Empire Building in Africa Imperialism Empire Building in Africa
Industrial Revolution Gave European countries the technology to dominate other countries Steam powered ships Allowed them to reach the interior of Africa Cure for malaria – Quinine Allowed them to survive once they got there Better weapons – Maxim Gun Allowed them to defeat foes and stay
Competition European powers competed against each other for parts of Africa, Southeast Asia and the Pacific Great Britain Claimed Egypt, India and Australia France Claimed Algeria, Vietnam and Madagascar United States Claimed Philippines, Cuba, Puerto Rico
Economics European powers needed new markets and resources for their goods Once colonized, Africa, Asia and the Pacific were: Captive markets for European products New sources for raw materials and new trade goods Rubber Tea Ivory
Power & Authority Mother countries ruled their colonies in 1 of 2 ways Indirectly They controlled the colonies economically Great Britain, United States Directly They controlled the colonies politically and economically
Justification of Imperialism Religion Duty to spread Christianity to the extents of the world Spreading civilization Social Darwinism Entitled to these new colonies because they were the most advanced humans on earth White Man’s Burden Duty to restructure lesser cultures and society for their own good
The New Imperialism Imperialism Domination of one country’s politics, economics or culture by another country The Industrial Revolution gave Europe allowed them to control most of the world 1870–1914
Motives of the New Imperialists Four main reasons Economic Interests Political and Military Interests Humanitarian and Religious Interests Social Darwinism
Economic Interests Industrial Revolution caused a need for expansion Manufacturers needed more resources and new markets to sell their goods Acquiring new colonies allowed Europe’s increasing population somewhere else to live
Political and Military Interests Trading ships needed based around the world to refuel Islands and harbors were seized for this purpose Europeans acquired new colonies just to say they had expanded the empire Also to prevent others from expanding
Humanitarian and Religious Goals Missionaries, doctors and soldiers believed it was their to duty to spread civilization, medicine, law and religion
Social Darwinism Europeans applied Darwin’s theories of natural selection and survival of the fittest to themselves Believed they were racially superior to all others It was their destiny to conquer weaker races Said this was nature’s way of improving the human species
Critics Argued that colonialism was immoral Just a way for the rich to get richer Europe preached democracy but enslaved other countries
Forms of Imperial Control - Colonies Europeans sent governors, officials and soldiers to rule the people Direct rule – usually French Sent officials to impose French culture and make the colonies a French province Indirect rule – usually British Used sultans, chiefs or local rulers to run their colonies
Forms of Imperial Control - Protectorates Their own government but had to do what the Europeans told them These cost less in money and military to run than colonies
Forms of Imperial Control – Spheres of Influence An area of trade claimed by only one country
The Partition of Africa Called the “Dark Continent” Europeans didn’t know anything about its interior
European Contacts Increase The slave trade became outlawed in Europe and the U.S. in the early 1800s 1847 – Liberia became a country for freed American slaves Explorers went to Africa to gain glory Missionaries went to Africa to spread Christianity
Berlin Conference – 1884 Europeans sent officials to Berlin to carve up Africa, but didn’t bother to invite any Africans Drew borders and claimed lands without regard for African settlements or ethnic boundaries
Horrors in the Congo King Leopald II of Belgium made African workers fulfill quotas of copper and ivory If the quota wasn’t met their hands or ears would be cut off
The Boer War When the British acquired the Cape Colony Dutch farmers named Boers moved north and created their own republics The discovery of gold & diamonds in the Boer republics caused the British to fight with them in the Boer War The British won and united the Boer republics with the Cape Colony to form South Africa in 1910
Africans Fight Back French, British and Germans all met African resistance, but it was nothing compared to the resistance Italians faced in Ethiopia Emperor Menelik II of Ethiopia bought modern European weapons and hired European officers to train his army Ethiopia defeated the Italians and remained the only nation besides Liberia to remain independent