The same report also stated that: Training by employers is disproportionately focused on highly-skilled workers, who are five times more likely to be trained at work than low skill workers. Around one third of firms do no training at all, and this varies between 50 per cent of employers in some sectors to just under 5 per cent in the best performing sectors Research by Cogent, the Sector Skills Council for the science-based manufacturing industries, found: Most of the training undertaken in the sector was ad hoc – lacking clear structure, was reactive – responding to an incident or issue either quality or safety related Was mainly focused on meeting legislative requirements. The 2015-16 Towards Maturity Industry Benchmark Report found that where companies delivered training: 89% seek benefits related to efficiency – but only 41% are achieving this 88% seek improved individual processes – 39% are achieving this 91% seek improved productivity and engagement – 29% are achieving this 88% seek improved business responsiveness – 24% are achieving this 89% seek improved learning culture – 21% are achieving this 55% of training programmes are still offered entirely face-to-face One for the key barriers in the report is “Line manager reluctance” (55%) to support development. Where the report looks at Managers it found: 49% learn more from finding things out for themselves than from the classroom or formal training, (rising with level of seniority from 48% in line manager roles to 54% for those in senior management.) 91% learn from working in collaboration with others 83% from general conversations and meetings 73% Google/other search for web resources These issues result in: Performance variations between teams/shifts A “We can only ever use The A Team for critical tasks” belief The belief that there are individuals in the business that are “indispensable” The regular “abuse” your most proficient (best) Operatives Growing demographic issues A dysfunctional Performance Management System No real structured development paths for individuals e.g. new First Line Supervisors Ad-hoc or reactive/knee-jerk training initiatives Job descriptions based only on task or outcome (Check yours) Inconsistent training delivery Outcomes from training are unclear or none existent There is a general lack of clear policies and procedures around training What Employees at all levels want is: A vision to work towards and clear direction so that they can contribute Opportunities to develop Permission to try new things and learn from mistakes Recognition and Feedback Time, space and support to do their job They also want: To be able to solve problems To clearly understand their role and priorities Management to remove obstacles that make it harder to do their work To get better at what they do every day Your Line Leaders need: To create a workplace environment that enhances workers and is a productive use of time To feel they have to do everything themselves, fail to delegate effectively. To build engagement We create frameworks that: Replace Performance Management with on-going, regular and “healthy” conversations Equip Managers to better support their teams Reduce time away from the work place for training Raise the capabilities of Line Managers Have Line Managers become advocates of workflow learning Do more with less (efficiency) Demonstrate clear value to stakeholders (impact) Prioritise high value activities (resourcing) Align training and development more closely with organisational objectives The best place to start is to undertake a free Current-State Audit to ascertain how good your existing process is. Contact Competence Management Solutions (CMS) Ltd on
Capability Development System Organisational Aims & Objectives L & D Plan Policies & Procedures Development Processes Standards/Profiles (Generic) Assessment, Validation & Revalidation System Maintenance Developing Organisational Capability – The System Current State Analysis
Implementation Implementing The System Task Analysis Task Criticality Task Allocation Organisational Structure for Development Develop Standards (Specific) Map Current Training Provision (Gaps?) Assessment, Validation & Revalidation Implementing The System
Learning Experiences Experience (70) Exposure (20) Education (10) Change Management Implementation Line Management Capability Budget & Resource Allocation L & D Capability Impact Measurement Evolving The Processes within an Organisational Capability Development System
Organisational Operations Plan Learning Experiences Exposure (20) Education (10) Experience (70) Organisational Operations Plan L & D Plan Policies & Procedures Standards/Profiles (Generic/Specific) Development Processes System Maintenance Organisational Structure for Development Management Task Analysis Task Allocation Map Current Training Provision (Gaps?) Assessment, Validation & Revalidation Current State Analysis Occupational Health Criticality Process Safety Criticality Environmental Criticality Business Criticality Task Criticality Change Management Implementation Line Management Capability Budget & Resource Allocation L & D Capability Impact Measurement Implementing an Organisational Capability Development System