Understanding Standards: Nominee Training Event Practical Electronics National 4-5
Aims of the Day To support Nominees/Team Leaders in their understanding of national standards by: reviewing candidate evidence discussing this evidence and associated Assessment Standards with colleagues asking questions and seeking clarification about national standards
Programme 10:00 Introduction and recap of session 2015/16 10:30 Workshop 1: IACCA National 5 Candidate’s A B Evidence 11:45 Feedback from Workshop 1 12:00 Lunch 13:00 Workshop 2: Practical Electronics National 5 Draft Revised Marking Scheme 14.00 Feedback from Workshop 2 14:15 Recap on key messages from the day 14:45 Questions and next steps
Workshop 1 With reference to the IACCA Marking Scheme for National 5 Aims: To make sound evidence-based decisions on the approaches to assessment and the assessment judgements when carrying out verification. To agree the detail of the standards when verifying the implementation of the marking instructions. Consider the use of a checklist to assist assessors allocate marks fairly and openly.
Workshop 2 With reference to the IACCA National 5 marking Scheme Aims: Consider whether the draft revised marking scheme will result in greater clarity and standardisation across centres.
Key Messages 2015/16 Candidates presented at National 5 performed well with a good standard of practical work although weaknesses were identified at the reporting and documentation stages. The marking instructions at National 5 give appropriate credit to key levels with candidates achieving well at the practical elements but not so well at the design and reporting stages.
Key Messages 2015/16 Cont’d 1 The National 5 IACCA marking instructions enable markers to differentiate between different levels of performance.
Key Messages 2015/16 Cont’d 2 Many candidates entered for the National 4 Added Value Unit did not complete this Unit. The main reasons given were inappropriate candidate selection and/or candidates prioritising other work at the end of the academic session.
Key Messages 2015/16 Cont’d 3 Construction skills form a big part of the activities at both National 4 and National 5. Candidates need time and practice in order to gain experience with these predominately hand skills. Some centres have expressed concern with regard to the limited time and resources available to develop these skills. Other centres have noted a shortage of expertise in these skills in teaching staff.
Key Messages 2015/16 Cont’d 4 It was noted during visiting verification that centres would benefit from cross verification and discussion with other local centres regarding assessment judgements.
Key Messages: In conclusion This session has highlighted some good examples in the following areas: Timing of activities across candidates workload Time management of tasks High standard of practical work produced by candidates
Introduction to Workshop 1 With regard to the marking scheme for IACCA National 5 and the available evidence from the two candidates who achieved 44 marks and 64 marks, respectively. Discuss which candidate achieved which of the above marks?
Introduction to Workshop 2 With regard to the current marking scheme for IACCA National 5, discuss which of the following choices provides the best way forward in order to help centres achieve a clearer understanding of the required standards. Clarification regarding the current marking instructions Consideration of revised marking guidance for N5 IACCA
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