Towards a measurement of the muon electric dipole moment with a compact storage ring Klaus Kirch Nufact08, Valencia, 2008
Contents Lepton dipole moments Muon spin precession in B and E fields Measurement of (g–2)µ and µEDM at storage rings Motivations to go below 10–19 e cm The “frozen spin” technique Sensitivity estimate for low momentum A schematic layout for PSI
Lepton dipole moments Hamiltonian: Define g and h as dimension-less quantities describing magnetic and electric dipole moments, respectively: For a Dirac particle (i.e. lepton): g = 2 (+ corrections) and h = 0 (+ super-tiny corrections from CP-violating interactions) * convenient to define:
P T EDM and symmetries _ + _ + + _ A nonzero particle EDM violates P, T and, assuming CPT conservation, also CP Purcell and Ramsey, PR78(1950)807; Lee and Yang; Landau
Electric Dipole Moments EDMs of elementary particles violate P and T symmetries, and violate CP if CPT is conserved. Most beyond-SM-theories introduce additional CP violation. Current efforts are mainly focused on neutral particles (neutron, atoms). Lepton EDMs are theoretically much cleaner. No contributions from QED and strong interactions, only higher-order electroweak! See, e.g., M. Pospelov, A. Ritz: Electric dipole moments as probes of new physics, Annals of Physics 318 (2005) 119
Standard model lepton EDMs F. Hoogeveen: The Standard Model Prediction for the Electric Dipole Moment of the Electron, Nucl. Phys. B 241 (1990) 322 Fourth order electroweak, … + new physics?
Standard model lepton EDMs F. Hoogeveen: The Standard Model Prediction for the Electric Dipole Moment of the Electron, Nucl. Phys. B 241 (1990) 322 Fourth order electroweak, Completely negligible at any experimental sensitivity we can imagine today! Much greater sensitivity to new, CP-violating physics! … + new physics?
Muon spin precession in B and E field Muon spin precession in the presence of B and E field, perpendicular to each other and to the muon momentum: wa we Example: B-field pointing down, E-field radially outward: wa: spin precession in orbital plane (“g–2” precession) E m-spin we: spin precession out of orbital plane m-trajectory B w = wa + we tilts the precession plane out of the orbital plane
Muon spin precession in B and E field wa we Strategy for (recent) g–2 measurement at storage rings: run at “magic g”, g = 29.3 (pm= 3.1 GeV) ⇒ no effect from electric fields, can use electric focusing (need for uniform B field precludes magnetic focusing) assume h small for measurement of a ⇒ direct access to a if B is known look for small vertical oscillation to put a limit on h. All recent limits have been obtained in this way (CERN, Brookhaven) Plagued by systematics: g–2 precession interferes strongly!
g–2 Measurement (E821@Brookhaven) A 20-year effort to improve the precision on am from 7 ppm to 0.5 ppm: am = 0.001 165 920 80 (63) G.W. Bennett et al.: Final report of the E821 muon anomalous magnetic moment measurement at BNL, Phys. Rev. D 73 (2006) 072003
g–2: the most recent state of affairs G.W. Bennett et al.: Final report of the E821 muon anomalous magnetic moment measurement at BNL, Phys. Rev. D 73 (2006) 072003 am(exp) = 0.001 165 920 80 (63) (0.54 ppm) am(SM) = 0.001 165 917 83 (48) E. de Rafael: Theory of the muon anomalous magnetic moment P and T violation at low energies, Heidelberg 2008 (0.41 ppm) am(exp) – am(SM) = (29.7 ± 7.9) × 10–10 3.7s discrepancy! For the (beautiful!) history of g–2, see: New physics or not? The deviation is consistent with LHC-accessible SUSY in the few 100 GeV range... A follow-up of E821 could potentially reduce the experimental error by a factor 2-5. Both, experiment and theory are not far from their limits. F.J.M. Farley, Y.K. Semertzidis: The 47 years of muon g–2, Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys. 52 (2004) 1 J.P. Miller, E. de Rafael, B.L. Roberts: Muon (g–2): Experiment and Theory , arXiv:hep-ph/0703049 E969: B.L. Roberts: Muon (g–2): Past, present and future, Nucl. Phys. Proc. Suppl. 155 (2006) 372
µEDM at g–2 storage rings Search for a vertical oscillation signal in g–2 data (vertical segmentation of some of the electron detectors) Seriously limited by two effects: g–2 rotation of spin strongly suppresses the effect of we Trajectories of the decay electrons are very different at the two extremes of vertical oscillation, leading to large systematic effects. Best current limit from Brookhaven E821: Only preliminary, but soon to be published (L. Roberts). Only modest improvement with respect to previous (CERN) experiment. dm < 2.4 × 10–19 e cm R. McNabb et al.: hep-ex/0407008, unpublished dm < 2.0 × 10–19 e cm Lee Roberts [BNL 2008]: private communication
History of µEDM measurements D. Berley et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 1 (1960) 144 D. Berley, G. Gidal, Phys. Rev. 118 (1960) 1086 G. Charpak et al., Nuovo Cim. 22 (1961) 1043 J. Bailey et al., J. Phys. G: Nucl. Phys. 4 (1978) 345 R. McNabb et al., hep-ex/0407008, unpublished BNL [2008] Stalling progress with conventional storage ring method... … need new method, but first look at motivations
What is the motivation to go below 10–19 e cm? BNL [2008] What is the motivation to go below 10–19 e cm? Various: model independent … model dependent … forget models …
mEDM@PSI Sensitivity about 5 x 10-23 e cm for 1 year measurement time with single muon mode Improvements possible if many muons can be injected (present muon beam provides 100 times more muons) PSI sensitivity with „one muon per time“ ?
mEDM@PSI Sensitivity about 5 x 10-23 e cm for 1 year measurement time with single muon mode Improvements possible when many muons can be injected (present muon beam provides 100 times more muons) but: electron EDM limit (90% C.L.) at 1.6 x 10-27 e cm (and improvements due) Is it worth the effort ? PSI sensitivity with „one muon per time“ ? electron EDM limit scaled linearly by mm / me B.C. Regan et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 88 (2002) 071805
mEDM@PSI Yes: EDM mass scaling not necessarily linear BNL [2008] The g-2 anomaly isn´t EDM mass scaling not necessarily linear viable models with muon EDM much larger than 10-25 e cm in connection with muon g-2 model independent arguments in favor of pushing in steps to below 10-19 and 10-22 e cm g-2 anomaly and generic new physics dipole ?
The g –2 anomaly isn't? ! am(exp) – am(SM) = (29.7 ± 7.9) × 10–10 G.W. Bennett et al. Final report of the E821 muon anomalous magnetic moment measurement at BNL, Phys. Rev. D 73 (2006) 072003 J.P. Miller, E. de Rafael, B.L. Roberts Muon (g–2): Experiment and Theory, Rept. Prog. Phys. 70, 795 (2007) Recent update: E. de Rafael: Theory of the muon anomalous magnetic moment P and T violation at low energies, Heidelberg 2008 J. Feng, T.M. Matchev, Y. Shadmi The Measurement of the Muon's Anomalous Magnetic Moment Isn't, Phys. Lett. B 555 (2003) 89 See already: J. Bailey et al. New limits on the electric dipole moments of positive and negative muons, J. Phys. G: Nucl. Phys. 4 (1978) 345 !
Generic new-physics dipole moment If one assumes that both non-SM MDM (amNP) and EDM (dµ) are manifestations of the same new-physics object: and with D a general dipole operator (W. Marciano), then the Brookhaven measurement can be interpreted as i.e. either dµ is of order 10–22 e cm, or the CP phase is strongly suppressed! 3.0 29.7 x J.L. Feng, K.T. Matchev, Y. Shadmi Theoretical Expectations for the Muon's Electric Dipole Moment, Nucl. Phys. B 613 (2001) 366
Muon spin precession in B and E field wa we New method for EDM measurement: the “frozen spin” technique! Go to lower momentum, install a “magic E field” (radially), such that wa vanishes completely: The spin remains parallel to the momentum along the orbit (“frozen spin”) In the presence of an EDM (h≠0) the spin is slowly rotated out of the orbital plane. Much superior sensitivity than with parasitic approach! F. Farley et al.: New Method of Measuring Electric Dipole Moments in Storage Rings, Phys. Rev. Lett. 93 (2004) 052001
J-PARC letter of intent A. Silenko et al.: J-PARC Letter of Intent: Search for the Permanent Muon Electric Dipole Moment at the 10–24 e cm Level. Semertzidis, Farley et al. in 2003 proposed an experiment exploiting the frozen spin technique at J-PARC (PRISM-II FFAG). Design: 7-m radius ring, with B = 0.25 T, E = 2 MV/m and p = 500 MeV/c (gt = 11 µs). Estimated sensitivity is around 10–24 e cm So far a “virtual project”, realization not likely before 2015. Can one do this with lower momentum muons? Can one start at an existing beamline? … at PSI?
Sensitivity estimate dµ < 5 × 10–23 e cm dµ < 10–24 e cm F. Farley et al.: New Method of Measuring Electric Dipole Moments in Storage Rings, Phys. Rev. Lett. 93 (2004) 052001 Uncertainty on h from a simple asymmetry counting experiment with N decays: A : electron asymmetry, assume A = 0.3 P : polarization of muons J-PARC proposal: gt = 11 µs, b = 0.978, P = 50%, B = 0.25 T → sh = 4 × 10–3/√N ; N = 4 × 1016 ⇒ sh = 2 × 10-11 dµ < 10–24 e cm PSI: gt = 3.4 µs, b = 0.76, P = 90%, B = 1.0 T → sh = 2.4 × 10–3/√N ; N = 4 × 1012 ⇒ sh = 10–9 dµ < 5 × 10–23 e cm Muon statistics is the dominant factor!
A µEDM experiment at PSI?
Muons at PSI
Muons at PSI µE1 area
pion decay channel (8 m, 4–5 T) µE1 beamline and area pp = 220 MeV/c pion decay channel (8 m, 4–5 T) 50.63 MHz (19.75 ns) Existing infrastructure Muon “beam”: ~400 p mm mrad emittance ~108 µ+ / s Bunch width 3.9 ns FWHM pµ = 125 MeV/c µ p sµ nµ For comparison: my car I.C. Barnett et al. : Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 455 (2000) 329; also:
Concept for an experiment at PSI Apply frozen spin technique at lower momentum than JPARC: PSI µE1: pμ=125 MeV/c (b = 0.76, = 1.55), Pμ = 92% Choose B = 1 T (conventional magnet, straightforward change of polarity) → 42 cm orbit radius, radial E-field 0.64 MV/m (64kV/10cm gap). Trade off high intensity of muon beam for beam quality, selecting the muons to be injected into the ring: Reduce from 100 MHz to ~200 kHz One muon at a time! Average measurement time gtµ = 3.4 µs. Assume run-time of 2 × 107 s, times 200 kHz gives 4 × 1012 electron decays (per year) Clockwise and counter-clockwise operation (systematics) Positively and negatively charged muons can be injected (systematics)
µE1 beamline and area A ~1-m-diameter storage ring with support fits in comfortably For comparison: my car
Artist's impression (A. Streun)
Main challenges Injection Injection trigger Conventional kicker too slow, very short revolution time (11.6 ns) Possible solution: resonance injection at half-integer tune using a non-linear field perturbator (inflector) Injection trigger Minimal latency between detection of “good muon” and ramp-up of inflector E, B-field setup, alignment and control Detector Timing, position resolution, E, B-field, limited space, systematics Data processing / storage O(1012) muon decays, almost all of them carry interesting information
Injection study for µEDM project Andreas Adelmann, using TRACY program 20 turns ramp of non-linear perturbator Acceptance ±7 mm / ±11 mrad, average latency for acceptable μ: ~1.2 μs Average measurement time gtm= 3.4 μs ~200 kHz repetition rate for perturbator Challenging, in particular for “random” ramp-up Can we trigger the perturbator in time to catch the “good” muon? Injection phase space diagram (TRACY) Acceptance Injection turns stable orbits
Muon EDM beam schematics p (2 mA, 590 MeV) (220 MeV/c) µ (125 MeV/c) E B µE1 beam line inflector design orbit (r = 42 cm) ~20 turns injection radial capacitor (1 T) (6.4 kV/cm) trigger Target E F.J.M. Farley et al. New method of Measuring Electric Dipole Moments in Storage Rings Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 052001 (2004) A. Adelmann, K. Kirch Search for the muon electric dipole moment using a compact storage ring arXiv:hep-ex/0606034 A. Adelmann, K. Kirch, C.J.G. Onderwater, T. Schietinger, A. Streun to be published
Various systematics issues... Vertical E field component: E⊥ < 10–4 Erad. Rotational misalignments and residual g–2 precession Instabilities of E, B fields, detector,... ...but many ways to control them: Injection of μ+ and μ– Factor 3 less statistics for μ– Clockwise and counter-clockwise orbit g–2 precession for calibration Spin rotation? F. Farley et al.: New Method of Measuring Electric Dipole Moments in Storage Rings, Phys. Rev. Lett. 93 (2004) 052001
Muon EDM summary Present limit around 2-3 × 10–19e cm At PSI improve 3 - 4 orders of magnitude in sensitivity to this fundamental particle property (limit or discovery) Sensitivity of 5×10–23e cm with single muon mode Important model independent test of g-2 anomaly Rule out (or confirm) EDM explanation for g-2 anomaly Rule out (or confirm) naïve relation for new physics MDM and EDM Experiment possible long before J-PARC (or anyone else) can get there Proof of principle for new technique at relatively low cost and could possibly be upgraded.
Thanks … for your attention ! to my collaborators from PSI and Groningen: Andreas Adelmann, Gerco Onderwater, Thomas Schietinger, Andreas Streun to Thomas Schietinger who created many of the transparencies; for a longer talk by him, see: for various input and fruitful discussions with Francis Farley, Klaus Jungmann, Peter Kammel, Jim Miller, Lee Roberts, Stefan Ritt, Yannis Semertzidis, …
A new slow m+ beam? D. Taqqu proposed a new technique for the production of a high-quality slow m+ beam, PRL 97, 194801 (2006). the most intense available m+ beam as input, would yield a 106/s muons at (10±0.5) eV in 1 cm2 with 10 ns timing. Reaccelerated muons of 10 keV could be focused into less than 100mm diameter beam spot. This m+ beam could be used for surface mSR and a muon microscope. Its phase space density is more than a billion times higher than presently available! It would also be a unique tool for fundamental physics. There is nothing in principle against even higher intensities and higher momenta.
D. Taqqu, PRL 97, 194801 (2006)
The “frozen spin” technique Turn off the g–2 precession with a radial E field Up-down detectors measure decay electrons Emission of electrons strongly correlated with spin direction, in particular for high- energy electrons Look for an up-down asymmetry, building up linearly with time Detectors on the inside and outside to measure g –2 precession (cross check) A. Silenko et al.: J-PARC Letter of Intent: Search for the Permanent Muon Electric Dipole Moment at the 10–24 e cm Level.
Detection cos(q) cos(q) 1 Detection cos(q) Identify direction of decay e± (at least up/down) Energy resolution helps (at least low energy cutoff) Full reconstruction nice (at least some segmentation in q, f, z) Timing below 1 ns desirable (at least 10 ns) Limited space and E,B-field challenging RooFit toy Monte Carlo study in progress Full GEANT4 simulation in preparation pe [MeV/c] -1 145 1 cos(q) -1 0 53
Resonance injection method T. Takayama et al.: Resonance injection method for the compact superconducting SR-ring, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 24/25 (1987) 420 Developed for injection into commercial tabletop synchrotron light-sources AURORA series (50 cm orbit radius), MIRRORCLE (15.6 cm!) by photon production laboratories, Ltd. Perturbator excites half-integer betatron resonance (e.g. 3/2), decay to stable orbit over several turns H. Yamada: Commissioning of aurora: The smallest synchrotron light source, J. Vac. Sci. Tehnol. B 8 (1990) 1628 H. Yamada: Novel X-ray source based on a tabletop synchrotron and its unique features, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. B 199 (2003) 509 H. Yamada et al.: Development of the hard X-ray source based on a tabletop electron storage ring, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 467/468 (2001) 122