Family Life Cycle
Background Data The family life cycle was suggested by Evelyn Duvall in 1948 There are EIGHT stages in the full family life cycle. The family life cycle begins with marriage and ends with the death of the first spouse.
Reality Check In “real life” , a family might be in several stages at one time! Not all families fit the traditional life cycle Late in life marriage Child free families Divorced families Single Parent families Blended/ Blending Families
STAGE 1: Beginning Families Begins with marriage Lasts an average of 2-3 years Time of greatest marital satisfaction Struggles: Establishing intimacy without losing autonomy Adjusting ties with family of orientation Establishing roles in marriage
STAGE 2: Childbearing Families Begins with the birth of the first child and continues until that child is 2 ½ years old. Last 2 ½ years Marital satisfaction begins to decline Struggles: Attention/Focus may shift from mate to child Infant care is taxing/ overwhelming
STAGE 3: Childrearing: Preschoolers Begins with the oldest child is 2 ½ and lasts until that child is 6 years old. Lasts about three years. Struggles: Coping with demands of active children Less marital privacy
STAGE 4: Childrearing: School Age Begins when the oldest child is 6 and last until that child is 13. Average length is 7 years. Struggles: Less time for the self/ involvement in child’s activities Educational issues/ conflicts may occur Parenting role changes as child attends school all day.
STAGE 5: Childrearing: Adolescents Begins when the oldest child is 13 and lasts until that child is 20 years old Lasts about 7 years Marital Satisfaction is at its lowest. Struggles: Coping with independence of children/ letting go Developing interests outside of children Sandwich generation (caring for an aging parent and children at the same time)
STAGE 6: Launching Stage Begins when the first child leaves the home and ends when the last child leaves the home. Divorce is an increased risk at this stage. Lasts about 8 years Marital satisfaction may begin to rise. Grandparenting may begin Struggles: Finding commonality with partner without children Re-establishing identity BOOMERANG may occur (when adult children move back home)
STAGE 7: Families in the Middle Years Begins with the exit of the last child and lasts until retirement. Officially the “empty nest” stage Marital satisfaction heightens further Struggles: Age related illnesses may begin Caretaking roles for grandchildren, parents, and spouses may be taxing.
STAGE 8: Aging Families Begins with retirement and ends with the death of one or both spouses. Stage may last thirty or more years Members often heavily involved in grandparenting. Marital satisfaction is very high. Struggles: Income may be low Health of one or both spouses Eventual loss of independence may occur Coping with death of life partner
“Love doesn’t make the world go ‘round “Love doesn’t make the world go ‘round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile.” F. P. Jones