Grace Bible Church Glorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ
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The Tragedy of Self-Righteousness Matthew 7:21-23 / Luke 6:46 False teachers pose the greatest danger because they affect internal beliefs and eternal destination Jesus warned about false prophets that come disguised in the clothing of a shepherd
The Tragedy of Self-Righteousness Matthew 7:21-23 / Luke 6:46 They are recognized by their fruits: Righteousness Unrighteousness or self-righteousness? False prophets deceive and direct people to the wide gate and wide way that leads to destruction
The Tragedy of Self-Righteousness Matthew 7:21-23 / Luke 6:46 The righteous will be marked by the characteristics of the Beatitudes - humble, mourn over sin, hunger and thirst after righteousness, etc.
The Deception of Self Righteousness Matthew 7:21-23 The greatest tragedy: to believe you are following Jesus and find out in the end that He does not know you Self righteousness is the most deceptive of all sins Saul the Pharisee was zealous for God - but he was actually a self-deceived persecutor of Jesus
The Premise Matthew 7:21 You must do the Father’s will to enter heaven, not just call Jesus, “Lord” Calling Jesus “Lord” in this context is a recognition that He is God and master “That day” refers to the day of judgment - Isaiah 2:12; Joel 2:1; Malachi 4:5; Matthew 24:36; 1 Thess. 5:2; 2 Pet. 3:10
The Defense Matthew 7:22 We have prophesied, cast out demons and performed miracles in Your name Philippians 1:15-17. Paul speaks of people who proclaimed Christ with wrong motives
The Defense Matthew 7:22 Acts 19:13-17 - the seven sons of Sceva who were exorcists From the Egyptian magicians (Exodus) to the Beast (Revelation) there are false prophets who do miracles Deut. 13 warns about them
The Judgment Matthew 7:22 They were self-righteous making their appeal based in their own works, not in trust of God’s grace They did not know (ginw;skw / ginosko) Jesus and Jesus did not know them They were commanded to “Depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness.”
The Judgment Matthew 7:22 They did not love Jesus, or they would have obeyed Him - John 14:21-24 They had replaced the law of God with their own regulations and traditions (Matthew 15:3-6) If this can happen to those who are serious about religion, how much more so about those who are not?
Assurance of Salvation No one who lives according the flesh will enter the kingdom – Gal. 5:19-21 Don’t be deceived by a false assurance - examine the genuineness of your faith 2 Corinthians 13:5 Family heritage does not save - both salvation and condemnation are individual
Assurance of Salvation Jesus saves, not intellectual knowledge of the Bible and theology - John 5:39-40 Man’s religious rituals and good works are filthy before our Holy Creator - Isaiah 64:6 Salvation is based in God’s mercy and grace - Titus 3:5-7; Ephesians 2:8-9
Assurance of Salvation Assurance is based on the promises of God and work of the Holy Spirit resulting in a changed life Romans 8:16 - the inner witness of the Holy Spirit Knowing Jesus results in a changed life - 1 John 2:3-6 Christians do sin, but when they do, they confess it - 1 John 1
Conclusions Self righteousness gives the illusion of godliness, but not the real thing Are you trusting Christ and His promises or something else? What will Jesus say when you stand before Him – Welcome - Matthew 25:34 or Depart – Matthew 25:41?
Grace Bible Church Glorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ