Rho Kappa Meeting 9-19-16
Information Sheet Get an information sheet and turn it in at the end of the meeting THIS IS HOW WE WILL TAKE ATTENDACE FOR THIS MEETING!
Introduction to the Officers and Sponsors
Sponsors Mrs. Fontenot - afontenot1@stcharles.k12.la.us Mrs. Hargis - chargis@stcharles.k12.la.us
President- Nyla Moore
Vice President- Nastassia Woods
Public Relations- Sydney Poulos
Junior Point Secretary -Lizzie Levi-Folgar
Senior Point Secretary - Morgan Williams
Service Hours 20 hours in total ~ 10 hours due December 9th ~ 10 hours due April 28th only 5 hours can be from the summer ~ must be included on the December hours sheet No double dipping between honor societies (Beta, NHS, Student Council, etc.) Extra service hour sheets are located outside Ms. Fontenot’s classroom on bulletin board
Meeting Attendance Can only miss up to 3 meetings Only emergency circumstances will serve as excuses Meetings will always be on Mondays Listen to announcements for dates
Rho Kappa Website If you miss a meeting then check the website for the PowerPoint Found on the schools website under EXTRACURRICULAR http://www.stcharles.k12.la.us/domain/1774
Don’t forget to turn in your Information Sheet! THE END Don’t forget to turn in your Information Sheet!