More Able and Talented Learners – the development of guidance for FEIs in Wales Ann Lancett
More Able and Talented Learners Guidance for FEIs in Wales The Starting Point The Review to Identify Provision of More Able and Talented (MAT) Learners in Wales Undertaken on behalf of the Welsh Government; published in 2015
More Able and Talented Learners Guidance for FEIs in Wales Areas for Review Strategic Planning 2. Identification of MAT learners 3. Support and Challenge for MAT Learners 4. Tracking and Monitoring of MAT Learners
More Able and Talented Learners Guidance for FEIs in Wales Conclusions Strategic Planning FEIs participating in the review displayed a strong commitment to providing appropriate support and challenge for their MAT learners. MAT features in the strategic planning of a majority of FEIs, generally relating to raising standards and supporting learners to achieve their potential. Where senior leaders have made MAT provision a priority, practice tends to be embedded.
More Able and Talented Learners Guidance for FEIs in Wales 2. Definition and Guidance Most FEIs did not have an agreed cross-college MAT definition recognising an individual’s talents and abilities within the context of their learning programme. Review evidence indicated that FEI guidance could be developed to: set out the expected standards for developing quality MAT provision in FEIs; reflect current policy priorities, teaching and learning approaches, examination arrangements and requirements for reporting learner progress; provide a focus on the impact of provision on outcomes for MAT learners.
More Able and Talented Learners Guidance for FEIs in Wales 3. Identification of MAT Learners Most FEIs considered MAT learners as those studying academic A level subjects, whereas talented learners were more likely to be perceived as those taking vocational options or creative A level subjects. Although MAT featured in the faculty planning of many FEIs, they do not have a consistent whole college approach to the identification of the full range of MAT learners.
More Able and Talented Learners Guidance for FEIs in Wales ‘We interpret MAT as those learners who are excelling in their chosen programme of study whether vocational, academic, artistic or creative. Excelling does not necessarily mean ‘high flying academically’ – it can be those who demonstrate a particular ability which could be further developed.’ FEI Director of Curriculum and Learning
More Able and Talented Learners Guidance for FEIs in Wales 3. Identification of MAT Learners – the conundrum MAT learners in practical and creative vocational areas are not (or cannot be) identified in the same way as those following A level courses. GCSE profiles do not provide an indication of ability and talent, whether practical, creative, musical or sporting. Vocational learners with course specific practical skills, talents and aptitudes are identified once they begin studying their chosen course.
More Able and Talented Learners Guidance for FEIs in Wales 3. Identification of MAT Learners – some considerations Criteria for identifying MAT learners vary considerably across and within FEIs. Specifically the identification of the abilities and talents of vocational MAT learners. Consider making the systematic identification of learners’ talents a central component of their MAT provision. MAT learners are often self-aware and recognise their own capabilities. Involve MAT learners (and their parents) in their identification and progression process.
More Able and Talented Learners Guidance for FEIs in Wales 4. Support and Challenge for MAT Learners Following identification, most FEIs plan a combination of learning experiences to meet the needs of MAT learners. Nearly all FEIs have a designated senior leader or coordinator who manages MAT provision. A wide range of academic, personal and financial support is provided, with targeted support given to the most able when applying for leading universities. The use of MAT role models to raise aspiration, and engagement with social media channels to inform learners, is underdeveloped across FEIs.
More Able and Talented Learners Guidance for FEIs in Wales 4. Support and Challenge - Teaching and Learning FEIs reported concentrating on: Developing provision to ensure learners receive appropriately challenging programmes based on their talents and abilities Improving the quality of teaching to extend the breadth and depth of learning experiences. Notably, the sharing of MAT-related information, such as enrichment opportunities, with learners and parents required further development.
More Able and Talented Learners Guidance for FEIs in Wales ‘All teachers work within the Stretch and Challenge strategy to ensure that teaching is differentiated and every learner is encouraged to meet their potential.’ Vice Principal for Curriculum and Quality
More Able and Talented Learners Guidance for FEIs in Wales 4. Support and Challenge – Partnerships Partnerships with stakeholders organisations providing curricular and extra-curricular enrichment opportunities for MAT learners, are a central feature of provision in FEIs. Seren Hub development has enabled more cross-setting partnership working. However - do most FEIs still work independently to develop and deliver their MAT provision?
More Able and Talented Learners Guidance for FEIs in Wales 5. Tracking and Monitoring FEIs individually have improved their use and analysis of data with electronic systems used effectively to collate information about and track the progress of all learners, including those identified as more able and talented. Although FEIs primarily tracked the academic performance of MAT learners and focus less so on monitoring the development of talent. National reporting and tracking of MAT Learners is an area of development.
More Able and Talented Learners Guidance for FEIs in Wales 6. Transition Transition arrangements for MAT learners, within and between settings, is an aspect for further development. Sectors and settings need to better share information on prior attainment and talents of individuals ensuring they sustain their progress and can continue to be supported to achieve their potential. Greater opportunity, consistency in, and protocols for, effective information exchange about MAT learners should be developed.
More Able and Talented Learners Guidance for FEIs in Wales 7. Funding MAT Provision FEIs mostly use core funding to develop their MAT provision, supplemented by grant funding to underpin extension and enrichment activities. The development of a clear understanding on the appropriate uses of funding for MAT provision would assist in the monitoring of the support and challenge available to MAT learners.
More Able and Talented Learners Guidance for FEIs in Wales Developing the Guidance ‘More consistent approaches are needed to provide FEIs with quality MAT advice and support, alongside a more coordinated approach to sharing practice across all sectors.’ Direct relation to and response to the review findings Collaborative and inclusive approach Working document Supportive case studies Health and progress checking
More Able and Talented Learners Guidance for FEIs in Wales
More Able and Talented Learners Guidance for FEIs in Wales Elements of the Guidance 1. Developing a whole-institution strategy • Roles and responsibilities • Working in partnership 2. Identifying MAT learners • Developing a systematic approach • What does a MAT learner look like? • Identification strategies • A different conception of ‘ability’
More Able and Talented Learners Guidance for FEIs in Wales Elements of the Guidance 3. Tracking, monitoring and evaluation • Suggested planning, monitoring and evaluation cycle • Developing performance indicators • Evaluating impact 4. Curriculum design • Curriculum review • Enrichment activities • Using learning technologies
More Able and Talented Learners Guidance for FEIs in Wales Elements of the Guidance 5. Teaching and learning strategies • The MAT practitioner • Assessment for learning • Differentiated learning • Developing ‘real world’ skills 6. Supporting learners to fulfil their potential • Challenges for MAT learners • Ensuring equality • Building resilience
More Able and Talented Learners Guidance for FEIs in Wales Standard Evaluation of current performance Status Actions required Timescale for review Lead responsibility Resources required (finance/people / partners) 1. A whole - institution approach 1.1 The institution has an overarching strategy for MAT including defined aims and objectives with appropriate targets, not just a series of separate initiatives 1.2 MAT provision is led at the highest level within the institution, incorporated into its strategic plans, and regularly discussed at senior leadership team and Board levels 1.3 There is an integrated approach which encompasses learners with exceptional abilities in academic, vocational or other areas (such as artistic, sporting or entrepreneurial activities), and which values all of these areas equally
More Able and Talented Learners Guidance for FEIs in Wales Working with the Healthcheck Recently piloted by: Pembrokeshire College Bridgend College With feedback gathered on: Main weaknesses and strengths Process for completion Best practice identified CPD needs Suggested amendments Hints and tips for the completion process Workshop - Voices, Views and Experiences
More Able and Talented Learners Guidance for FEIs in Wales Working with your MAT Learners ‘MAT learners are often self-aware and recognise their own capabilities. Involve MAT learners (and their parents) in their identification and progression process.’ Welcome to Alex Grindulis Martyna Wezyk Bethan James
More Able and Talented Learners Guidance for FEIs in Wales Thank You