Year 9 French Homework Devoirs… 2017 – 18 Autumn T1 Take a photo if you cannot Access Homework hub
(to be called) (to get on) Week1 Grammar Learn the pattern for the reflexive verbs by heart – to spell and to say out loud for a writing test. (Paradigm in your exercise books Due Date: VOCAB TEST – Wednesday 13 September s’appeller (to be called) s’entendre (to get on) Je m’appelle m’entends Tu t’appelles t’ entends Il / Elle / on s’appelle s’ entend Nous nous appellons nous entendons Vous vous appellez vous entendez Ils / Elles s’appellent s’ entendent Interactive practice on Grammar / Reflexive verbs What pattern do you spot? Can you think of how to memorise it?
(to talk to one another) Test se parler (to talk to one another) se défendre (to defend oneself) Je me parle me défends Tu te parles te défends Il / Elle / on se parle se défend Nous nous parlons nous défendons Vous vous parlez vous défendez Ils / Elles se parlent se défendent WWW: I can identify… EBI: I will…. Words you got wrong write both the French and the English /12
Week 2 – 11/09 Complete your worksheet translations Friday 15th Sep
Ex. Je m’entens bien avec ma soeur parce qu’elle est gentile…. Learn the verb by heart then write a sentence for each of the verbs to describe your relation either with freids of family. Ex. Je m’entens bien avec ma soeur parce qu’elle est gentile…. To get on with someone To quarrel To get bored To laugh at someone (to mock) To look after someone Se parler S’ entendre Se disputer / Se quarreller S’ ennyuer Se moquer de S’ occuper de S’ parler Prepare a mini presentation to talk to the Class / peers about the atmoshere at home and your relations with family. Due date – Thursday 21st