What is wrong with Tina Jones today What is wrong with Tina Jones today? Using ShadowHealth in the Nursing program Presenters: Tyshaneka Saffold, MSN, RN Jeanann Sousou, DNP, RN, CNM, CNE
OBJECTIVES: Identify various alternative teaching methods to enhance student learning Discuss appropriate implementation and evaluation of software programs in the classroom Describe the components of the ShadowHealth program Analyze appropriateness of the use of ShadowHealth
What is ShadowHealth? An interactive virtual online platform Encourage students to practice learned classroom and lab skills Reinforces material and supplements learning activities Engages students in a safe virtual simulation setting and allows for student errors and bolsters comprehension As nursing faculty, one of the issues we run into is limited class time with a lot of material Caught between powerpoint teaching and engaging students in the classroom with limited time and resources Wellness and Health Assessment is one the foundational courses that nursing students need to master to function as a nurse. The course teaches about health, assessment, health history, and the nursing process. In the classroom, material and concepts are reinforced, while the lab time is meant for hands on learning of the skills for mastery. Students outside the classroom need to have continuous guidance and instruction on skills reinforcement rather than a once a week session. As instructors, we found students needed to have continual reinforcement of concepts and hands on practice in order to be proficient in their skills and critical thinking pathway. Shadow health allows for this solution.
Access to ShadowHealth ShadowHealth Website: https://app.shadowhealth.com/
What are the Prepares for the real clinical setting- allows for mistakes Practices skills in a private setting, independent of class time Encourages interdisciplinary communication Encourages interpersonal communication Addresses health across the lifespan and cultural differences. Allows for empathetic and educational response practice Allow for critical thinking practice Encourages reflective thinking Engages students at a visual level- MultiModal learners Graded based on the national average Students receive immediate detailed feedback of their performance and can remediate to enhance learning Due to lifetime access, students will be able to access learning modules to continuously improve clinical practice.
What are the Takes time to learn Students experience difficulty in the first few weeks of the course Cost for students ($99 for lifetime access) Students can be skeptical around simulation