What can you Observe About Earth’s Materials? Chapter 4 Review What can you Observe About Earth’s Materials?
Which is not an example of an Earth material Which is not an example of an Earth material? Rock, Soil, Sand, or Apple Apple
Solid, non-living materials found in nature that most rocks and soil are made are called ____________________. minerals
Which property is the best one to use to identify a mineral and why? Streak, because different minerals can have the same color.
Texture is an important property of rocks that you can touch Texture is an important property of rocks that you can touch. Rocks with larger grains feel ________ and __________. coarse and rough
Which two properties of rocks can you see with your eyes? color and layers
Which example is not a mineral? Silver, Cinnamon, Quartz, and Gold
Soil forms as _______ break down into smaller pieces. rocks
All soil is a combination of rock pieces, air, water, and _____________. humus
There are 3 types of soil; clay, loam, and ________________. Sand
Which soil type has the largest grains? Sand… again
Rocks are made of humus. True or False? False! They are made of minerals. Soil is made of humus (and other things too).
All 3 types of soil have humus, but which one has the most? Loam-That’s why its color is the darkest
What does texture mean when talking about rocks and soil? How does it feel? Rough or smooth, coarse or glassy
Boulders, Gravel, Sand, Soil, and Clay Largest to smallest Boulders, Clay, Soil, Sand, and Gravel Put these Earth materials in order by size. Boulders, Gravel, Sand, Soil, and Clay Largest to smallest