AP Comparative Government & Politics Review AP Comparative Government & Politics
Type of Government Parliamentary Democracy & Sovereignty Unitary Fusion of Powers Constitutional Monarchy
Current Leaders Prime Minister Queen Deputy P.M. Head of Government Theresa May- Conservative Queen Head of State Queen Elizabeth II Deputy P.M. Nick Clegg Liberal-Democrat
Major Political Parties Conservative Liberal-Democratic Labour
Type of Elections Single-Member Plurality “First Past the Post”
Legislative Body Parliament House of Commons House of Lords
Important Leaders Clement Attlee Margaret Thatcher Tony Blair Gordon Brown David Cameron
Judiciaries Supreme Court-No judicial review Common Law
Major Cleavages Racial & religious differences Urban vs. rural Regional- English, Scottish, Irish, Welsh
Revolutions, Coups, Wars Gradual change over time
Recent Economic Trends Austerity measures Cutting the welfare state
Current Policy Issues Economy Big Society Devolution
Bureaucracy Whitehall Quangos Administers the government Far-reaching Semi-autonomous government organizations
Military Independent Stays out of policy
The Russian Federation
Type of Government Asymmetrical Federal State- Not balanced Semi-Presidential System (has P.M.) Soft Authoritarianism
Current Leaders President Prime Minister Vladimir Putin Dmitry Medvedev
Major Political Parties United Russia Dominant Party Communist Party Opposition A Just Russia Fake?
Type of Elections Proportional Representation Direct Election Duma Presidency Must win > 50%
Legislative Body Federal Assembly of Russia Federation Council Duma Upper House Duma Lower House More Powerful!
Important Leaders Joseph Stalin Mikhail Gorbachev Boris Yeltsin Dmitry Medvedev Vladimir Putin
Judiciaries Constitutional Court Operates on civil law Sides with the executive
Major Cleavages Muslim v. Orthodox Slavophile v. Westernizer Chechnya v. Russia Slavophile v. Westernizer
Revolutions, Coups, Wars Fall of the USSR (1991) 1993 Constitutional Crisis Chechen Wars
Recent Economic Trends Increased Privatization “State Capture”
Current Policy Issues Adoption Tension Recovering from Recession Global Reception
Bureaucracy Patron-Client Connections Nomenklatura
Military Traditionally played a role in politics More independent now
People’s Republic of China
Type of Government Communist Party-State Political Branch CCP-guanzi +merit Executive Branch State Council Legislative Branch National People’s Congress Judicial Branch Supreme People’s Court Military Branch PLA
Type of Government Unitary State Parallel Hierarchies Control in Beijing Parallel Hierarchies Chairman President Head of CMC All Xi!
Current Leaders President Xi Jinping Premier Li Keqiang
Major Political Parties Chinese Communist Party …that’s all!
Type of Elections No national level elections Some regional & local elections
Legislative Body National People’s Congress Only legislative house in PRC Legislation can be debated, but is rarely defeated
Important Leaders Mao Zedong Deng Xiaoping Hu Jintao Xi Jinping Revolution Leader 1949 - 1976 Deng Xiaoping Hu Jintao President 2003 - 2013 Xi Jinping
Judiciaries Civil Law Criminal Law Supreme People’s Court Lawsuits have been increasingly filed and won Criminal Law Justice is swift and harsh Supreme People’s Court No judicial review Oversees lower courts Appeals death sentences
Major Cleavages Urban v. Rural Tibet v. PRC Technocrat v. Old School Commies
Revolutions, Coups, Wars Chinese Civil War 1917 – 1949 1980s student rebellions Tiananmen Square
Recent Economic Trends Increased but limited privatization Exponentially growing economy Industrialization & globalization
Current Policy Issues International relations Improving economy
Bureaucracy Immense in size Cadres Person who exercises authority in a communist-party state Around 40 million
Military People’s Liberation Army Central Military Commission World’s largest military force Central Military Commission Runs military
Type of Government First Republic Lots of autocracy in- between Westminster model Lots of autocracy in- between Fourth Republic Federal republic Presidential system Strong executive Checks & balances
Current Leaders President Goodluck Jonathan
Major Political Parties People’s Democratic Party Conservative Dominant party Multiparty system
Type of Elections Direct election for president One candidate Majority of yes votes Two candidates Majority More than two candidates Highest number No less than ¼ of votes in at least 2/3 of the states Single-member plurality to National Assembly
Legislative Body National Assembly Senate House of Representatives Upper house 3 per state House of Representatives Lower house Number apportioned by population
Important Leaders Yakubu Gowon Olusegun Obasanjo Dictator Prevented Biafran secession Olusegun Obasanjo Military dictator Popularly elected president
Judiciaries Supreme Court State Courts Becoming a major player English common law Shari’a law
Major Cleavages Ethnic lines North v. South Oil developers Muslim v. Christian Oil developers
Revolutions, Coups, Wars Many, many, many coups over the years 1960 – 1999 Nigerian Civil War Biafran independence squashed through starvation
Recent Economic Trends Rentier state Oil Unfair distribution of wealth
Current Policy Issues Islamism in the north Maintaining economic ties
Bureaucracy Prebendalism Leads to corruption in the bureaucracy & elected officials
Military 1960 – 1999 Effectively controlled government & the state 1999 to present Leaders were purged More independent
Type of Government Federal Republic Separation of Powers Checks & Balances
Current Leaders President Enrique Pena Nieto
Major Political Parties PRI Dominant party Centrist PAN Right of center PRD Left of center
Type of Elections Party threshold in legislature = 2% Proportional representation Congress FPTP Direct election President
Legislative Body Congress of the Union Bicameral Senate Upper Chamber of Deputies Lower
Important Leaders Miguel Hidalgo Zapata & Pancho Villa Lazaro Cardenas Independence Zapata & Pancho Villa Mexican Revolution Lazaro Cardenas PRI power! El Dedazo Vicente Fox PAN president Felipe Calderon
Judiciaries Roman & Napoleonic tradition Federal & state courts Amparo Civil law Federal & state courts Amparo Citizens ask for a writ of protection claiming their rights have been violated by the government
Major Cleavages North v. South Amerindians v. Europeans Who gets the help? Amerindians v. Europeans Technicos v Old School
Revolutions, Coups, Wars Mexican Revolution 1917 Constitution War on Drugs Ongoing Human cost is high Economic cost is high
Recent Economic Trends Import Substitution Industrialization NAFTA Implications?
Current Policy Issues War on Drugs! Immigration Corruption
Bureaucracy Expansive Parastatals Upper level = “confidence employees” Lower level = stable Parastatals
Military Independent Largely fighting against cartels Corruption
Type of Government Theocracy Elements of democracy
Current Leaders Supreme Leader President Ayatollah Khameni Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
Major Political Parties Alliance of Builders of Islamic Iran VERY CONSERVATIVE Others are legally recognized but many are banned & persecuted
Type of Elections President Assembly of Religious Experts Direct election Closely regulated by the Supreme Leader Assembly of Religious Experts No transparency
Legislative Body Assembly of Religious Experts Guardian Council Elections every 4 years 8 year terms Conservative clerics Guardian Council Appointed by Supreme Leader Can veto any legislation
Important Leaders Ayatollah Khomeini Mohammad Pahalavi Leader of Iranian Revolution Mohammad Pahalavi Last Shah Mohammad Khatami Fought for some liberal ideas
Judiciaries Shari’a law Punishments are harsh & severe
Major Cleavages Liberal Muslims v. Ruling Party Green Movement-2009 Against Ahmadinejad
Revolutions, Coups, Wars Iranian Revolution 1978 – 1978 Hostage crisis Green Protests 2009 elections
Recent Economic Trends Rentier state Implications? Sanctions- started to lift Economy is better
Current Policy Issues Maintaining the ruling party Youth/women Nuclear proliferation Power? Bombs? Israel
Bureaucracy Grown since the Revolution Dominated by clerics Enforces Islamic guidelines
Military Several branches Revolutionary Guard Controlled by the Ayatollah Revolutionary Guard Protects Islamic ideals within the country