John F Kennedy (JFK) Youngest President @ 43 years old* 35th President of The USA Only Catholic President President from 1961 until his assassination 1963. Killed by: Lee Harvey Oswald (who was killed by Jack Ruby on live TV days later)
JFK’s Presidency Cuban Missile Crisis (USA, USSR, Cuba) The Bay of Pigs Invasion (USA, USSR, Cuba) Nuclear Test Ban Treaty (USA, USSR) Peace Corps created Space Race (USA and USSR) Building of the Berlin Wall (USSR and Eastern Europe) Civil Rights Movement (USA) VIETNAM gets worse (no combat troops…yet)
Fidel Castro Communist Cuban political leader Fidel Castro helped lead the Cuban Revolution, and served as president of Cuba from 1976 to 2008
Video Clip: Castro (4 Minutes)
CUBAN MISSILE CRISIS 13 Day confrontation in 1962 with the USA and The USSR over The USSR having nuclear missiles on Cuba (Cuba: 90 miles from Florida)
Cuban Missile Crisis Video (5 Mins)
BAY OF PIGS INVASION Failed invasion of Cuba in 1961 by CIA trained and armed Cuban rebels. Goals were to: -Remove President Fidel Castro from power -Replace Cuba’s Communist government with a Democratic one. What happened? The rebels were defeated in 3 days and the USA was embarrassed.