Getting Started: Arxterra Control Panel & Application Tommy Sanchez - EE400D Getting Started: Arxterra Control Panel & Application Create An Account Connect On App Log In To Control Panel
How To Create An Account visit Hover over My Account and click Register. The username provided on the registration page will be required for the control panel and for the Arxterra app.
Getting Access To Apps To get access to the apps you must email In the email state: Your phone model Android or iPhone OS version. If you are registering an iPhone… It must be Bluetooth LE compatible Include your Unique Identifier (UDID) You are in EE400D and would like access to the Android Uno Communicator and ArxRobot App Please use the Gmail account associated with your google play account when sending the email. When you receive a response, there will be an invitation to join the Google group ArxRobot Testers in the body of the email. To accept, click the “Accept This Invitation” button. You will be taken to a confirmation page. Note: The invitation expires after so many days so make sure to accept as soon as possible.
Getting Access To Apps The next step is to download the application. Method 1: Using computer Method 2: Using Android Phone Before methods are shown, go back to the received email as it contains two links: ArxRobot App
Getting Access To Apps This step is the same for both methods: Clicking on the links provided In the email(or on previous slide) will take you to the following pages. The page may ask you to join the test, if so, accept. If it says you are a tester then click the “Download [App name] from the Play Store” link at the bottom.
Getting Access To Apps Method 1: Using Computer (Must still be logged in to your Gmail account) After clicking on “Download [App name] from the Play Store” on your computers browser, you should be directed to that apps page similar to what is seen below. Click “Install” on this page. When this windows appears choose your device and click install. A new window will show: Click “OK”
Getting Access To Apps Method 2: Using Android/iPhone After clicking on “Download [App name] from the Play Store” on your phones browser, you should be directed to that apps page on the Google play store. On this page click “INSTALL”. When the App permissions window appears click “ACCEPT”. The app will then download to your phone.
Connect On App (ArxRobot) On the initial page of the ArxRobot app hit “Connect”. Do not change any settings on this page.
Connect On App (ArxRobot) At this time leave the settings on this page as is and hit “Done”.
Connect On App (ArxRobot) Give your robot a name(must not match Pilot name) For “Pilot name” you MUST enter the username you created on Leave the third field as is and hit “Login”
Connect On App (ArxRobot) If you reach this page you have successfully logged in to the app. “Custom” gives options to create custom commands. See custom commands tutorial. Clicking “Camera Info” and toggling “Monitor” gives you camera view.
Log In To Arxterra Control Panel visit Hover over Control Panel and click “Launch Now!”.
Log In To Arxterra Control Panel Click on the padlock on the upper right hand corner of the control panel to log in using the username and password you created earlier on
Log In To Arxterra Control Panel If all steps have been done correctly up to this point you should see an indicator on the map with your robot name. Clicking on the indicator will show you its status and give you an option to board. In the status window click here to board your robot. Note: Make sure to have your phones GPS on to get a satellite view.
Log In To Arxterra Control Panel Once you have boarded your robot you should be able to see the video feed from your robot along with options to monitor and control the robot.
Extra Resources/Information Setting Up the Code For The Arduino ADK: Tutorial Provided by Ryan Fiske (Fall 2013) Arduino Uno requires a USB to USB OTG cable to connect to Android phone. The following link provides more information on: -How to get permission to download the apps (please use google email associated with your google play account) -Where to download Arduino code for communication with Phone.