IMPRESSIONISM (19TH CENTURY) Themes – Fleeting and brief word of a first impression based on light and the sudden moment Characteristics – Short, choppy, light brushstrokes, and outdoors Areas of influence – France Artists – Monet, Renoir, Manet, Cezanne Word Association –Vibrant, little detail, light, glimpse Renoir, Two-Sisters
Claude Monet, Impression Sunrise
Manet, Impressionist Bridge
POST IMPRESSIONISM (19TH CENTURY) Themes – Represented Impressionism, but rejected its limitations Characteristics – Strong Colors, violation of traditional ideas of perspective Areas of influence – France Artists – Cezanne, Seurat, Van Gogh, Picasso Word Association – Depth, structure, pointillism, Cubism, Fauvism (Color) Cezanne, Mont Sainte-Victoire
Main Idea: Also demonstrates that people are starting to question the traditional "rules of the game" just as they are in psychology (Freud) and physics (Einstein)
Seurat, Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte
Van Gogh, Starry Night
Pablo Picasso, Guernica
SURREALISM (LATE 19TH-20TH CENTURY) Themes – Expression of the imagination in dreams, lack of reason Characteristics –Ideals of Freud and Marx Areas of influence – Norway, Holland, Spain, Germany, France, Russia Artists – Dali, Magritte, Delvaux Word Association – Dreams, subconscious, illogical Dali
Main Idea: The world in the mid 20th century was one of upheaval and change, but also of new technology and opportunity--this art shows the world as mutable and puzzling
Dali, Persistence of Memory
Magritte, Golconda
DADA (1915 - 1922) Themes – Focus on the Absurd, reaction to WWI Characteristics –Techniques of accident and chance Areas of influence – Switzerland, NYC, Paris, Germany Artists – Duchamp, Arp, Ray Word Association – Absurd, Illogical Duchamp
Main Idea: This art shows a fierce rejection of western society and its values, which had brought about WWI
EXPRESSIONISM (EARLY 20TH CENTURY) Themes – Indebted to Freud, Analyzing Psyche Characteristics –Dissonance in color and perspective, messages of anxiety Areas of influence – Germany, Spain, France, Russia, Holland, Norway Artists –Munch, Van Gogh Word Association – Anxiety, Freud, Dark Munch, the Scream
MODERNISM (MID 20TH CENTURY) Themes – Forces viewers to establish their own meaning Characteristics –Abstract, absurd, challenges established styles Artists –Jackson Pollock, Kandinsky, Mondrian Word Association: Abstract Expressionism Pollock
Main Idea: Just as existentialism and the theater of the absurd reject any outside creator who imbues the world with meaning, the modern artists forced the viewers to find their own meaning in their interpretation of the artwork
POST MODERNISM (LATE 20TH CENTURY) Themes – Destruction of Ideas Characteristics –Multimedia, sometimes performance art, playful, sometimes offensive, experiences the art Artists –Lichtenstein, Warhol, Christo Weiner, “ It's about the gap between words and actions, between objects and the ideas behind them, rather than any effort to bridge the gap by acting or making.”
Main Idea: Just as existentialism and the theater of the absurd reject any outside creator who imbues the world with meaning, the modern artists forced the viewers to find their own meaning in their interpretation of the artwork
Christo, Umbrellas
Performance art, Cottman