Climate Change and Forestry in Rhode Island Bill Buffum, URI
Historical levels of CO2 and Temperature
Climate Change in RI Sea level in RI increased 1” every 10 years since 1930. (URI 2013). Average annual temperature increased 1⁰ F every 33 years (currently 50.5 ⁰ F) NOAA & RIDEM 2014). Number of days above 90⁰ F increased 1 day every 13 years (currently 11 days). Number of days below freezing has decreased 1 day every 9 years (current 110 days) Annual precipitation has increased 1” every 10 years (currently 50”). Number days with 1” rainfall has doubled since 1930.
USDA Plant hardiness zones
Climate Impacts on Agriculture (EPA 2016) Plants like CO2, but…. Heavy precipitation events damage crops. Wetter springs delay planting. Longer, drier summers reduce water availability and increase heat stress. Warmer spring temperatures followed by cold snaps cause frost damage. Warmer winters and increase pressure from weeds and pests. Parts of the NE will become unsuitable for apples, blueberries, etc.
Climate Change Tree Atlas -US Forest Service 5 elevation classes 9 soil classes 13 soil properties 4 land use variables 7 climate variables
Climate Change Tree Atlas -US Forest Service 5 elevation classes 9 soil classes 13 soil properties 4 land use variables 7 climate variables
Climate Change Tree Atlas -US Forest Service Expected Winners Expected Losers White oak Black oak Chestnut oak Scarlet oak Pignut hickory American hornbeam Blackgum Flowering dogwood Sassafras American basswood Eastern hemlock Northern red oak Yellow birch Red maple (but highly adaptable) Eastern white pine American beech