scientometric research- scientific visibility of different European countries
Place of transferrable skills-methodological courses Structure , methodology and functioning of scientific work 2- obligatory subject for the 2nd and differential year -journal selection for possible publications -how to write: original scientific paper, letter to the editor, short reports etc. -use of ICT technology and audiovisual means for presentation of research results - basic of copyrights, patent law and technology transfer
Place of transferrable skills-methodological courses Statistical data analysis - obligatory subject for the 2nd and differential year -designing statistical analysis in planned research - development of skills and attitudes for critical reading of professional and scientific papers and judgment of adequacy of applied statistical procedures and presentation of results in medical literature
Place of transferrable skills-methodological courses Evidence Based Medicine -explanation of EBM concept, importance and basic considerations and benefits in clinical practice. -meta analysis -data base and access to data bases in medicine. -mmanagement of change, leadership and management change according to EBM results and practice
Place of transferrable skills-methodological courses Laboratory animals in biomedical research -introduction to laboratory animal science -importance of animal models in biomedical -research and ethic of use of laboratory animals -commonly used laboratory animals and their biological characteristics
Place of transferrable skills-methodological courses Characteristics of clinical medical research -critical, objective and reproducible design of clinical medical research -mathematical basis of clinical judgment - the use of evaluation scales, ROC diagram -evaluation of study protocol -scientific basis of pharmacoekonomics -methods for evaluation of adverse drug reactions -peer review of scientific papers in clinical medicine
Place of transferrable skills-methodological courses Epidemiological methods in research -students required to perform small epidemiological study -presentation of their work
Place of transferrable skills-methodological courses methodological courses- elective courses- 1st and differential year public health - 2 courses molecular biology and medicine- 5 courses informatics- 1 course psychiatry- 1course
Place of transferrable skills-methodological courses Science management: research projects and planning in biomedicine -preparing specific European union project applications - international bilateral projects - technological (R&D) projects and business plans in the fields of biomedicine -public presentation of their projects -essential knowledge on project management
Place of transferrable skills things still missing or need to be improved -more statistical methodology -more emphasis on scientific paper writing skills -more emphasis on communicational skills (networking, verbal and non verbal communication) -more on data commercialisation -more on career planning