Clinical Practice Winter Weekend Presentation February 8, 2014 DL#15 1:00 p.m.
Agenda Do you Believe in this or not? Now do this it is part of the JOB! Living the Dream CQPS Standard VI TEDX Shawn Achor: The Happy Secret to Better Work on TEDxBloomington on May 14, 2011 media tab One for Fun?
Do you Believe in this or not? Now do this… It is part of the JOB! Money Ball The Movie How do you trade or dismiss an Employee? What “strategies of leadership” does it take to support the Belief? “Pitching the Belief” and being “All In” Script, Take notes and Journal for every HR situation? What do I do to communicate, to act appropriately and finish the deal?
Living the Dream Success is just a year away My dream job is? Scenarios How do I handle the situation?
Standard IV: Principals Demonstrate Human Resource Leadership 4.1 Professional Development/Learning Communities: Principals ensure that the school is a professional learning community that provides opportunities for collaboration, fosters teacher learning, and develops teacher leaders in a manner that is consistent with local structures, contracts, policies, and strategic plans. Principals communicate regularly about the changing context for teaching and learning, and create a collaborative culture and overall structure for on- going learning that fosters teacher learning and develops teacher leaders.
Human Resource Leadership 4.3 Teacher and Staff Evaluation: Principals evaluate staff performance using the district’s educator evaluation system in order to ensure that teachers and other staff are evaluated in a fair and equitable manner with a focus on improving performance and, thus, student achievement. They implement a systemic process for evaluation of all staff members that leads to the continuous improvement of performance. For teachers, this includes the provision of frequent and timely feedback and supports. Principals recognize and celebrate quality teachers, and provide professional development coaching for teachers needing support in order to improve instruction and student learning outcomes.
The Happiness Advantage Improve mood activities 2 minutes for 21 days Meditate Find something to Look forward to Commit Conscious Acts of Kindness Infuse Positivity into your Surroundings Exercise Spend Money(but not on Stuff) Exercise your Signature Strength 3 Gratitudes (Emmons & McCullough, 2003) Journaling (Stacher and Pennebaker 2006) Exercise (Babyak et al, 2000 Meditation (Dweck, 2007) Random Acts of Kindness (Lyubominshy 2005)
2 minutes per day for 21 days Find 3 new things that you are grateful for everyday for 21 days and record them Journal about one “positive experience” everyday “Exercise” reminds you that your behaviors matter Meditation provides “focus” and allows you to take time from multitasking Complete one “act of kindness”, so send one email each day to someone in your support network
The Happiness Advantage Better secure jobs Better keeping jobs Superior productivity More resilient Less burnout Less turnover Greater sales
One for Fun You will receive a activity that we would like you to complete in 15 minutes. How did you decide? What method did you use to “pitch” your idea? What strategy did you use to make the best decision?
References Patterson, Kerry; Grenny, Joseph; McMillan Ron, and Switzer, Al, Crucial Conversations Tools for Talking When Stakes are High (Second Edition), McGraw Hill, 2012 Achor, Shawn, The Happiness Advantage, Crown Publishing Group, 2010 Polan, Stephen M. and Levine, Mark Levine, Lifescripts, What to Say to Get What You Want in 101 of Life’s Toughest Situations, Hungry Minds, Inc, 1996 Lefton, Robert E. Ph.D and Buzzotta, Ph.D., Leadership through People Skills; Using the Dimensional Model of Behavior to Help Managers, McGraw Hill, 2006