South London and Maudslery NHS Trust Nursing Strategy based on ‘Making A Difference: A strategy for nursing in the new NHS’. Recruiting more nurses Strengthening education and training. Developing a modern career framework Improving working lives Enhancing the quality of care Strengthening leadership Modernising professional self regulation Working in new ways.
Locally Driven Stakeholder Listening Days Contribution to each chapter project managed by a senior nurse Senior nurse group reviewed overall content which was merged into 4 sections Developing the nursing workforce Enhancing the quality of nursing care and practice Improving Working Lives Enhancing Partnerships for Education & Training
Developing the nursing workforce To recruit, develop & support appropriately trained workforce, that reflects the local population and tailors care to ensure its accessibility and responsiveness to the needs of users…the Trust will implement a modern career framework and develop new nursing roles improve services. It will increasingly seek to give to every nurse and related care worker the opportunity to be recognised and rewarded for the contribution they make to services.
Developing the nursing workforce Career pathways Leadership Support and infrastructure Recruitment
Enhancing the quality of nursing care and practice Nursing staff...will seek to uphold their professional code of conduct and related guidance. They will be responsive and open to the feedback of service users, and actively involve them and their carers in all care delivery processes and activities geared at improving the quality of care and treatment. They will adopt the best evidence available in their practice.
Enhancing the quality of nursing care and practice Nursing practice Supportive infrastructure Monitoring conduct
Improving Working Lives Staff will feel rewarded, supported and able to balance work life with home life. They will feel in greater control of their working lives and work in safe and healthy environments. Inequalities in working lives will be reduced with the result that the workforce will…..enhance their commitment and contribution to the corporate aims of the organisation.
Improving Working Lives Human Resource issues Decision making Safety
Enhancing Partnerships for Education & Training Trust nurses have their development needs met in timely, appropriate evidence based education and training which is delivered according to evaluated development techniques
Enhancing Partnerships for Education & Training Education and Service Partnership
Expected Outcomes Improved systems for monitoring conduct Systematic measuring of quality of care Systems for sharing practice across the organisation Clarity in career and succession planning Reduction in inequalities Enhanced link between service needs and education provision