Unit 7: The Nation Breaks Apart Part 3 of 4
Daily Goal I can summarize the advantages and disadvantages of each side.
Rating the North & South
Slave/Free States Population, 1861
Resources: North & South
Men Present for Duty in the Civil War
Overview of Northern Advantages Larger population North 22 million South Only 9 million More ships Larger, more efficient railroad system Lincoln - Very intelligent and dedicated More industry - 81% of nation’s factories Better banking system to raise $ for the war 75% of nation’s wealth
Overview of Northern Advantages Wealth produced: Factory production Textile goods produced Iron production Coal production Farm acreage Draft animals Livestock Wheat production Corn production
Overview of Northern Disadvantages Fought on Southern lands Divided support for the war Many believed the South had good chance of winning
Overview of Southern Advantages Fighting a defensive war Local support of all men familiarity with terrain Motivation: seeking independence, unified support Short communication lines/ friendly population Experienced officer corps- (Lee, Jackson, Pickett) Cotton - necessary for textile factories of England and France Slave Labor in the early part of the war
Overview of Southern Disadvantages Smaller population Few factories to manufacture weapons and supplies Poor transportation system Weak federal government = not strong enough to control Southern states Jefferson Davis did not have complete power like Lincoln
Jefferson Davis Vs. Lincoln
Jefferson Davis Abraham Lincoln Born in Mississippi West Point Graduate Served in Congress Served in two wars, was a hero in Mexican War. Secretary of War under Franklin Pierce Considered one of the leading spokesmen of the South by the mid-1850’s Born in Kentucky less than 50 miles from Davis Very little military experience Served only three months in the Black Hawk War Failed businessman (general store) Served several terms in the Illinois state legislature, U.S. Senate- Relatively undistinguished
GRANT VS LEE VS Graduate from West Point, 1843 Served in the Mexican War Shoe salesman before the War Successful in Western Theater Appointed by Lincoln in 1864 to command all Union forces The Butcher Unconditional Surrender Grant Supported “total war” concept Graduate from West Point, 1829 Served in the Mexican War Arrested John Brown Lincoln asked Lee to head up the Union Army Refused because of loyalty to Virginia. Defeated Union in battles from 1861 to 1863 in the Eastern theater Excellent in military strategy Grant vs Lee
TOTAL WAR Tactic of war where the Union marched through the South and destroyed all resources the civilian population needed to survive. Goal: To make war as horrible and destructive as possible to force your enemy to surrender. Total war brings the civilian population into the war to demoralize the enemy and force them to surrender. William T. Sherman
Overview North’s Civil War Strategy: “Anaconda” Plan Goal: surround the Confederacy and squeeze them into submission
The Anaconda Plan Capture Richmond and force surrender Expel Confederates from border states Control of the Mississippi River to Stop the transport of: soldiers Weapons Ammunition Clothes Food other supplies needed Blockade southern ports to stop cotton shipments supplies from foreign nations
Southern Strategy Goal: to be recognized as an independent nation in order to preserve their way of life Defend its homeland, holding onto as much territory as possible until the North got tired of fighting Capture Washington, D.C. Control border states Gain England's support Expel Union troops from South