Welcome to APUSH
Review of Syllabus Please write this on the bottom of your syllabus in the space provided: I have read and understand the academic honesty policy for Mt. Carmel ____ (initial) I understand that cheating is a poor reflection on myself, my parents, and my school ____ (initial) I understand that cheating will not help me pass the AP exam and will hurt my grade in the long run ____ (initial)
Writing- To be completed on MyConnect Go to the calendar – click my Connect App Homework on 8/21.
Expectations Read. Read. Read. Notes. Notes. Notes. This class will have a reading quiz almost everyday, to be done on MyConnect. The calendar has been divided to show you what reading is due. Be prepared for all tests and quizzes Participate in class discussions and activities Accept imperfections and work to improve them Seek help when you need it Completing the above = Confidence to pass the AP exam
Grading Essays Multiple Choice/ID Work Finals
Required Notes Lecture notes MUST be taken and MUST be in Cornell note form* Take notes on each chapter section using the style that works best, as found through the summer reading assignment. Use http://www.course-notes.org/US_History/Notes/The_American_Pageant_13th_Edition_Textbook_Notes and add to these notes (notes and highlighting) Note cards must be hand-written and follow the proper format (to be explained at a later date). Scoring 25/30 on the ID test will exempt you from the next unit’s note cards, if you choose On discussion/quiz days, book and lecture notes and notecards will all be checked.
More Work Quizzes: Reading quizzes are online and completed nightly Quiz day: Short Answer response Three kinds of notes checked Test Days: 2 days – Multiple Choice/ID, Essay In-Class: Lectures (notes in Cornell form) and writing practice
FYI MC and ID tests, and quizzes can be in pencil All collected writing for this course will be in blue or black pen only. Come to class prepared. No smells/scents. This includes food, lotion, or anything else. Good or bad, they aren’t allowed. Signed syllabus due Friday.
APUSH Results 2014 150 students took the test, 87% passed with a 3 or better MC scores National Average 40: 5 (26%) 10.8% 49: 4 (32%) 21.2% 40: 3 (26%) 20.1% 20: 2 (13%) 28% 1: 1 (.6%) 19.8%
My goals for 2014-2015 Fewer 2s, maintain high pass rate Continue rigor trimesters 1 and 2 (includes lots of writing, challenging tests) Work on reading comprehension skills more, and include more reading of primary and secondary source documents Make content memorable and review frequently 2 weeks for review
Extra Credit Books—20 Points Tri 1 American Creation, Joseph Ellis (N) Profiles in Courage, John F. Kennedy (N) Chains, Laurie Halse Anderson (F) The Kitchen House, Kathleen Grissom (F) Tri 2 Honolulu, Alan Brennert (F) Assassination Vacation, Sarah Vowell (N) The Chaperone, Laura Moriarty (F) Tri 3 Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet, Jamie Ford (F) Unbroken, Laura Hillenbrand (N) The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, Rebecca Skloot (N) How the States Got their Shapes, Mark Stein (N)