The President’s Volunteer Service Award
PVSA hours are different from STEM student service hours Note PVSA hours are different from STEM student service hours
PVSA Defined The President’s Volunteer Service Award (PVSA) is issued by the President’s Council on Service and Civic Participation on behalf of the President of the United States. It is given to recognize and to encourage all Americans to improve their communities through volunteer service and civic participation. The Award is given to individuals that have demonstrated outstanding volunteer service and civic participation over the course of a 12-month period. This period runs from April 16, 2016 to April 15, 2017.
Examples of Volunteer Activities Helping Youth: mentoring, coaching, tutoring or helping young people engage in academic improvement Environmental Awareness: helping with neighborhood cleanups and/or volunteering to help conserve and protect parks and keep our waters clean Community Involvement: helping the elderly, hungry or homeless in our community or lending a hand at places such as the Humane Society Other volunteer service hours can count toward PVSA, as long as a student does not receive compensation (monetary or otherwise).
Acceptable vs. Non-Acceptable Hours Volunteering your time at a non-profit organization Tutoring another student (not a family member) outside of the regular school day Performing with your school’s band/choir/ orchestra/theatre arts group at an off-site venue, i.e. nursing home Assisting a teacher during an after school event/parent meeting Helping at a hospital, convalescent home Attending a club meeting, i.e. student council, SOS, NJHS, UIL Choir, band, orchestra or theatre practice or rehearsals Donation of goods or money Assisting with a worship service Babysitting a family member Cleaning your own room
How to Log PVSA Hours Visit A login must be created (additional information to follow) It is the responsibility of the student to log his/her hours Hours not logged in the PVSA website by the deadline cannot be recognized