Information and visibility of Kolarctic ENPI CBC projects Joint Managing Authority Rovaniemi 11.12.2012
Background: The European Union demands that the participation of EU funds is indicated and made visible in all actions co-funded by them. EU visibility Guidelines for External Actions
is annexed (annex VIII) in every grant contract! A communication and visibility guide: ”Communication and visibility of Kolarctic ENPI CBC - guidelines for projects” is annexed (annex VIII) in every grant contract!
In planning of the visibility actions, take into notice: Requirements from the EC What is appropriate and functional
Requirements from the EC EU demands, that 1. the general public must be informed about the EU participation in the funding of the project. 2. the general public must be informed about the backgrounds, results and impacts of the project
Practical rules about informing the EU participation (obligatory!) EU emblem (the flag) must be used in all material produced by the project. In written or other presentations, it must be indicated that the EU (Kolarctic ENPI CBC) participates in the financing of the project
Practical rules about informing the EU participation Disclaimer: ”This document has been produced with the assistance of the European Union. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of <name> and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union”
The EU Emblem - Geometrical description Colours Backgrounds Alterations and additions Note that there are different kind of files, ask the JMA!
The Press Communication and visibility guidelines of Kolarctic ENPI CBC gives rules about JMA participation in activities towards the press
About the press, it is laid down in the Kolarctic ENPI CBC visibility guidelines : 3.2.1.: ”If a press conference is planned, the press release should include the name of an EU personality who will be present at the press conference, if appropriate.” 3.2.2. ”The project should always inform the JMA about press conferences to come…” ”At the press conference itself, an EU flag should be displayed IF other flags or symbols are being displayed”
About the press, it is laid down in the Kolarctic ENPI CBC visibility guidelines : 3.2.3. Group visits by journalists to project sites may offer additional visibility opportunities. ”… ” Where appropriate, groups of visiting journalists should be accompanied by representatives of the JMA.
About the press, publicity and media in general: No secrets
About the press, publicity and media in general: Work towards the press is not quite like any other information activity; the press is active and independent Preparedness to be criticized
About the press, publicity and media in general: Language! Different kind of texts for different audiences Application and press release: two different texts If you can´t simplify, someone else will do it for you (and maybe end up in an incorrect interpretation)
About the press, publicity and media in general: Collect and save what has been published about you in the media! (TV reports? Radio interviews etc?)
Kolarctic ENPI CBC projects on the web and the social media Photo galleries, other social media? Send your website links etc to the JMA ! If we can’t find them, how do you think that someone would bump into them by chance.