INFLUENCE Emergency services response leaders focus on how the power of influence helps them in their profession. VIDEO: Power of Influence
Emergency services response leaders focus on how the power of influence helps them in their profession. VIDEO: Power of Influence
Influence Is changing someone’s behavior Its making an impact in a situation where you ordinarily you wouldn’t have much control. It is a way of doing something, rather than sitting back and deciding that there is nothing you can do.
The ability to influence others is… CRUCIAL in your career and in leadership. Examples: When being interviewed for a position, you use influence to demonstrate you are the best candidate for the job. When signing a new client, you use influence to convince them you can deliver better than the competition. When you are a manager, you use influence to motivate your employees to bring their best. And when you lead a team, you use influence to set the strategy and get everybody on board.
An influencer… coaches leads on good will inspires enthusiasm says “we” instead of “I” fixes the problem instead of fixing blame shows how says “let’s go! Instead of “go” Goodwill = friendly, helpful, or cooperative feelings or attitude
What observations can you make? Yesterday’s Leader Today’s Leader
A key to influence… Project “warmth” Leaders who are rated low on likability have about a one in 2,000 chance of being regarded as effective. Once a leader is liked, they should focus on displaying competence.
Influence and “THE ENTREPRENEUR MYTH” Assumption: All salespeople are leaders. Those products were developed by of an entrepreneur named Ron Popeil. He was called the “salesman of the century.” Popeil was certainly enterprising, innovative, and successful, and earned $300 million in sales. But that doesn't make him a leader. People may have bought what he had to sell, but they did not follow him. At best, he was able to persuade people for a moment, but didn’t hold long term influence with anyone.
100 Most Influential People The list takes into account those who have inspired others, positively or negatively, and each person on the list has a profile written about him or her by another notable figure. Entrepreneur and Tesla Motors CEO Elon Musk profiles West, Oprah Winfrey writes about producer and director Lee Daniels, presidential hopeful Rand Paul writes about billionaire brothers Charles and David Koch, basketball Hall of Famer Kareem Abdul Jabbar does the honors for NBA commissioner Adam Silver, and legendary actor Jack Nicholson profiles Lorne Michaels. 100 Most Influential People
REFLECTION #6-Influence Think of the little things or people who influenced you in a powerful way. Think of the times you have been touched by the influence of a person or an event. Explain the “power” that influence has in your life now and how understanding this concept will positively affect your life going forward.