WebTime Entry Training for Supervisors _______________________________ WebTime Entry Training for Supervisors
WebTime Entry Training Objectives _______________________________ WebTime Entry Training Objectives Provide an overview of the new system and benefits Demonstration How to… Login Review hours reported by students Enter hours on behalf of students if necessary Approve hours for students for the current period View time history for students
_______________________________ Why WebTime Entry? WebTime is convenient and efficient Maximizes time processing accuracy Students can enter hours securely from any computer Allows supervisors to review and approve students’ hours from any computer Enables supervisors to notify work-study students if changes need to reported hours Allows students and supervisors to review time history
Accessing WebTime Entry _______________________________ Accessing WebTime Entry Access WebTime Entry by logging into TheSIS at www.bsc.edu Need help logging into TheSIS? You can retrieve your password by clicking “What’s my password?” on the TheSIS Main Menu Or contact the IT helpdesk (helpdesk@bsc.edu or X4849) for assistance
How a Student Enters Hours _______________________________ How a Student Enters Hours
How a Student Enters Hours _______________________________ How a Student Enters Hours Select: ‘Log In’ Enter your ‘User Name’ and ‘Password’ Once logged in, Select: ‘Employees’ (NOT ‘Student’)
How a Student Enters Hours _______________________________ How a Student Enters Hours Select: ‘Time Entry’
How a Student Enters Hours _______________________________ How a Student Enters Hours Select: the Check Box by the pay period for which hours are to be entered. Select: ‘Submit’ Note: If you have more than one position, you will need to select the appropriate position from the list.
How a Student Enters Hours _______________________________ How a Student Enters Hours Find appropriate date and enter total ‘Hours Worked’ daily. Round hours worked to the nearest quarter hour (.00, .25, .50, or .75) You will not need to enter Annual Leave Hours, Sick Hours, Other Time Hours, Other Time Types, Shift Hours, Shift Type, or Insert Line. Please, ignore these columns. If you enter information in these columns, you will receive an error message.
How a Student Enters Hours _______________________________ How a Student Enters Hours Click ‘Submit’ to save your time entry without marking it as complete. You can return to this form to enter more hours or make changes. Note: WebTime Entry uses different terminology than the Electronic Timekeeping System for Staff. Here Submit=Save. Your student can still access his/her timesheet after clicking submit as long as the electronic signature box has not been checked.
Student Signs Timesheet _______________________________ Student Signs Timesheet Once all hours have been entered and reviewed for accuracy at the end of the month, select the ‘electronic signature’ Check Box and then select ‘Submit’. An automated e-mail will be sent to your supervisor when you sign your timesheet notifying him/her your hours are ready for approval. Once your student electronically signs his/her timesheet and clicks submit, he/she will not be able to access it again.
Student Signs Timesheet _______________________________ Student Signs Timesheet Student must enter ‘electronic signature’ by their ‘Complete By Date/Time’. The Complete By Date/Time for students is 12:00 noon on the first day of the following month. This deadline applies to both weekdays and weekends.
WebTime Entry Best Practices for Students _______________________________ WebTime Entry Best Practices for Students Work-study student views a web-based tutorial to learn to use WebTime Entry Work-study student enters hours worked on a daily basis Work-study student enters hours and electronically signs timesheet at the end of his/her last shift each month (This should always be before the student ‘Complete By Date/Time’- 12:00 noon on the first day of the following month) Work-study student uses OWA calendar reminders for important dates (i.e. Complete by Date/Time) If you reject hours and the student ‘Complete By Date/Time’ has not passed, the work-study student makes the corrections you request Work-study student contacts you for assistance as needed
How to Approve Hours (Supervisors) _______________________________ How to Approve Hours (Supervisors)
How to Approve Hours (Supervisors) _______________________________ How to Approve Hours (Supervisors) You must approve your work-study students’ hours by your ‘Complete By Date/Time’. Your Complete By Date/Time is 12:00 noon on the second day of the following month. This deadline applies to both weekdays and weekends. You will receive an automated e-mail when your students’ hours are complete and ready for your review. Also, you can review and approve hours from any computer on or off campus.
How to Approve Hours (Supervisors) _______________________________ How to Approve Hours (Supervisors) Select: ‘Log In’ Enter your ‘User Name’ and ‘Password’ (Select ‘What’s My Password’ or contact the IT Helpdesk at X4849 cannot log in) Once logged in, Select: ‘Employees’
How to Approve Hours (Supervisors) _______________________________ How to Approve Hours (Supervisors) Select: ‘Time Approval (for supervisors)’
_______________________________ How to Approve Hours A roster of your work-study students should appear. If you do not see your student’s name, check for the following : Has the Payroll Authorization Form been completed and submitted to Financial Aid? Does Financial Aid show you as the current supervisor? If you’ve answered no, your work study student’s pay will be delayed.
_______________________________ How to Approve Hours Select: ‘Review Entry’ Check Box for each work-study student’s time entry form Click ‘Submit’ Note: If you are an alternate supervisor, you can access students’ time entry forms by selecting ‘Approve time entries on behalf of’ and clicking ‘Submit’ You will also need to uncheck the names of students for whom you are primary supervisor. You can select more than one student. If you do so, once you finish with a time entry form and click ‘Submit’ the next time entry form selected will appear on your screen.
_______________________________ How to Approve Hours Review the hours for accuracy.
_______________________________ How to Approve Hours Scroll to the bottom of the timesheet. Select: ‘Approve’ from the ‘Supervisor Decision’ drop down menu if hours reported are accurate Click ‘Submit’ An automated e-mail will be sent to your work-study student notifying him/her the hours have been approved. Once you approve a time entry form, you will not be able to access it again.
_______________________________ How to Reject Hours Select: ‘Reject’ from the ‘Supervisor Decision’ drop down menu if hours reported are inaccurate Enter ‘E-mail Subject’ and complete ‘Supervisor Comments’ section to provide instructions to work-study student. Click ‘Submit’ If your student has inaccurately reported their hours, and their ‘Complete By Date/Time’ has passed or is very near, you can modify and approve the timesheet until your ‘Complete By Date/Time’
How to View Student History (Supervisors) _______________________________ How to View Student History (Supervisors) Select: ‘Employee history (for supervisors)’
How to View Student History (Supervisors) _______________________________ How to View Student History (Supervisors) Select: ‘Review Entry’ Check Box next to work-study students’ records you want to review Select: ‘Submit’
How to View Student History (Supervisors) _______________________________ How to View Student History (Supervisors) 2014 Select the applicable year for a list of time history you can view Select: ‘Submit’
How to View Student History (Supervisors) _______________________________ How to View Student History (Supervisors) You can review a Time History for hours, Supervisor’s Decision and electronic signature confirmation. A record will be available in Time History after the hours have been processed and paid on the 10th of the following month. Time History is intended for review of past time records. However, in rare cases if you do not approve hours before the supervisor ‘Complete By Date/Time’, you can approve through Time History after payroll is processed. Students can also enter electronic signature in Time History if they miss the student ‘Complete By Date/Time’.
How to View Student History (Supervisors) _______________________________ How to View Student History (Supervisors) If several work-study students’ timesheets are chosen for review, scroll to the bottom of the screen to move to the next or previous record.
WebTime Entry Best Practices for Supervisors _______________________________ WebTime Entry Best Practices for Supervisors Instruct your work-study student to enter hours worked on a daily basis Review your work-study student’s hours on a weekly basis Instruct your work-study student to electronically sign timesheet at the end of his/her last shift each month. Review your student’s hours for approval immediately upon receiving automated e-mail notification that he/she has signed the timesheet If you reject hours and the student ‘Complete By Date/Time’ has not passed, the work-study student makes the corrections you request Use OWA calendar reminders for important dates (i.e. weekly review of hours worked by student, student Complete By Date/Time, your Complete By Date/Time) Assist your work-study student with WebTime Entry questions as needed
_______________________________ Important Notes You and your alternate supervisor are the only people with access to your students’ hours and are responsible for ensuring students’ time records are correct. To review Financial Planning Office guidelines, visit their website at http://www.bsc.edu/fp/index.cfm Work-study students will be paid on the 10th of each month (or preceding business day if the 10th falls on a weekend or holiday).
If you need assistance… _______________________________ If you need assistance… Questions about logging into TheSIS: helpdesk@bsc.edu or X4849 Questions about WebTime Entry System: aboackle@bsc.edu or X4656 jmuro@bsc.edu or X3056 Questions about Financial Planning Guidelines/ Payroll Authorization Form: vgriffin@bsc.edu or X4678 Thanks to Coastal Carolina University for providing a template for this tutorial.