Integrated Africa 방사능은 연대측정, 병원균의 살균 소독, 식품의 비파괴 살균, 암세포 치료, 도량의 비파괴 균열 탐사 등 여러 분야에 유용하게 응용된다. 그러나 방사선의 위험도 있다. 방사선이 응용되는 분야와 산업의 규모에 대해 알아보고, 방사선의 위험을 예방하기 위해 어떤 조치들을 시행하고 있는지 알아보자.
CONTENTS 01/ Why is Africa still weak? 02/ Integrated Organizations 03/ Could AU become EU?
01 Latitude- 37°20 to 34°52 / Longitude- 51°24 to 17°34 About Africa 세계에서 아프리카 위치를 설명한다
01 About Africa The last remaining Blue Ocean The potential of Africa The endless expansion opportunities
01 About Africa Forestland, prime agricultural land Savanna/Scrub, prime pasture, suitable farmland Grassland, suitable pastoral land Semi-desert, suitable for camels Extreme desert, practically uninhabitable
01 About Africa 1. Prehistory 2. Early enlightened era 3. Islamic civilization 4. Exploration of Europeans 5. African exploration 6. The colonial imperialist era 7. Towards free era
01 About Africa similarities include law systems and cultures in same language group
02 Integrated Organization AU IBAR ECA NEPAD 1) Symbols
02 Integrated Organization AU IBAR ECA NEPAD 2) Chairpersons
02 Integrated Organization AU IBAR ECA NEPAD 3) 54 members
02 Integrated Organization AU IBAR ECA NEPAD 4) Origins
02 Integrated Organization AU IBAR ECA NEPAD 5) Aims
02 Integrated Organization AU IBAR ECA NEPAD 6) Institutions
02 AU Africa’s growth story is now consensus 7) Financing IBAR NEPAD Integrated Organization AU IBAR NEPAD ECA Africa’s growth story is now consensus Africa’s economic output (GDP, USD$) 7) Financing $2 trillion Africa’s 2012 GDP, same as Russian or Brazil $2.6 trillion Africa’s collective GDP in 2020 $1.4 trillion Africa’s consumer spending in 2020
02 Integrated Organization AU IBAR ECA NEPAD 8) Activities
02 IBAR Aim Origin from IBED to IBAR Integrated Organization AU IBAR ECA NEPAD Origin from IBED to IBAR Aim we embrace and uphold the spirit of Teamwork we are Transformational we operate in a way that Transparent and Accountable we embrace Integrity
02 Integrated Organization AU IBAR ECA NEPAD Institution IBAR is an office of African Union Commission (AUC) Financing finance is managed by donor of partners
02 IBAR AU ECA NEPAD Activity Integrated Organization AU IBAR ECA NEPAD Activity -Improve public and animal health through the control and possible eradication of transboundary animal diseases and zoonoses; -Improve the management of animal resources and the natural resource bases on which they depend; -Explore investment options and enhance competitiveness of African animal products; -Contribute to the development of relevant standards and regulations and enhance compliance by Member States; -Strengthen institutional capacity and support policy development and harmonization; -Disseminate information and knowledge on animal resources to Member States, Regional Economic Communities and other relevant institutions; and -Provide essential support to Member States with special needs or in emergency situations. (Mandate,IBAR, 25 February 2013)
02 ECA AU IBAR NEPAD Origin Aims Institutions Integrated Organization AU IBAR ECA NEPAD Origin One of the UN’s five regional commissions which was established by the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations (UN) Aims to encourage economic cooperation among member states, promote the economic and social development, and foster strength of regional integration Institutions headed by an Executive secretary, who is assisted by two Deputy Executive Secretaries
02 ECA AU IBAR NEPAD Activity Macroeconomic policy Integrated Organization AU IBAR ECA NEPAD Activity Macroeconomic policy Regional Integration and Trade Social Development Natural Resources Innovation and Technology Gender Governance
02 NEPAD AU IBAR ECA Origin Aims Institution Integrated Organization AU IBAR ECA NEPAD Origin the New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD) is the result of three parallel initiatives. Aims provides unique opportunities for African countries to take full control of their development agenda, to work more closely together, and to cooperate more effectively with international partners Institution - The Assembly of the African Union (AU) - The NEPAD Heads of State & Government Orientation Committee(HSGOC) - The NEPAD Steering Committee (SC)
02 NEPAD AU IBAR ECA Activity Agriculture and Food Security. Integrated Organization AU IBAR ECA NEPAD Activity Agriculture and Food Security. Climate Change and Natural Resource Management. Regional Integration and Infrastructure. Human Development. Economic and Corporate Governance. Cross-cutting issue, including Gender, Capacity Development and ICT.
03 Why Africans tolerate bad government? Could AU become EU? Why Africans tolerate bad government? <1> Culture: rural communities, sharing culture, dependence on others, those who do not help people ostracized, help individual. <2> Corruption: hiring family friends, personal donation for supporters, stealing money for oneself, being robbed is expensive. <3> Political correctness Need to change and get mature consciousness of culture
03 Could AU become EU? Are diamonds, tourism, natural resources a key to the economic success? Diamonds Tourism Natural resources NO Dutch disease
03 Could AU become EU? They MUST make a integration organization to get international competitiveness
03 A unified Africa should show their potential to the world Could AU become EU? A unified Africa should show their potential to the world
03 “Africa should form integration organization Could AU become EU? Conclusion “Africa should form integration organization and use that effectively to be powerful nations in the world.”